
  1. Miss the Golden Globes this past weekend? Catch up with a list of the winners at Entertainment Weekly. *Link in Comments*

  2. This is a portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio crying in the Titanic made out of Oscar winners. Congratulations on the...

  3. HOTHOUSE | Save 1000 dollars and the world by ending your phone service | Mobile innovation has become s ... |

  4. World Whiskey drinking habits. Americans, we are not in 1st place. Chart link in comments! Washingtonpost

  5. A long project is like a secret houseguest, hidden in your study, waiting to be fed and visited. JOHN HOLLANDER

  6. Looking forward to "Science Fiction and Fantasy by Women of the Pacific Northwest: A Hydra House Reading" Feb. 28

  7. "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." -Jack London (b. January 12, 1876)

  8. HOTHOUSE | Flash Fiction: "Artois Province" by Leonard Crosby | Artois Province, June 14th 191 ... |

  9. "Indiana University design students envision a rebirth of the old St. Bartholomew Catholic Church as an artist...

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