
Keyword: Terrorist

Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 15 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: The September 11 attack was "an attempt to decapitate our government." (p. 131)

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Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 7 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: "You cannot negotiate with evil...sweet-talk...compromise...give ground to it. You can only defeat it, or it will defeat you." (p. 6)

My response: As a Catholic, I agree wholeheartedly with this principle. In the great cosmic struggle between good and evil in which we are all participants, vigilance and unwavering determination are crucial for those fighting evil. Wishy-washiness in confronting evil allows the devil to take a person over. But Mr. Hannity's book fails to take into account the difference between the unchanging moral law and the application of that law to the political sphere.

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