
Keyword: Yellow Cake Uranium

A Fraudulent War? Email Print

Joseph Wilson in his ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos on April 9 had this to say to George Bush regarding the White House leak of his wife's name, placing her in danger, "The White House should come clean on this matter."  He continued, "My own view is that the White House owes the American people and particularly our service people who have been sent into war an apology for having misrepresented the facts."

But in reading the Seattle Times on March 29 we can understand why Bush found Joseph Wilson's research something to suppress!  Four months before the State of the Union Address the White House and the U.S. Senate were informed there was nothing to the fear propaganda that Iraq was seeking yellow cake uranium in Niger.  

Intelligence was being twisted in George Bush's rush into the Iraq War.  In the March 29, 2006 Seattle Times it was revealed, "A confidential memo recording a January 31, 2003 oval office meeting between President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair makes it clear that the two men were going to war in any event."
