Keyword: political action

A 4 part plan to take action Email Print

This is less strategic and more tactical than Tom Ball's diaries. Consider his diaries for the generals and this diary for the foot soldiers.

How do we reach those willing to blind their own eyes to avoid seeing the truth?

I have found that educating people and informing them about what Democrats are doing and have stood for and who supports them are powerful ways to reach them.

So that means getting out of our comfortable zone here on the blogs and getting out on the streets this summer and taking it face-to-face.

So my plan for a Democratic victory:

1. Be informed about your candidate's positions.
2. Buy comfortable shoes to canvass in.
3. If you are not physically capable of walking, volunteer to work the phone bank.
4. Listen. Listen. Listen. By listening, I found people worried candidate John Kerry being weak on national defense. By being informed I was able to tell them more retired generals and admirals were supporting Kerry's candidacy than George Bush's. By canvassing, I found those people to persuade.

Did we win my county in 2004? No. But we increased the Democratic presidential votes by nearly 40 percent in 2004 over 2000. If that can be done in a Republican stronghold of the state, think what can be done in other areas.


Support the Troops! Here's How! Email Print

Update [2006-2-16 11:46:46 by Tom Ball]: I Edited this post to remove the Valentine's day theme because the day has come and gone but the content is truly valuable and holiday independent. Hopefully ilona won't strangle me.

Let's share our loving side with the ones who need it the most: our troops. Let's get busy and show them who really supports them, ok?

I've tried to make this as pain-free and fun as possible. Some of the action items can be done right in front of your computer screen. Other items will require you to get up and move about into the fresh air outside - maybe even mingle with other people. Still others will require you open up your wallet, if you so choose to do. No pressure there from me.

You ready to start showing the troops you care?

Wait... There's more! (7 comments, 2008 words in story)