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Energy Bookshelf: The Power of Poop ... Email Print

To carry the book openly or to stash it away, that is a question one faces when reading Dave Praeger's Poop Culture:  How America is Shaped By Its Grossest National Product.  That is an unusual reaction when reading something that, at its core, deals with a quite serious subject and deals with it well. And, that discomfort proves one of the core points of the book -- about how American (and much of modern) culture seeks to suppress understanding and discussion of what is, at the end of the day (or whenever you hit the can or release gas or ...), one of the most shared human experiences (after, perhaps, breathing ...).

Reading this book provided an interesting experience, ranging from outright laughter to points that challenged thinking about daily activities to squeamish discomfort about the subject matter.  I learned, in some ways too much, about feces and humanity's relationship with it.  

But this series, this review, is about Energy ... and, well, poop and energy and what we can learn from Poop Culture ...

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