Results for #jadore

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  1. ": Ma TL est remplie de profs qui se piquent leurs idées en permanence ! "/ copions.

  2. seen at the jon santos show ;))) OMG !!! they're sooo cute !!! i wanna take them home.

  3. Quel chemin depuis le hit de 1963 : The beat goes on - Cher - Closer to the Truth (Deluxe Version) -

  4. Just tried on a pair of $315 sunglasses for the hell of it. If I didn't have a conscience, they'd be MINE.

  5. i cried when andy got his drum major score tonight, so insanely proud

  6. larayia larayia larayia💕✨ she Rocks 👆 Texture: Brazilian Nw Lengths:28/26/24 Color: Custom…

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