Keyword: species

The Sorrow of my Humanity Email Print

Nothing seems more indicative to me concerning the particular doom of our species then mankind's predilection to war.

How our species can have so much knowledge, yet fail to embrace the simplest concept, "Do not kill what you cannot eat" is beyond me. It goes far beyond the blind parables of religious dogma, transcending, at least in my mind, into the realm of spiritual fitness.

It is an incredible evil and the greatest flaw of mankind, that we have not been able to progress past the simplest of ideas, said idea being thus; orchestrating and enacting the ritualistic practice of any kind of mass murder, is simply the act of ignorant and savage genetic instincts that originate from the remnant reptilian brain lying forgotten in our cerbral cortex. Until we learn to stop that instinct from repeating itself in our future history, down through the generations of mankind,we will inevitably continue down the path of our own unavoidable extinction.

Wait... There's more! (348 words in story)