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Roraas, Thomas; Petersen, Per H.; Sandberg, Sverre "Clinical Chemistry"
Rorabaugh, Jim "Endangered Species Update"
Rorabaugh, Jim "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Bransfield, Ray "Endangered Species Update"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Bransfield, Ray "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Humphrey, Jeff "Endangered Species Update"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Humphrey, Jeff "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Kreutzian, Melissa; Sredl, Mike; Painter, Charlie; Aguilar, Roberto; Bravo, Juan Car "Endangered Species Update"
Rorabaugh, Jim; Kreutzian, Melissa; Sredl, Mike; Painter, Charlie; Aguilar, Roberto; Bravo, Juan Car "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Rorabaugh, W.J. "Journal of Social History"
Rorabaugh, W.J. "California History"
Rorato, Laura "Italica"
Rorato, Laura "Annali d'Italianistica"
Rorato, Melanie "Rubber World"
Rorem, L.W. "Saturday Evening Post"
Rorem, Ned "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Rorem, Ned "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Rorem, Paul "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Rorhlick, Paula "Kliatt"
Rorich, Mary "Journal of Literary Studies"
Rorick, Christopher "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Rorimer, Anne "Artforum International"
Roripaugh, Lee Ann "The American Poetry Review"
Rorrie, Colin C., Jr. "Association Management"
Rorrison, Ken "The Architectural Review"
Rorty, Amelie "The Review of Metaphysics"
Rorty, Philip C. "Best's Review"
Rorvig, Paul "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Rorvik, Afton "Highlights for Children"
Ros "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Ros Nogales, Ruth; Manso Gil, Ma. Teresa; Palacios Garcia, Gema; Rodriguez Pena, Jacoba "Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Nefrologica"
Ros, Jaime "Comparative Economic Studies"
Ros, Luiz "Harvard International Review"
Ros, Olimpia; Gyenge, Csaba; Fratila, Domnita "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Ros-Fabregas, Emilio "Renaissance Quarterly"
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana "CubaNews"
Rosa Acevedo, Claudia; de Paula Trindade, Luiz Valerio "Comunicacao, Midia E Consumo"
Rosa Muniz, Elneison da; Cunha Chaves, Paulo de Tarso da "Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences (UEM)"
Rosa, Aldo "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Rosa, Andrea; Barry, Colleen "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Rosa, Barry "Mortgage Banking"
Rosa, Carlo "Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review"
Rosa, Fatima; Bordado, Joao; Casquilho, Miguel "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Rosa, James B. "The National Public Accountant"
Rosa, Magali Rey "Earth Island Journal"
Rosa, Nirvana Gonzalez "Women's Health Collection"
Rosa, Nirvana Gonzalez "Women's Health Journal"
ROSA, PETER de "The Mirror (London, England)"
Rosa, Susan B. "Childhood Education"
Rosa, Teresa Cristina Abranches; Arakaki, Daniela Granja; de Arruda, Evania Catarina Fernandez; Rodr "Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences (UEM)"
Rosa-Alcazar, Ana I.; Boix, Maravillas Amoros; Olivares-Olivares, Pablo J. "Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual"
Rosacker, Kirsten M.; Zuckweiler, Kathryn M.; Buelow, Janet R. "Academy of Health Care Management Journal"
Rosacker, Robert E.; Davies, Thomas L. "South Dakota Business Review"
Rosado, Flavia G. Nunes; Itani, Doha M.; Coffin, Cheryl M.; Cates, Justin M. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Rosado, Flavia G. Nunes; Stratton, Charles W.; Mosse, Claudio A. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Rosado, Jenny "Community College Week"
Rosado, Jorge L.; Ronquillo, Dolores; Kordas, Katarzyna; Rojas, Olga; Alatorre, Javier; Lopez, Patri "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rosado, Lourdes M. "Washington University Journal of Law & Policy"
