Shag & Flokati Solid & Striped Contemporary Country & Floral Traditional

From a wide selection of area rugs and bath rugs to carpet runners and more, the indoor and outdoor rugs you're looking for are available at Walmart.

Choose from a variety of sizes, colors and patterns, playroom rugs, kitchen rugs, accent rugs and many more at Walmart. You'll find all the rugs you need to furnish your new apartment, den, office or bedroom. Our extensive array of rugs and accessories includes carpet rugs, kids' rugs, rug sets and rug pads.

Whether you're shopping for an artificial grass outdoor carpet rug, a Canopy shag area rug, a simple Garland Town Square rug, an Orian Iron Fleur area rug, a decorative Terra London or New York area rug, Walmart has you covered. You will find Better Homes and Gardens Level Cut & Loop rugs, Mainstays Sahara rugs and a complete array of personalized rugs. Walmart also has a large selection of rugs for kids that also double as a floor game, like the Fun Rugs Children's Fun Time collection and the Learning Carpets Giant Road Play Rug. Walmart also stocks a variety of Mainstays and Your Zone Runners, Disney kids' rugs featuring popular Disney characters, anti-fatigue lattice chefs' mats and much more.

It's easy to shop for rugs on by new arrivals, style, size, color, shape, price point, customer preference or special offers, such a rollbacks and clearance. Be sure to look for money-saving shipping offers and free store pickup for many products when you shop at

You'll find the rug you need to add beauty and elegance to your office and your home without spending a bundle at Walmart. Save money. Live better.

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