Keyword: WMD's

A Sergeants Opinion on why Rumsfeld should go Email Print

This is a letter to our President and I regret I feel I must do it as an open letter, but I feel if I sent it to the White House, that he would never see it.

Right, wrong or indifferent he is an American President, not a republican not a Democrat, the seat you are occupying is an elected National seat, you are accountable to all of us and history.

You still have a chance to correct some of your mistakes, before history writes it's last chapter on your Presidency. I feel it is time you do a Ronald Reagan style "Mea Culpa" and below the fold is why:

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Hysterical Republicans think Iraq moved WMD's to Syria. Email Print

If you want to know where the hotbeds of hysterical Republican activity are, you need look no further than Free Republic. Their site is a 24/7 hotbed of mass hysteria, where the screaming never stops. Their latest screamfest is over a recent New York Sun article quoting an Iraqi general under Saddam as saying that Saddam shipped WMD's to Syria in 2002 under guise of flood relief.

The Iraqi general's name is Georges Sada, who has written a book about it named "Saddam's Secrets." He says that Saddam managed the shipment by taking out all of the seats of two Boeing civilian aircraft and smuggling the WMD's to Syria.

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Gadfly Mike Stark hits Krugman's column. Email Print

Fellow Kossack Mike Stark, the gadfly who frequently calls right-wing talk show hosts to debunk their talking points, has made Paul Krugman's column tomorrow. Krugman, in a brilliantly-written piece, talks about how the story that Iraq had no WMD's is so much like the fairy tale in which the emperor had no clothes.

Stark, writes Krugman, was the man who said the emperor had no clothes. Krugman points to O'Reilly's response in which he screams he will stalk him by going to his house and surprising him:

I've laid my hands on additional material, which Andersen failed to publish, describing what happened after the imperial procession was over.

The talk-show host Bill O'Reilly yelled, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" at the little boy. Calling the boy a nut, he threatened to go to the boy's house and "surprise" him.

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