Rosado, Roy "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Rosado, William M., Jr.; Palacios, Enrique "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Rosaen, Cheryl L. "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"
Rosaen, Cheryl L. "Journal of Technology and Teacher Education"
Rosal, Patrick "Harvard Review"
Rosal, Patrick "The American Poetry Review"
Rosal, Patrick "New Orleans Review"
Rosaldo, Renato "Bilingual Review"
Rosales, Blanca "National Catholic Reporter"
Rosales, F. Arturo "Labour/Le Travail"
Rosales, Geraldine P. "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal"
Rosales, J. Rick "Air & Space Power Journal"
Rosales, Kelly "Childhood Education"
Rosales, Laura Leal "Journal of Research Administration"
Rosales, Lauren "Moment"
Rosales, Margaret "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Rosales, Mauricio "Bilingual Review"
Rosales, Monica "U.S. Catholic"
Rosales, Osvaldo; Herreros, Sebastian "Journal of International Affairs"
Rosales, Osvaldo; Kuwayama, Mikio "International Trade Forum"
Rosales, Rafael R. "Modern Casting"
Rosales, Yvette "Thrasher"
Rosales-Casian, J.A.; Ruz-Cruz, R. "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Rosales-Casian, Jorge A. "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Rosales-Casian, Jorge Adrian; Gonzalez-Camacho, Jose Ramon "Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences)"
Rosalindrussell "The Mirror (London, England)"
Rosaline, A. Anne; Kumaran, V. "Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences-Mathematics"
Rosalki, Sidney B. "Clinical Chemistry"
Rosalki, Sidney B.; Roberts, Robert; Katus, Hugo A.; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Ladenson, Jack H. "Clinical Chemistry"
Rosaluk, Warren J. "Mortgage Banking"
Rosan, Jay; Fabius, Raymond; Frazee, Sharon Glave; Fonseca, Nic "Physician Executive"
Rosand, David "Renaissance Quarterly"
Rosand, Eric; Shore, Rhonda "State Magazine"
Rosand, Frida "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Rosania, Cody "Shooting Industry"
Rosania, MaryJo "School Arts"
Rosano, Thomas G. "Clinical Chemistry"
Rosano, Thomas G.; Peaston, Robert T.; Bone, Henry G.; Woitge, Henning W.; Francis, Roger M.; Seibel "Clinical Chemistry"
Rosano, William J. "JCT CoatingsTech"
Rosapepe, James C. "Harvard International Review"
Rosaprince "The Mirror (London, England)"
Rosaria, Alex "New African"
Rosario, Alex Del "Circuits Assembly"
Rosario, Christine M. "Childhood Education"
Rosario, Efrain A. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Rosario, Gilberto; Vernon, Joseph; Kleiner, William; Popham, Matthew "Defense A R Journal"
Rosario, Guillermo E. "Journal of Caribbean Literatures"
Rosario, Jeanine M. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Rosario, Jeresel G. "Nursing Homes"
Rosario, Jose Del "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Rosario, Kiko; Teves, Oliver "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Rosario, Osvaldo "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rosario, Rafael "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Rosario, Ric "California CPA"
Rosario, Ric "Journal of Accountancy"
Rosario, Ric "Catalyst (Dublin, Ohio)"
Rosario, Roberto A. Munoz; Widmeyer, George R. "Journal of Information Systems Education"
Rosario, Rogelio "Townsend Letter"
ROSARIO, VERNON "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
ROSARIO, VERNON A. "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Rosary, Mary Jo Clancy "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Rosas, Emma Maria Reyes "Women's Health Collection"
Rosas, Fernando Cesar Weber; Barreto, Andre Silva; Monteiro-Filho, Emygdio Leite de Araujo "Fishery Bulletin"
Rosas, Irma "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rosas, Matt "Bilingual Review"
Rosas, Roberto "Houston Journal of International Law"
Rosas, Roberto "Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review"
