Keyword: insane

Diagnosing Ann Coulter's Affliction Email Print

Like everyone else, Mean And Colder has jumped on the 6-6-6 bandwagon to pimp her latest book by dressing like a Whore and Babble On about some crazy thing or other...verily she comes across like a Beast. Her attack on 9/11 widows is not surprising. If she didn't say something wicked that would be surprising.

It's true she is an easy target. After all, she makes a living being outrageous.  Some days I think she was the one who started the rumors of her being a post-operative transgendered person.

I admit I used to watch her with the same morbid fascination I normally reserve for car crashes, until I realized the woman is sick... as in clinically afflicted.  Since we are now at a point where medical diagnoses can be dispensed remotely, let me walk you through the differential diagnosis.

Wait... There's more! (823 words in story)