
Keyword: Tony Blair

Labour Must "Spray Away" all Blair Influence Email Print

The recent Labour Party experience in council elections was reminiscent of the Republican Party with Nixon and the Watergate Scandal.

In the earlier case elder statesman Barry Goldwater, seeing Republicans lose congressional off year, or what the British would term by-elections, House seats that the party had held since the Civil War, visited the White House and told Richard Nixon that he had no support in any prospective impeachment trial.

Goldwater stressed that Nixon needed to immediately resign for the sake of his party and the nation.

Based on media disclosures, it appeared as if the earlier American example was emulated when a significant segment of Labour MP's during its party conference declared that Prime Minister Tony Blair, who had promised earlier to resign before his current term ended, needed to take that act sooner rather than later.

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Progressives Should Resist Bill and Hillary Email Print

Early in her presidential effort Hillary Clinton made it abundantly clear that husband Bill would play a major role in her administration should she be elected to lead America.  This should come as no surprise and would double the danger potential of progressives seeking change.

Media snake oil effort has been at work to push the propaganda line that Hillary is a true voice of experience and has communicated her message professionally on the debate trail.  Meanwhile Bill stands ready to provide his voice and effort.

One of the pivotal Bill Clinton appearances came not in America but in England, when he attended a Labour Party conference.  After the British people had made a strong statement by mounting the most impressive grassroots demonstration I ever saw, a massive demonstration at Hyde Park involving people coming from all around the United Kingdom, Labourites took notice.

At an historic party conference where the members resisted Tony Blair's effort to continue longer in office, Labour members closed tightly around him, left no breathing space, and dictated his early departure.  

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Will Waging Perpetual War Bring Perpetual Peace? Email Print

David McClain of Seattle in the June 6 Seattle Times had this to say in a letter to the editors:

"Keeping the military machine in the Middle East is not in our best interest, as it radicalizes those who perceive us as an aggressive imperial force, serving no defensive purpose.

"If we want to wager perpetual war for perpetual peace, then by all means let's charge abroad and impose ourselves upon every corner of the globe.

"We'll go broke in the process and will be on high terror alert every day of our lives."

Wait... There's more! (872 words in story)

On The Sniper Shooting Spree in Seattle Email Print

By a twist of fate I was caught on the tragic Seattle street scene Friday afternoon, July 28.  The sniper-shooting spectacle began at 4 p.m.  I was taking a downtown bus to meet a visiting friend from Los Angeles, a man I had worked with in L.A. when we were both college students.  

I had visited him a couple days earlier and had said so