
Keyword: Ted Stevens

Who is the Most Corrupt Republican? Email Print

The competition to be the number one corrupt Republican legislator in Washington, D.C. is keen.

Recently the corruption spotlight shone brightly on the longest serving Republican senator of all, Ted Stevens of Alaska.

Stevens had become the "King of Pork".  The word "pork" in Senate terms defines pet projects of House and Senate members for an assortment of cash for the people who put them in office.

Stevens had sent a series of huge sums back home to Alaska as the "King of Pork".  His most notorious achievement was the Alaskan Bridge that led to nowhere.  

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Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 167 Email Print

One of the highlights of this week was a slapdown of a Texas Republican by a Wisconsin Democrat in the House during a debate over funding the Iraq Quagmire. Check out the video. It is wonderful to watch.

Another wonderful video is Chris Matthews, not someone I generally like, slamming a Republican for making references to Neville Chamberlain without having a clue of the real history. Parroting lame talking points is no longer working for the Republicans. Their gross ignorance is showing and even conservative talk show hosts are getting irritated by it.

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Republican Corruption in Alaska: VECO and Republican bedfellows Email Print

I have reported many times about how the Republican Parties in Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky were about the most corrupt political establishments in America. One that I have been missing is the Alaska Republican Party. I think it is time I turn northward to discuss what is going on in Alaska.

At the epicenter of Alaska corruption seems to be the Alaska oil services company Veco Corp. Veco, until its recent buyout, was an oil pipeline service and construction company. Perhaps Veco would like to be best known for the fact that