Flu Shot Clinics
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Pharmacy Services & Savings Programs
Save time and money with programs and services available in–store and online.
 Pharmacy Services
Pharmacy Services
Get common in–store health care services‚ including exams‚ preventive care‚ immunizations and more‚ at select store locations nationwide.
Get special services‚ medications and supplies for complex and chronic conditions.
Protect your family this flu season. Find the Walmart Flu Shot Clinic near you.
Learn the safest way to dispose of unused prescription medications that protect you, your family and the environment.
Savings Programs
Savings Programs
Save on hundreds of prescription medications priced as low as $4.
Take advantage of the savings and convenience of Walmart Pharmacy with FREE shipping right to your door.
Helpful Tools
Finder Tools
Find out if your medication qualifies for Walmart’s $4 Prescription Program.
Refill prescriptions, view order status and find your local Walmart Pharmacy with just a few taps on your phone.
Discover helpful information about your prescription medications.
Pharmacy Services and Savings Programs at Walmart

Save time and money with our services and savings programs that are available online and in many of our stores. The Clinic at Walmart provides basic health care services, such as exams, preventive care and immunizations, at select Walmart stores nationwide. Our Specialty Pharmacy offers special services, medications and supplies for both complex and chronic conditions. Savings programs include the Walmart Pharmacy $4 Prescription Program, which lets you choose from hundreds of generic drugs and over-the-counter medications for just $4 for a 30-day supply, or $10 for a 90-day supply. You can also save with free shipping right to your door from the Walmart Pharmacy. For even more convenience, you can rely on our $4 Prescription Finder, On-the-Go Pharmacy with Mobile for refills and order status, and our Drug Information Finder to discover helpful information about your prescription medications. So take advantage of all the pharmacy services and savings programs at Walmart to save money and live better.