Keyword: invisibility

Science Friday Fun: Invisibility Cloak Email Print

Duke University researchers create an invisibility cloak.  Yes, now you can join Harry Potter in crouching under a cloak while remaining invisible to those around you.  

There's only one little problem with the current design: it only works if you happen to see using microwaves.

A research team at Duke University in North Carolina has demonstrated the ability to make things disappear, at least in a very limited way. What they did is devise a way of steering one particular frequency of microwaves around an object so that, if your eyes were sensitive only to that microwave frequency instead of visible light, the object would seem to disappear.

A quick warning to Republican lawmakers: making a cloak that can actually achieve the same effect for the whole range of visible light seems a lot more remote, so it's unlikely you can use this device to hide form the voters this November.  Sorry about that.  In fact, researchers have noted that, even if the device could protect against visibility, voters would still be able to find Republicans by the smell of their rotten policies.

But hey, I understand that creatures from Cheney's planet to see in the microwave spectrum, so at least you can avoid that shotgun blast after you lose.