Rosas, Vanessa "Latin Trade"
Rosas-Espinoza, Veronica Carolina; Maya-Elizarraras, Elisa; Bustos, Oscar Francisco Reyna; Huerta-Ma "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Rosasco, Edward J., Jr. "Physician Executive"
Rosati, Christopher P. "Guns Magazine"
Rosati, Jerel "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Rosati, Marlene "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Rosato, Antonio; Vitali, Cesare; De Laurentis, Nicolino; Armenise, Domenico; Milillo, Maria Antoniet "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Rosato, Antonio; Vitali, Cesare; Gallo, Daniela; Balenzano, Luca; Mallamaci, Rosanna "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Rosato, Antonio; Vitali, Cesare; Piarulli, Monica; Mazzotta, Manuela; Argentieri, Maria Pia; Mallama "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Rosato, Bill "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Rosato, Donald V. "Plastics Engineering"
Rosato, John P. "Real Estate Weekly"
Rosato, Nancy Scotto; Baer, Judith C. "Social Work Research"
ROSATO, PHILIP J. "Theological Studies"
Rosay, Dave "DAV Magazine"
Rosaz, Julie "Economic Inquiry"
Rosazza, Thomas A "Corrections Compendium"
Rosborough, Davin "Washington University Law Review"
Rosborough, Robert S., IV "Albany Law Review"
Rosbottom, Daniel "The Architectural Review"
Rosbrough, Joseph A. "Approach"
Rosca, Adrian Sorin "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosca, Adrian Sorin; Dumitru, Nicolae; Craciunoiu, Nicolae; Dumitru, Ilie "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosca, Daniela "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"
Rosca, Daniela; Rosca, Adrian "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosca, Ileana Constanta; Braun, Barbu Cristian; Marosy, Zoltan Istvan "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosca, Ileana; Radu, Ciprian "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosca, Vlad "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Rosch, Daniel; Scheule, Harald "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Rosch, Eric D. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Rosch, Joachim "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Rosch, Jurgen "International Journal of Sport Finance"
Rosch, Leah "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Rosch, Paul J. "The Exceptional Parent"
Rosch, Paul J.; Markov, Marko S. "The Exceptional Parent"
Roschelle, Andrea "Real Estate Weekly"
Roschke, Ronald W. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Roschwalb, Susanne "USA Today (Magazine)"
Roschwalb, Susanne A.; Smith, Gordon L. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Rosciani, A.S.; Merlo, W.A.; Insfran, R.M.; Benitez, J.S.; Ortega, H.H. "Revista Veterinaria"
Roscigno, Cecelia "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Roscigno, Cecelia I. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Roscigno, Cecelia I.; Van Liew, Kevin "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Roscitt, Rick "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Roscoe, Brian; Hacala, Mark "All Hands"
Roscoe, Bruce; Strouse, Jeremiah S.; Goodwin, Megan P. "Adolescence"
Roscoe, Heath C.; Campagna, Paul F.; McNulty, David "Joint Force Quarterly"
Roscoe, Heath C.; Mitchell, Kenneth Dean "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Roscoe, Norm "The Humanist"
Roscoe, Patrick "West Branch"
Roscoe, Patrick "Queen's Quarterly"
Roscoe, Paul "Oceania"
Roscommon, Colm Keys Leitrim V. "The Mirror (London, England)"
Rosdi, Mastura; Yusof, Azita Laily; Ali, Mohd Tarmizi; Yaacob, Norsuzila; Zainali, Muhammad Aiman; N "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Rosdi, Siti Asma' Mohd "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Rose, A. Leema; Suguna, K.; Ragunath, P.N. "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research"
Rose, Adam J.; Petrakis, Beth Ann; Callahan, Patricia; Mambourg, Scott; Patel, Dimple; Hylek, Elaine "Health Services Research"
