Keyword: stolen elections

How to Hit Diebold's Achilles Heel Email Print

By now you have probably heard about the Princeton Video that shows yet again how easy it is to compromise the Diebold systems.  Here is a picture of our heroes: Dr. Felten and his students, Feldman and Halderman

As you can see, not all patriots are firebrands from central casting.  They are normal folks like you and me.  And that is important because Diebold is starting to push back... and it is going to take normal folks like you and me to help our heroes keep Diebold's feet to the fire.  Let's look at where Diebold is vulnerable and how Diebold is trying to defend itself ...

Wait... There's more! (1048 words in story)

To Err is Human, But to Use Diebold Computers is to REALLY Screw the Pooch. Email Print

I'm a technically savvy guy.  I've had my own PC since the 8088 days when DOS was putting the final nails in the coffin of CP/M and Leading Edge was getting flak for cracking the compatible wars wide open.  I was online before BIFF stole his brother's Commodore 64.  Before spam.  Before nuking. Before Gopher. I know the answer to the UNIX riddle, "Why a mouse?"  (actually there are two surrealist punchlines to that joke). I even know the plural for VAX (hint:it's not VIXEN).  

When it comes to computers, I know Jack. So trust me when I tell you, "To err is human, to really $#@#!!*& things up you need a computer."  I say all that to underscore the fact that my discomfort with electronic voting machines is not borne of ignorance.  My contempt is a direct result of my familiarity with the technology.  

I have got some bad news for you....

Wait... There's more! (541 words in story)

No body. No crime. How to get away with murder. Email Print

Most of you may not recognize this image:

Those are US National Guardsmen (in the foreground) attacking unarmed students (on the hill) at Ohio's Kent State University in May, 1970.  Seems like ancient history, doesn't it?  Times have changed, right?

From Kent State to Police State
Some will say, "We're focused on the future!  We are working to win back the congress!"  Who cares history?  Well, you should care -- if you care about what congress will be able to achieve in 2007 and beyond.   Let me show you.  Come with me to the scene of another crime against citizens of the republic that recently happened in Ohio: The theft of the 2004 election  You need to hurry up.  In 30 days the smoking gun will be history.   Unless you act now.

Wait... There's more! (935 words in story)