Keyword: sex

The Failure of Abstinence-only Education Abroad Email Print

Population Action International's latest documentary "Abstaining from Reality: U.S. Restrictions on HIV Prevention" provides a compelling snapshot of the Bush administration's abstinence-only approach to global HIV prevention.  A short preview of the article is posted here. Watch the eye-opening documentary short that accompanies Tamar Abrams' full story on eye-opening documentary short that accompanies Tamar Abrams' story on

Wait... There's more! (287 words in story)

Republicans take Fear and Smear to a New Extreme Email Print

Maybe you thought Jim Talent's unrelenting stream of attacks against Claire McCaskill's family was the bottom of the Republican barrel.  Or maybe you were appalled at the race-baiting ads being used against Harold Ford in Tennessee.

But if you want to know the Republicans in full wingnut bloom, you need look no further than the campaign of Paul R. Nelson for Wisconsin's third district.

How about an ad that features gay marriage, terror attacks, homosexuals in the boy scouts, and illegal aliens burning an American flag all in one thirty second spot?  It's Republican fear and smearaganza, brought to you by the Nelson campaign

And honestly, that's Nelson's most reasonable ad.

Wait... There's more! (3 comments, 395 words in story)

Fundie Sunday (Brief-ly) Email Print

NEWS FLASH!!  Fundies Attack World, World Yawns!  Those little devils never give up trying.  (Ap/Yahoo):

Conservatives Step Up Activities Overseas
By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer  Sat Jan 14, 12:50 PM ET

NEW YORK - From Peru to the Philippines to Poland, U.S.-based conservative groups are increasingly engaged in abortion and family-planning debates overseas, emboldened by their ties with the Bush administration and eager to compete with more liberal rivals.

Lobbying Abroad
Some examples of conservative activity overseas:

  • In Peru, the Population Research Institute filed a complaint with the U.S. Agency for International Development, contending that two local groups had violated U.S. policy by using American funds to promote legalization of the morning-after pill. Both groups were warned, and one will have to return some funds, according to Joseph d'Agostino of the Population Research Institute, a Virginia-based anti-abortion group.

  • In Colombia, PRI has assisted local conservatives in opposing a legal challenge to the country's sweeping ban on abortions. Women's rights activists plan to file a new lawsuit seeking to end Colombia's status as one of three Latin American countries prohibiting all abortions.

  • In the Philippines, several U.S. conservative groups have been helping rally opposition to family-planning legislation. The bill would provide some financial incentives for parents who limit themselves to two children; critics also say it goes too far in promoting sex education and birth control access.

  • In Africa, U.S.-based groups focusing on abstinence as a strategy to prevent HIV/AIDS have received grants, in some cases drawing criticism that political ties overcame their lack of expertise.

The vast no-brain conspiracy.


Just Send (Jennifer) Flowers: Wilted Email Print

Lede says it all:

9th Circuit Dismisses Gennifer Flowers' Defamation Suit
Louise Chu/The Associated Press/01-11-2006

A federal appeals court Monday dismissed a defamation lawsuit that Gennifer Flowers filed against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and two former advisers to former President Clinton.


The dispute dates to the 1992 presidential campaign, when Flowers said she had a 12-year affair with the Arkansas governor.

Clinton initially denied the allegation, but later, during his deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, acknowledged a single sexual encounter with Flowers.

"It takes a certain kind of fool who likes to hear the sound of (her) own name" [Eagles, Old Song]
