Keyword: stewardship

Al Gore's Speech At NYU Was Inspiring Email Print

I must preface this by stating that what Al Gore did at NYU this past Monday was nothing short of heroic. And whether you agree with his proposals or not it cannot be denied that to come out and suggest solutions perceived as radical to the status quo way is absolutely refreshing and much needed in our national dialogue.

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Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth And Religion Email Print

It is the duty of all religions and beliefs and the duty of those who have no religion to respect this planet and cherish its gifts. It is a human duty.


As someone who also believes in the words of Jesus Christ and a supreme being from whom all good flows, the well written article above illustrates perfectly what we as Christians should be doing to protect and preserve this planet, but it doesn't stop with just Christians. And that is what I was taught in my life as a child growing up in a church.

I grew up in a home where church was an integral part of our lives. Every Sunday from the time I was five years old I went to church with my parents who were also very involved in it. I went to Sunday School, was confirmed, served as an usher, a Church Council member (a post I was unanimously elected to five times,) and also sang in my church choir for 10 years as one of their lead soloists. I also started working when I was 15 as a teacher in the Community Summer Bible Study School where I taught 3-5 year olds, and did that for about three summers until I went to college.

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Heatwave Drying Up Europe's Water Resources Email Print

I have previously written at least twenty two entries regarding water and the coming shortages, which if not effectively managed will lead to war over this resource which is now becoming evermore precious due to the heatwave currently hitting many parts of our world. As the report below corroborates, drought and heat which is being caused by climate change is truly making a "planetary emergency", however, people don't seem to be too worked up over this.

Wait... There's more! (1047 words in story)