Keyword: grass-roots movement

Musings from Tom Joad Country Email Print

Okies love America, they love their born-again idiot president, and they are proud to be blind and brazen warriors in God's Very Own Army.
I've been reading about this "grass roots" phenomenon that's sweeping the country. It must not have "swept" down this far, because I scoured the prairies and plains of Oklahoma, and the only thing I came up with was a clump or two of Johnson grass, a few scraggly buffalo and some errant loco weed...

In fact, there's not much movement of any kind in Tom Joad Country. Maybe that's because Oklahoma has always been, or at least has had the reputation of being, not only poor but backwards both intellectually and culturally. If I were so inclined, I could probably debunk this fallacy, but I'd have to start in Tulsa and move east...

Wait... There's more! (678 words in story)