Keyword: should we jump to believe

Republican created problems Email Print

    It seem to me that the Republicans are creating a problem and then say they will fix it or attempt to fixed it, the Republican way. The big buzz now is about the economy and how good it is coming along. Just like a  few years ago they were talking about how high the National debt was (pre-Clinton). Now the National debt is soaring, they say it is o.k. to have a little debt. You watch, 10 year or less, they will be hollering how big the debt is.   They a  few year back they  asked the American public to spend, to help the economy. Now the American public is debt ridden, and owe a lot to the credit card companies. Now, the Republican plan calls for them to save the credit card companies.  They pass a law to make it harder to file bankruptcy. Now you can and will go to your grave owing, and when you die, they may collect the money from your estate.  Now with the National debt is so high, our children will be debt ridden before they are born. Don't you feel like I do, spinning wheels get no where. That must be the Republican way.

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