Marketing Analytics

Taking the right marketing decision is vital for the durable success of companies. With BOARD, you can bring together internal and external marketing data from different kinds of sources (CRM, web, social media, data warehouse and more). With no programming involved, you can deliver applications that answer your specific questions in a quick and easy way, offering you the most important data at a glance in interactive dashboards and reports.

Use BOARD to measure the efficiency of your campaigns, to evaluate and improve the ROI of your measures, to carry out effective clustering of your prospects and customers – all this with BOARD’s collaborative and intuitive toolkit. Test What-if scenarios before taking strategic decisions and making tactical moves. By building your strategy on a strong analytical foundation, you will be able to achieve the optimal mix of activities for your next marketing cycle.

Marketing Applications implemented with BOARD include:

  • Analytic CRM
  • Web Analytics and Website Performance
  • Social Media Analyses
  • Brand performance
  • Loyalty and Retention monitoring
  • Merchandise intelligence
  • Promotions analysis

BOARD in 30 minutes

Self-service Marketing analysis

Marketing data is a huge and complex treasure that wants to be explored. With BOARD’s intuitive user interface, Marketing staff can independently view existing reports and dashboards, configure objects with the dynamic select tool, drill down into details that catch their interest and finally save objects in their personal space. Moreover, they can use BOARD as a canvas to create their own dashboard by simply dragging and dropping tables, graphs, cockpits and other objects there and fillm the with the data that matters for their analyses.

BOARD offers an integrated search that allows you to go on a true data discovery, searching across screens, data, metadata and applications. This way, your team can discover hidden potential for improvements.

Anticipating trends

Marketers need to sense trends before they even happen. Comprehensive analyses of market data with BOARD help you to anticipate changes in customer preferences. Most importantly, with BOARD you are flexible to adapt you reports and dashboards to new developments and to adapt you planning for future marketing activities accordingly. For all this, you do not need to ask the IT department for help, which makes processes lean and your reactions fast. This way, you stay ahead of changes.

Connect Marketing and Sales

Marketing success is also measured in Sales results. BOARD’s single virtual data storage allows you to bring together data from both areas and analyze them in the same user interfacing. Like this, you are able to draw conclusions on the connection between concrete Marketing activities and Sales trends. Connect your CRM with BOARD to gain even more insights from both the Marketing and the Sales area.
