FSN Executive Briefing: Decision Making
How can CFOs make smarter decisions?

by Gary Simon
Lew Platt former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard (HP) famously said, “If only HP knew what HP knows, we would be three times more productive”. It highlights that or many organizations even rudimentary decision making is fraught with difficulty. Recent research puts the point more forcibly, “Performance Management: An incomplete Picture”, suggests that 82% of businesses do not even have complete visibility of profitability by line of business.

In a world of increasing business complexity, financial and operational risk, it appears that some organizations are effectively rudderless. Bereft of accurate, timely and actionable information they are unable to respond to market volatility, make financially astute decisions and exploit competitive advantage.

How can CFOs use data to turn decision making into a competitive advantage? Download the free White Paper and discover the critical trends identified by Gary Simon.

Gary Simon is Group Publisher of FSN Publishing Limited and Managing Editor of FSN Newswire. He is a graduate of London University, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a Fellow of the British Computer Society with more than 27 years’ experience of implementing management and financial reporting systems. He is the author of four books, many product reviews and white papers and as a leading authority on the financial systems market is a popular and independent speaker on market developments. Formerly a partner in Deloitte for more than 16 years, he has led some of the most complex information management assignments for global enterprises in the private and public sector.
