Keyword: Surprise Clinton Win in New Hampshire

Did Diebold Help Hillary in New Hampshire? Email Print

We know from past experiences that the very name of Diebold, the major voting machine corporation, strikes horror in the hearts and minds of progressives.  How about hearing that 81% of the votes in the recently concluded New Hampshire Primary rested in Diebold's hands?

Who can ever forget that letter from Diebold CEO Wally O'Dell prior to the 2004 election!  O'Dell stated bluntly that he would help do whatever it took to insure a presidential victory for George W. Bush.  

When pressed about the possible consequences of such a statement considering the pivotal position Diebold held in the 2004 vote counting,  O'Dell delivered a typical "ah shucks" response of, "Well now, I didn't mean we'd do just anything!"

Of course not!  Wally O'Dell was just speaking as a loyal Republican and the statement constituted nothing more than a "rally the troops" exhortation, right?  Well, not exactly.  

Wait... There's more! (6 comments, 1276 words in story)