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Britain, David "Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences"
Britain, Great "New African"
Britain-Catlin, Timothy "The Architectural Review"
Britcher, E. Drew "Trial"
Britcher, Jacqueline J. "Endangered Species Update"
Britcher, Jacqueline J. "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Britcher, Trina R. "Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness"
Britell, Alexander "The Real Deal"
BRITELL, JENNE K. "Directors & Boards"
Britell, Peter S. "Real Estate Weekly"
Britland, Jenny "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Britnell, R.H. "Canadian Journal of History"
Brito de Almeida, Lauro; Almeida Machado, Esmael; Panhoca, Luiz "Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios (Brazilian Journal of Business Management)"
Brito, Dagobert L.; Rosellon, Juan "Southern Economic Journal"
Brito, Duarte; Pereira, Pedro "Southern Economic Journal"
Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith; Mariotto, Gabriel "Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios (Brazilian Journal of Business Management)"
Brito, Gary "Infantry Magazine"
Brito, Giovani Greigh; Sofiatti, Valdinei; Brandao, Ziany Neiva; Silva, Vivianny Belo; Silva, Frankl "Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy (UEM)"
Brito, Gustavo F.; Agrawal, Pankaj; Araujo, Edcleide M.; Melo, Tomas J.A. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Brito, Jerry "Reason"
Brito, Jerry "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Brito, Jerry "Regulation"
Brito, Jerry "The Public Manager"
Brito, Jerry "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Brito, Jerry; Ellig, Jerry "Regulation"
Brito, Jerry; McLaughlin, Patrick "Regulation"
Brito, Jerry; Warren, Melinda "Regulation"
Brito, Jerry; Watkins, Tate "Reason"
Brito, Luiz Artur Ledur; de Vasconcelos, Flavio Carvalho "Brazilian Administration Review - BAR"
Brito, Mateo Lezcano "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"
Brito, Vania; Gonsalves, Teresa Diaz; Faria, Paulina "JCT Research"
Brito-Bigott, Osmel; Faria, Hugo J.; Rodriguez, Jose Miguel; Sanchez, Alejandro "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Brito-Silva, Antonio M.; de Araujo, Cid B.; Brayner, Fabio A.; Santos, Sergio S.; Galembeck, Andre; "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Briton, Jobeth "Arkansas Business"
Brits, Dawita "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Brits, H.J. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Britsch, Susan "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Britt, Alan "Confrontation"
Britt, Alan "Queen's Quarterly"
Britt, Brian "The Humanist"
Britt, Brian "Cross Currents"
Britt, Chris "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Britt, Clifford "Trial"
Britt, Dawn "Journal of Property Management"
Britt, Donna "Sojourners"
Britt, Donna "National Parks"
Britt, Frank F. "Community College Week"
Britt, Herbert I.; Rosen, Joel B. "Canadian Chemical News"
Britt, John "Ceramics Technical"
Britt, John; Kaplan, Jonathan; Zamek, Jeff "Ceramics Technical"
Britt, Kenith C. "Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice"
Britt, Linda "Circuits Assembly"
Britt, Linda "Printed Circuit Design & Manufacture"
Britt, Megan "Childhood Education"
Britt, Mike; Pate, W. Denney; Triandafilou, Lou "Public Roads"
Britt, Phil "Mortgage Banking"
Britt, Phil "Valuation Insights & Perspectives"
Britt, Scott; DeRafelo, Jane "Risk Management"
Britt, Shawn "Life Insurance Selling"
Britt, Shawn "Agent's Sales Journal"
Britt, Stephen "Best's Review"
Britt, Sue "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Britt, Theron "College Literature"
Britt, Theron "The Mississippi Quarterly"
Britt, Thomas M., III; Sidharth, Bhasin "Best's Review"
Britt, Timothy "Franchising World"
BRITT, TOM "Video Age International"
Britt-Raven, Sylvia "WORLD"
Britt-Smith, Laurie A. "African American Review"
Brittain, Albert "Journal of Property Management"
Brittain, Bill "Arts & Activities"
Brittain, Clark M. "Church History"
Brittain, Danielle R.; Gyurcsik, Nancy C.; McElroy, Mary "Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal"
Brittain, James T., Jr. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Brittain, Jeffrey T.; Manoylov, Kalina; Mutiti, Samuel "Georgia Journal of Science"
Brittain, Jesse "Sea&Shore;"
Brittain, Len "Government Finance Review"
Brittain, Len S. "Government Finance Review"
Brittain, Miller "Queen's Quarterly"
Brittain, Ray "North American Whitetail"
Brittain, Ross "Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science"
Brittain, Ross A.; Meretsky, Vicky J.; Craft, Chris B. "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Brittain, Tomasina "The People (London, England)"
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy "The Architectural Review"
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy; Klingmann, Anna "The Architectural Review"
Brittain-Catlin, William "Multinational Monitor"
Brittain-Gatlin, Timothy "The Architectural Review"
Brittan, Bob "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Brittan, Francesca "Notes"
Brittan, Kent "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Brittan, Martin R.; Jennings, Mark R. "Marine Fisheries Review"
Brittan, Samuel "The International Economy"
Brittan, Samuel "The Cato Journal"
Brittan, Samuel "Economic Review"
Brittan-Catlin, Timothy "The Architectural Review"
