
Keyword: Voodoo Economics

The Republican Right's Long Affair With Voodoo Economics Email Print

What an irony it was that the very person who cheer led the high priest of voodoo economics at a different point in political time nailed it down precisely as the danger it constitutes.

Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush, or Bush the Elder, sought the Republican nomination in 1980 at a time when the eastern Republican Party establishment was on its last legs.

This was not the same Bush we saw eight years later exploiting through communications mudmeister Lee Atwater bogus issues like Willie Horton and the pledge of allegiance while solidly touting his membership in the National Rifle Association.

The George Bush of 1988 positioned himself in many ways like his son 12 years later as a grand Texas cowboy, a good old gun touting American buttressed by God, Mom, apple pie and the flag.

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