Keyword: ePluribus Media

20 Years Old and Destroyed By War and PTSD Email Print

Well, the latest PTSD incident (which occurred this past Thursday) has been added to the PTSD Timeline project housed at ePluribus Media.

Allow me to introduce you to a 20-year old Army private based out of Fort Hood, TX. His name is Jacob Hounshell. His story will be viewable in the PTSD Timeline tomorrow (it's currently being fact-checked). If the past is any indication, the national media won't spend too much time telling you about the tailspin this young man's life has taken ever since he returned home from a year's deployment in Iraq. No one wants to hear those ugly details do they?

Well, I would like you to meet him. Read his story, learn more about post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] at my new blog, and then follow me below the fold to see the breakdown of the 69 other incidents now making preparations for this young soldier to join them...

Wait... There's more! (12 comments, 1245 words in story)

Doonesbury and ePluribus Media Tackling PTSD Email Print

ePluribus Media has just published Blaming the Veteran: The Politics of PTSD.

Along with their PTSD Timeline, the folks at ePM hope to shine a light on the plight of veterans returning to us suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. They're not the only ones working on educating the public on this issue -- Garry Trudeau has been doing his part, too.

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau

Following up on my last diary on the award-winning comic strip, let's find out how returning character B.D. (a hard-nosed wounded Iraq combat vet and amputee) is dealing with his PTSD...

Wait... There's more! (10 comments, 1439 words in story)