Brittany, Theresa Sykes "New Life Journal"
BRITTEN, B Y NICK "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Eric "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Britten, Eric "Alaska Business Monthly"
BRITTEN, From MIKE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Britten, Jilt; Britten, Paul "Grocer"
Britten, Jody S. "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Britten, Kathryn "Financial Management (UK)"
Britten, Mike "The Mirror (London, England)"
Britten, Mike "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Britten, Nick "The Mirror (London, England)"
Britten, Nick "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Adams, Billy "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Dow, Ian "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Griffiths, Stuart "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Laing, Peter "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Mallon, Mairi "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Mallon, Margaret "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; McILWRAITH, GORDON "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Milne, Shaun "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Notarangelo, Ray "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Rafferty, Stephen "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Smith, Aidan "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nick; Smith, Gill "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Britten, Nigel "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Britten, Scottish Nick "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Brittendall, Bill "National Catholic Reporter"
Brittin, Alexander J. "Health Management Technology"
Brittin, Rachel "American Forests"
Britting, Bobbie "Mortgage Banking"
Brittingham, B.A. "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Brittingham, Michael "Food Manufacturing"
Brittle, Richard "Grocer"
Brittlebank, Kate "Journal of Social History"
Britto, Joseph "Health Management Technology"
Britto, Marwin "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Britto, Rodrigo A.; Corsi, Thomas M.; Grimm, Curtis M. "Transportation Journal"
Britto, Ronald "Southern Economic Journal"
Britton, A.G. "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Britton, Andrew "National Institute Economic Review"
Britton, Andrew; Anderton, Bob "National Institute Economic Review"
Britton, Andrew; Gregg, Paul; Joyce, Michael "National Institute Economic Review"
Britton, Andrew; Pain, Nigel; Young, Garry "National Institute Economic Review"
Britton, Andy; Hindmarsh, B. Douglas "Florida Bar News"
Britton, Ann P.; Sojonky, Ken R.; Scouras, Andrea P.; Bidulka, Julie J. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Britton, Carla L.; Guzzle, Patrick L.; Hahn, Christine G.; Carter, Kris K. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Britton, Carlton M.; Rideout-Hanzak, Sandra; Brown, Steven D. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Britton, Fern "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Britton, Iain "Harvard Review"
Britton, Jacob R. "Combat Edge"
Britton, James E. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Britton, James H. "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Britton, Janna "Highlights for Children"
Britton, Jeanne M. "Studies in Romanticism"
Britton, Jennifer; Aires, Kevin W. "Planning for Higher Education"
Britton, Jim "Geoscience Canada"
Britton, John A. "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Britton, John J. "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Britton, John J. "OB GYN News"
Britton, John N.H.; Legare, Gerry "Canadian Journal of Regional Science"
Britton, Joseph "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Britton, Joshua S.; Rothrock, Paul E.; Reber, Robert T.; Dunbar, Rich "Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science"
Britton, K.F.M.; McDonald, S.H.; Welbury, R.R. "European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry"
Britton, K.F.M.; Welbury, R.R. "European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry"
Britton, L. "Black Enterprise"
Britton, Lashambi "Black Enterprise"
Britton, M. Cybil "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Britton, Patti "SIECUS Report"
Britton, Paula J. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Britton, Rich "Thrasher"
Britton, Richard "Grocer"
Britton, Ron "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Britz, R. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Britz, Retha; le Roux-Kemp, Andra "South African Medical Journal"
Britz, Steven J. "Agricultural Research"
Britz-Parker, Bernadette; Sibley, Mike "Government Finance Review"
Britzman, Deborah P. "Resources for Feminist Research"
Britzman, Mark J. "Professional School Counseling"
Brix, Michel "Annali d'Italianistica"
Brixiova, Zuzana "Comparative Economic Studies"
Brixiova, Zuzana; Egert, Balazs "Comparative Economic Studies"
Brixton, O.L. "Highlights for Children"
Briys, Eric; Varenne, Francois de "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brizee, Lori S. "The Exceptional Parent"
Brizee, Robert "Infantry Magazine"
Brizendine, Virginia S. "Government Finance Review"
Briziarelli, Susan "Annali d'Italianistica"
Brizio-Skov, Flavia "Italica"
Brizio-Skov, Flavia "Annali d'Italianistica"
Brizova, Radka; Mendonca, Adriana L.; Vanickova, Lucie; Mendonca, Alana L.; Da Silva, