Quark Resonators



The contents of this page were introduced in the original Sword of the Stars.

Quark Resonators

Description: (Random) These advanced field generators send out a resonant energy wave that induces quark alignment in solids and results in a steep increase in the toughness of ship hulls.
Research Category: Industrial Technology
Research Cost: 110,000 Research Points
Required Technology: MagnoCeramic Lattices AND Fusion
Races Allowed: Hiver, Human, Liir, Morrigi, Tarka, Zuul
Effect: Designed to reduce the impact of solid objects.
Increases the cost of a ship section it is added to by +60%.
Adds a large chance (+130%) that a ballistic weapon will ricochet off the armor, possibly pushing the ship off course but otherwise causing no damage.
Also adds an additional 60% to the hit points of the ship sections it is installed on, due to additional hull reinforcement to mount the armor plating.
Notes: While there is no direct link from this technology to the Hardened Structures tech, Quark Resonators must be researched before Hardened Structures becomes available for research.
Version: This information valid for Version 1.7.1 ANY-icon.png
New Technologies Available
Technology Research
Chance of Availability
Hiver Human Liir Morrigi Tarka Zuul
Adamantite Alloys 170,000 50 40 30 20 40 20
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