Keyword: neo-conservative

The News from CrazyTown: Krauthammer Edition Email Print

Once again, Charles Krauthammer has jumped into the Iraqi quagmire  debate with both feet firmly in his mouth.   The amazing part is he can  do that without pulling his head out of his ass.  I'm telling you, the  guy deserves his own Cirque de Soleil act.  They could call it "Pretzel  Logique" and make a fortune.

Normally I hurry past his crap the way I pass puddles of vomit outside  of frat houses.  I hold my breath and quickly move on, hoping none of  the ooze will stick to my shoes.  Occasionally, he outdoes himself and  you just can't help but stop and gawk in amazement.

Today was one of those days....

Wait... There's more! (642 words in story)