Rose, Adam R. "Real Estate Weekly"
Rose, Adam; Wei, Dan; Prager, Fynnwin "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Rose, Al "National Catholic Reporter"
Rose, Alex "Manitoba Business"
Rose, Alexander "Policy Review"
Rose, Amara "E"
ROSE, AMIE "Sojourners"
Rose, Amy "American Music Teacher"
Rose, Andrea M. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Rose, Andrea M.; Qazzaz, Hassan M.; Zolotarjova, Nina; Mellett, Brenda J.; Martin, Alvin W.; Valdes, "Clinical Chemistry"
Rose, Andrew K. "NBER Reporter"
Rose, Andy "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Rose, Aneela "Airports International"
Rose, Ann "The Architectural Review"
Rose, Ann "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Rose, Anne C. "Church History"
Rose, Arline "Jack & Jill"
Rose, Arline "U.S. Kids"
Rose, Aron D. "The Hastings Center Report"
Rose, Austin S.; Ebert, Charles S., Jr.; Prazma, Jiri; Pillsbury, Harold C., III "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Rose, Axl; Strand, Mark "New Criterion"
Rose, Barbara "Artforum International"
Rose, Brian "Houston Journal of International Law"
Rose, Brianna "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Rose, Caitlin "HIV Nursing"
Rose, Camilla "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Rose, Carmen "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Rose, Carol M. "Environmental Law"
Rose, Carol M. "Yale Law Journal"
Rose, Caroline "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Rose, Carsten "Internal Medicine News"
Rose, Cecile "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rose, Chanelle "American Jewish History"
Rose, Charles H., III "Army Lawyer"
Rose, Charlie "Success"
Rose, Chris "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Rose, Chris "Alaska Business Monthly"
Rose, Chris "The Loyalist Gazette"
Rose, Chris; Cronin, John; Schwartz, Rachael "Research-Technology Management"
Rose, Chrissy "Utah Business"
Rose, Christine M. "Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: international review of English Studies"
Rose, Christine M. "College Literature"
Rose, Clara "New Hampshire Business Review"
Rose, Clarence C.; Larimore, L. Keith "The National Public Accountant"
ROSE, CRAIG S. "Marine Fisheries Review"
Rose, Craig S.; Gauvin, John R. "Marine Fisheries Review"
Rose, Craig S.; Gauvin, John R.; Hammond, Carwyn F. "Fishery Bulletin"
Rose, Craig S.; Hammond, Carwyn F.; Stoner, Allan W.; Munk, J. Eric; Gauvin, John R. "Fishery Bulletin"
Rose, D. "Thrasher"
Rose, D. A.; Abbas, F. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Rose, D. A.; Adey, M. A.; Al-Sibai, M. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Rose, D.A.; Abbas, F.; Adey, M.A. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Rose, D.A.; Ghamarnia, H.M.; Gowing, J.W. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Rose, D.A.; Konukcu, F.; Gowing, J.W. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Rose, D.C. "Irish Literary Supplement"
Rose, Damaris "Canadian Journal of Urban Research"
Rose, Damaris "Canadian Journal of Regional Science"
Rose, Daniel "Real Estate Weekly"
Rose, Danielle E.; Tisnado, Diana M.; Malin, Jennifer L.; Tao, May L.; Maggard, Melinda A.; Adams, J "Health Services Research"
Rose, Danielle E.; Tisnado, Diana M.; Tao, May L.; Malin, Jennifer L.; Adams, John L.; Ganz, Patrici "Health Services Research"
Rose, David "Alaska Business Monthly"
Rose, David "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Rose, David "Walleye In-Sider"
Rose, David "Urban History Review"
Rose, David A. "Walleye In-Sider"
Rose, David C. "Southern Economic Journal"
Rose, David Edward "Philosophy in Review"
Rose, Deborah Bird "Oceania"
Rose, Deborah Bird "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Rose, Debra J. "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Rose, Deja; Cipullo, Angelica "Swiss News"
Rose, Dennis "New Zealand Economic Papers"
Rose, Dianne "Southern Medical Journal"
