
Keyword: United Church of Christ

"Liberal" Church Ad Attacked by Rightwing Agency Email Print

For a quarter century, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD), bankrolled by the founding funders and architects of the institutional right in Washington, DC, (such as the Heritage Foundation), has waged a war of attrition against the historic churches of mainstream Protestantism.  This gang of social and foreign policy conservatives have planted bogus stories with the media, and deployed staff to foment dissent, and to organize conservative factions into dissident formations throughout the churches as if they were strategic targets in a global war. All this and much more.

The 1.3 million member United Church of Christ, one of the targeted churches, has over the past two years, been engaged in a warm-hearted outreach campaign called "God is Still Speaking," which includes a TV ad campaign seeks to reach people who have felt "rejected" for one reason or another by churches (as UCC research has found that many people do), and seeks to offer a message of what they call "extravagant welcome." The ads assert "God does not reject people. Neither do we."

The current ad campaign was unveiled at a national news conference on March 27th at UCC headquarters in Cleveland.  Based on the UCC's news release, longtime IRD leader Mark Tooley published a piece in the  The American Spectator online on April 6 that is highly critical of the ad -- and of the UCC.  

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United Church of Christ Ad Faces More Rejection Email Print

It couldn't be more ironic.  

The United Church of Christ, the 1.3 million member Protestant denomination has been unfolding a multiyear campaign of what they call "extravagant welcome."  Their surveys have shown that many people have had experiences of feeling "rejected" by churches.  So as part of a massive outreach effort, the church has made a series of TV spots intended to address people's feeling of rejection and underscore in their ads, "God does not reject people.  Neither do we."            

When the UCC sought to place its ads the first time, in the run-up to Christmas in 2004, the ads were rejected by the networks but were aired on cable. The networks rejected the new ads this time as well -- but the rejection has now trickled down to most of the network-owned cable systems.  

To see the 30 second ad that is so shocking that even hard-nosed TV executives faint dead away: Click here.  

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The Battle for the Mainline Churches Email Print

The quarter century war of attrition that has been waged by elements of the religious and political right against the mainline Protestant churches in America, has gone largely unchronicled. To read the mainstream press, you would think that people were so upset about homosexuality that they want to divide their historic churches into little warring camps. But these conflagrations have been far from spontaneous -- and have always been about much, much more than homosexuality.

A magazine article I wrote recently on this subject has just been posted online. The Battle for the Mainline Churches appears in the Spring issue of The Public Eye.

Here are some excerpts:

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Are Christians Being Silenced? How about the United Church of Christ? Email Print

Are Christians being silenced?

The question sounds like the perennial complaint from members of the Christian Right. But in fact, as specious as the Christian Right's complaints along these lines usually are, this one is different. Not only does the complaint originate elsewhere -- but the Christian Right is the beneficiary of the apparent silencing of fellow Christians.  

When the Sunday morning public affairs talk shows think about getting a Christian view on public affairs who do they call? According to Rev. Robert Chase, Director of Communications for the 1.3 million member United Church of Christ, over the past 8 years the Sunday network public affairs shows have interviewed political leaders of the religious right 36 times, and leaders of mainline Christian denominations such as the United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), American Baptist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Reformed Church in America, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, among others -- exactly zero times.  

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Rev. John Thomas, President of the United Church of Christ, Denounces Attacks on his Church Email Print

An historic battle is unfolding for the future of mainstream Protestantism in the U.S. and in the world. You might have read press reports about the battles over gay ordination and the threats of walk-outs by hard-line conservatives. But that is only a small part of one of the biggest, and most underreported, religion stories in American history.  

But the see-no-evil press coverage may be about to change. While this has been building for some time, the increasingly forceful and public stands of Rev. John H. Thomas, president of the 1.3 million member United Church of Christ may be the story that can no longer go untold.

Thomas is standing-up for his church. He is speaking-up. He is speaking-out. He is making it clear that he won't back-off; and he won't back-down.

Speaking recently at Gettysburg College, Thomas blasted the 20-year war of attrition aimed at the mainline churches by a key grantee of neo-conservative foundations. The Washington, DC-based Institute on Religion and Democracy is the hub of a national network of conservative factions operating inside mainline churches -- and seeking to bend them to their will or break them apart.

Rev. Thomas is not the only mainstream minister in a fight-back mode. There is a fight-back movement spreading rapidly through the mainline churches -- most visibly in the blogosphere.

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Blogorama on the Religious Right Email Print

Even the most dedicated reader can have a difficult time keeping up with everything the religious right is up to, and what people are doing about it.  But there are a growing number of blogs that regularly feature important information and analysis about the religious right

Here is a sampler of recent posts from some of them.


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"They Came From Within" Email Print

crossposted on Streetprophets.com

John Dorhauer's recent series on Talk To Action - on the Institute For Religion and Democracy's campaign to subvert the mainline liberal Protestant denominations from within and break them apart with wedge issues such as gay marriage - and so neutralize them as an effective force in American politics -

has prompted me to gather up related Talk To Action material, in hopes of catalyzing further discussion on the IRD's ( and related ) activities.

There are more Christians on the left/liberal side of politics than on the right, observed George Lakoff, but they are not organized to even remotely the same degree as the Christian right.

Well, here's the reason for that.

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