
Keyword: Switch to Digital Television

Bush's Parting Shot, Manipulating TV Policy to Help Corporate Friends Email Print

George W. Bush had not done enough to benefit corporate cronies with his huge tax cuts and launching a war in Iraq on behalf of big oil with emphasis on corporate giants like Dick Cheney's Halliburton.

Despite efforts by incoming President-Elect Barack Obama, who was able through his influence to achieve a delay in action, George W. Bush told the nation's cable companies that he was definitely on their side.  

At the same time Bush's actions revealed that he was once more siding against the middle class and poor, especially those on fixed incomes suffering from the calamitous economy he achieved through his and partner Dick Cheney's policies.

Those so-called rabbit ears, those antennas from roofs that brought television into the homes of those struggling middle class, poor families and individuals just had to go.  

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