Rose, Dina "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Rose, Ed "Communication World"
Rose, Edward C., Jr. "Southern Medical Journal"
Rose, Edward J. "Communication World"
Rose, Elizabeth "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Rose, Elizabeth L.; Ito, Kiyohiko "Management International Review"
ROSE, EVE B. "Communication World"
Rose, Fran; Huffman, Al "The Loyalist Gazette"
Rose, Francis L. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Rose, Francis L.; Manning, Richard W. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Rose, Francis L.; Manning, Richard W.; Simpson, Thomas R.; Jenkins, Sarah "The Texas Journal of Science"
Rose, Francis L.; Simpson, Thomas R.; Ott, James R.; Manning, Richard W. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Rose, Francis L.; Simpson, Thomas R.; Ott, James R.; Manning, Richard W.; Martin, Julien "Southwestern Naturalist"
Rose, Francis L.; Small, Michael F. "Southwestern Naturalist"
ROSE, GARY L. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Rose, Gene "State Legislatures"
Rose, Gideon "Washington Monthly"
Rose, Gregg "Strategic Finance"
Rose, Gregory "Environments"
Rose, Gregory L.; McLarney, J. Thomas; Massa, F.C. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Rose, Hannah "Risk Management"
Rose, Heather "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Rose, Heather; Miller, Lynn; Martinez, Yvonne "Professional School Counseling"
Rose, J.L. "Modern Casting"
Rose, Jacob M. "Journal of Accountancy"
Rose, Jacob M. "Approach"
Rose, James "E"
ROSE, JAMES "Arena Magazine"
Rose, Jane; Urschel, Joanne "The Journal of Men's Studies"
Rose, Jean "Saturday Evening Post"
Rose, Jean Browning "Saturday Evening Post"
Rose, Jeanne Marie; Grobman, Laurie "Writing Lab Newsletter"
Rose, Jeffrey J. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Rose, Jeffrey S. "Physician Executive"
Rose, Jenny "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Rose, Jerrold G. "Information Management Journal"
Rose, Joan B. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rose, John "The Exceptional Parent"
Rose, John "Risk Management"
Rose, John R. "Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Rose, Jonathan "The Tax Adviser"
Rose, Jonathan "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal"
Rose, Jonathan "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Rose, Jonathan "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Rose, Jonathan F.P. "Real Estate Weekly"
Rose, Joseph "National Catholic Reporter"
Rose, Joseph B. "Labour/Le Travail"
Rose, Joshua "Artforum International"
Rose, Joy; Steen, Sam "Professional School Counseling"
Rose, Judith Flesch "Midstream"
Rose, Jules "Frozen Food Digest"
Rose, Jules; Zinn, Robert; McGovern, R. Gordon; Bailin, Samuel I.; Rill, James F.; Lender, Murray; S "Quick Frozen Foods International"
Rose, Julian "Artforum International"
Rose, Julie "Washington Monthly"
Rose, Julio C. de; Hidalgo, Matheus; Vasconcellos, Mariliz "The Psychological Record"
Rose, K.; Dzyadevych, S.; Fernandez-Lafuente, R.; Jaffrezic, N.; Kuncova, G.; Matejec, V.; Scully, P "JCT Research"
Rose, Kandy "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Rose, Karen; Gilmour, Cathy "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Rose, Kenn; Beachy, Christopher K. "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Rose, Kenneth "Citizen Airman"
Rose, Kenneth "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Rose, Kenneth J. "Corrections Today"
Rose, Kevin "The Tax Adviser"
Rose, Kristine "Art and Christianity"
Rose, Kristine "Rural Cooperatives"
Rose, Kristy J.; Raymond, Jacqueline; Refshauge, Kathryn; North, Kathryn N.; Burns, Joshua "Australian Journal of Physiotherapy"
Rose, Kyle D., Sr.; Aggarwal, Mohan; Batra, Ashok "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Rose, L.; Presneill, J.J. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Rose, L.; Presneill, J.J.; Cade, J.F. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Rose, L.; Presneill, J.J.; Johnston, L.; Nelson, S.; Cade, J.F. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Rose, Larry "U.S. Catholic"
