
Keyword: William Gardner

Dean and Edwards to Speak at DemocracyFest Email Print

The 4th Annual DemocracyFest is coming June 9-10 to the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford, NH. The event will feature progressive speakers, trainings, and entertainment. Organized by volunteers who met through Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, the event has previously been held in Massachusetts, Texas, and California.

DemocracyFest Incorporated, the producers of the event, have just confirmed that Sen. John Edwards will be speaking. DNC Chair, Gov. Howard Dean will be speaking Sunday evening. Gov. Dean’s speech will be free and open to the public. Other speakers and trainers include Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, Bev Harris, William McNary, Mark Crispin Miller, Jim Dean, Bob Fertik, Jeff Feldman, and Sec. William