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Lawn and Gardening Equipment Costs Less at Walmart

Find the most useful lawn and garden equipment at Walmart.com. Whether maintaining your lawn and garden or entertaining guests out on the patio, our selection of lawn and garden equipment has got you covered. Live your life outdoors to the fullest with a full selection of gardening tools and lawn care equipment.

You'll find everything you need, including mowers, gardening tools, lawn care, fire pits, outdoor lighting and more. Our extensive selection of lawn and garden equipment is tailored to match your needs and won't cost a bundle. You can browse by category to choose mowers, carts, lawn seeds, pest control, sheds and more. No patio decor is complete without a well manicured backyard.

Go ahead and stock up on the items that will turn your patio into a livable space, get the confidence you need to undertake some serious gardening and tackle that project you've always been meaning to. It's all within reach when you find the right tools and equipment to handle the job. At Walmart you'll find all the necessities and more at unbelievable prices, so you can save money and live better. So shop for lawn and garden equipment at Walmart.com — and save.