Rose, Larry D. "Esprit de Corps"
Rose, Laura R. "Trial"
Rose, Laurence M. "Trial"
Rose, Leslie M. "Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy"
Rose, Linda "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Rose, Lisa "University Business"
Rose, Louis J.; Lindecke, Fred "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Rose, Malcolm "Southern Medical Journal"
Rose, Marilyn "English Studies in Canada"
Rose, Mark "Wildfowl"
Rose, Mark V. "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Rose, Marqaret "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Rose, Martin "Grocer"
Rose, Mary "Junior Scholastic"
Rose, Mary Beth "Shakespeare Studies"
Rose, Mary L.; Flores, Oscar "Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies"
Rose, Mat "Health Law Review"
Rose, Matt "Indiana Business Magazine"
Rose, Matthew "Habitat Australia"
Rose, Matthew "Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture"
Rose, Matthew "Grocer"
Rose, Maurice Anthony "Esprit de Corps"
Rose, Melody "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Rose, Michael "The New American"
Rose, Michael "Video Age International"
Rose, Michael P. "Financial Executive"
Rose, Michael S. "Catholic Insight"
Rose, Michael S. "The American Conservative"
Rose, Michael W. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Rose, Molly Jo "U.S. Catholic"
Rose, Nancy "Children's Digest"
Rose, Nancy L. "NBER Reporter"
ROSE, NICHOLAS; BLACKMORE, SUSAN "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Rose, Noel R. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Rose, Or N. "Sojourners Magazine"
Rose, Owen A. "Army Sustainment"
Rose, P.J. "Antiquity"
Rose, P.M. "The Architectural Review"
Rose, Patricia M. "School Arts"
Rose, Paul "Contemporary Review"
Rose, Paul "Georgetown Journal of International Law"
Rose, Paul "The Journal of Corporation Law"
Rose, Paul B. "Contemporary Review"
Rose, Pete "Government Finance Review"
Rose, Philip "Philosophy in Review"
Rose, Philip J. "Wind Speaker"
Rose, Raduan Che; Kumar, Naresh; Ramasamy, Nagiah "Indian Journal of Industrial Relations"
Rose, Randy L. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Rose, Raymond M. "District Administration"
ROSE, RICHARD "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Rose, Richard B. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Rose, Richard J.; Dick, Danielle M. "Alcohol Research & Health"
Rose, Rob "New African"
Rose, Rob "African Business"
Rose, Robert "School Arts"
Rose, Robert "National Defense"
Rose, Robert "African Business"
Rose, Robert "USA Today (Magazine)"
Rose, Robert "English Studies in Canada"
Rose, Robert A. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Rose, Robert I. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Rose, Roderick A.; Fraser, Mark W. "Social Work Research"
Rose, Ronald L. "Detroiter"
Rose, Ronald M. "Security Management"
Rose, S. Mariah "ColoradoBiz"
Rose, Savannah "Girls' Life"
Rose, Scott; Klimasinska, Kasia "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Rose, Seth "LD+A Magazine"
Rose, Seth Warren "LD+A Magazine"
Rose, Sharon "Community Practitioner"
Rose, Simon "The Mirror (London, England)"
Rose, Simon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Rose, Simon "The People (London, England)"
Rose, Simon; Simon, Jane "The People (London, England)"
Rose, Sonya O. "Journal of Social History"
Rose, Stanley "The Tax Adviser"
Rose, Stanley E. "The Tax Adviser"
Rose, Stanley H., III "The Tax Adviser"
Rose, Stephen M. "Social Work"
Rose, Steve "Tooling & Production"
Rose, Steve "Gerson Healing Newsletter"
Rose, Steve; Powell, Michael; Perloff, James "The New American"
Rose, Steven "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Rose, Stuart "Grocer"
Rose, Sundi "Infantry Magazine"
Rose, Susan "New Life Journal"
Rose, Susan M. "New Life Journal"
