Atmospheric Adaptation



The contents of this page were introduced in the original Sword of the Stars.

Atmospheric Adaptation

Description: Allows you to genetically modify the respiratory systems of your colonists to improve population growth and optimize terraforming on alien worlds.
Research Category: BioTechnology
Research Cost: 16,000 Research Points
Required Technology: Gene Modification
Races Allowed: Hiver, Human, Liir, Morrigi, Tarka, Zuul
Effect: Increases the colonizable planetary hazard range by +75 and give's a 6% overall increase in Population growth rate, and also gives a 25% increase in terraforming efficiency.
Version: This information valid for Version 1.7.1 ANY-icon.png
New Technologies Available
Technology Research
Chance of Availability
Hiver Human Liir Morrigi Tarka Zuul
Environmental Tailoring 35,000 80 70 100 90 60 40
Terraforming Bacteria 15,000 75 80 90 80 60 20
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