

Helping people get out the door and stick with running forever. Questions/Support:

Boston, MA
Joined July 2008

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  1. What is your favorite part about the running community?

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  2. The winter struggle is real!

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  3. We're curious, if you could run with anyone in the world...who would it be and why?

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  4. Stop waiting. Just take the first step.

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  5. Rep your pride with our new collection! Which is your favorite?

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  6. Make it personal and then make it count!

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  7. "How I regained my running confidence." This runner's story will give you all the feels!

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  8. Feeling frustrated and stuck in a running plateau? Here are 6 tips to help you break free:

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  9. After months sidelined with an injury, Tony regained his confidence during the .

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  10. Looking for some running inspiration? We have just what you need!

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  11. The first step is always going to be the hardest. But it isn't impossible, you can do it!

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  12. Runners are busy! Sometimes you have to multi-task!

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  13. Stop running on those super old shoes! We've got shoe tracking for you!

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  14. Our collection includes 3 new shirts inspired by you! Which is your favorite?

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  15. 🍷

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  16. Who's your running partner in crime? Give them some love and show them how much you care!

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  17. Nervous about an upcoming race? Take a bite out of these inspiring words of wisdom --

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  18. Who's running this weekend?

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