Language, Human



Human language has evolved centuries' worth of new slang and linguistic fusions. English is still the Koiné of all human beings in general, especially as it is the language of SolForce command, but roughly 50% of the human population is raised speaking Chinese at home.

The traditional geographical and personal divisions between many racial and cultural groups has broken down, as one might have gleaned from the name of the physicist Blasky Yao Hsiang.

One may notice the use of Latin at times within the human naming scheme. The rationale behind its use is that currently the E.U. is discussing the re-adoption of Latin as Europe's common language, and since Arinn Dembo is passingly familiar with it, she decided to use it for fun.


Non-English Phrases in SolForce

"Canicula" in the SotS future is not a word of such limited meaning as it was in classical Rome. Nor do SotS-era Latin speakers obsess about gender agreement of nouns. Otherwise it would be impossible for "Payback" to be a "bitch"--because "repensum" is neuter and "canicula" in feminine.

Per Ardua Ad Astra - Through Hardship, to the Stars. The official motto of the Space Corps.

Repensum est Canicula - Payback is a Bitch. The unofficial motto of Humans in space.

Tu et quis exercitus, canicula? - "You and what army, bitch?" Used by Cai Rui in Escape From Avalon--Part Two.

Sol Invictus - Literally "the undefeated Sun", used by some SolForce pilots to indicate that they will not be defeated.

Scivi te futurum esse. Non alius in mundo tam insanus est qui in tali loco inveniretur. - “I knew it would be you. There is not another man in the universe insane enough to be found in such a place.” Used by Sara in Rendezvous at Ke'Vanthu.

FTL Communication

Each race has a different method for sending FTL communiqués based on their drive tech. Humans do not find it difficult to transmit energy from one node point to the next, and SolForce scouts habitually drop a specifically engineered node beacon in each new system upon arrival.

Planet Names

Aldeberan Algol Alpha Centauri Arcadia Avalon Barnard's Star Beowulf Betelguese
Biter Castor Copernicus Cygnus Delphi Delta Pavonis Durendal Epsilon Eridani
Excalibur Fort Hercules Hitomi Hynek Isis Junction Kepler
Midway Mjolnir Nemesis Nova Roma Pascal Polaris Pollux Rigel
Spica Sting Tau Ceti Terra Venkman Vision

When names are used more than once, the name is appended with Roman numerals up to X, and then decimal digits afterwards. For example: Foo, Foo II, Foo III...Foo X, Foo 11, Foo 12...

Click here for general, non–race-specific planet names.

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Ship Names (AI)

Agamemnon Bismark Botany Bay Catalina Enterprise Excalibur Graf Spee Greyhound
Indefatigable Mustang New Jersey Nostromo Potemkin Saratoga SFS Achilles SFS Ajax
SFS Ardua SFS Avalon SFS Bismark SFS Exeter SFS Glory SFS Hiryu SFS Hood SFS Hornet
SFS Kaga SFS Nimitz SFS Patton SFS Revenge SFS Sabre SFS Titan SFS Wasp SFS Yamato
St. Roche The Rodney U-172 Vancouver Warhawk

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