Rose, T. Allen "The National Public Accountant"
Rose, Tatiana Lundgren; da Silva, Marcelle Figueira Marques; Gomez, Mariela Martinez; Resque, Hugo R "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Rose, Tawn Allen "The National Public Accountant"
Rose, Ted "Contemporary Review"
Rose, Terez "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Rose, Terry L. "Exceptional Children"
Rose, Todd; Goolsbee, Gavin; Mathews, Hans; Anderson, Randy "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Rose, Tom L. "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Rose, Tony "Black Issues Book Review"
Rose, Tricia "Artforum International"
Rose, Tricia "USA Today (Magazine)"
Rose, Vern "Frozen Food Digest"
Rose, Victor Lane "Nursing Homes"
ROSE, VICTOR LANE "Contemporary Long Term Care"
Rose, Virgil G. "National Parks"
Rose, Virigil G. "National Parks"
Rose, Wade R.; Cray, David "Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal"
Rose, Wendy M.; Ourth, Donald D. "Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science"
Rose, William B., Jr.; Fink, Ross L.; Robinson, Robert K. "Industrial Management"
Rose, William; Suarez, Erlinda; Whisler, Kenneth "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Rose-Avila, Magdaleno "Colorlines Magazine"
Rose-Martland, Jeff "Esprit de Corps"
Rose-Milavec, Deborah; Walker, Deana; Van Winkle, Charles "National Catholic Reporter"
Rose-White, Sharon "Community Practitioner"
ROSEAN, TED "U.S. Catholic"
Roseblatt, Albert M. "Albany Law Review"
Roseboom, F. "Rubber World"
Roseboro, Donyell L.; Ross, Sabrina N. "Educational Foundations"
Rosebrook, Vicki "Childhood Education"
Rosebrook, Vicki E. "Childhood Education"
Rosebrow, James M. "Monthly Labor Review"
Roseby, Rebecca "The Lamp"
Rosed, Yereth "Moment"
Rosedale, K.; Smith, Z.A.; Davies, H.; Wood, D. "South African Medical Journal"
Rosedale, K.J.; Wood, D. "South African Medical Journal"
Rosedale, Sandra A. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Rosee, Kerstin "Grocer"
ROSEE, MARILYN "Contemporary Long Term Care"
Rosefielde, Steven "Comparative Economic Studies"
Rosegrant, Jose "Mythlore"
Rosegrant, Mark W.; Evenson, Robert E. "Pakistan Development Review"
Rosegrant, Teresa J. "Childhood Education"
Rosel, Simone "Habitat Australia"
Rosel, Sven H. "World Literature Today"
Roseland, Mark "Environments"
Rosell, Robin; Scarborough, Megan K.; Lewis, Carol M. "Health and Social Work"
Roselle, Cynthia; Boll, Edward J., III "Mortgage Banking"
Roselle, Gary A. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Roselli, Richard J. "Trial"
Rosello, Mireille "Romance Notes"
Rosellon, Juan "Southern Economic Journal"
Roselyn K. Polk; Gloria Cowan "The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality"
Roseman, Christopher P.; Yeager, Clancy; Korcuska, James S.; Cromly, Aaron "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Roseman, Ed "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Roseman, Edward F.; Taylor, William W.; Hayes, Daniel B.; Fofrich, Jim, Sr.,; Knight, Roger L. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Roseman, Jeff "Real Estate Weekly"
Roseman, Jeffrey "Real Estate Weekly"
Roseman, Jeffrey D. "Real Estate Weekly"
Roseman, Lulu "Offshore Yachting"
Roseman, Mark "Canadian Journal of History"
Roseman, Mary G. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Roseman, Rabbi Kenneth D. "Moment"
Rosemann, Jeffrey L. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Rosemarie Boll "LawNow"
Rosemarie Boll; Sybil Bohonos "LawNow"
Rosemarie, Pace "National Catholic Reporter"
Rosemartin, Alyssa; van Riper, Charles, III "Southwestern Naturalist"
Rosemary Doran "Presbyterian Record"
Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra "Journal of Social History"
Rosemeyer, Michael "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Rosemont, Franklin "Chicago Review"
Rosemore, Eric "Mech"
Rosemurgy, Catie "The American Poetry Review"

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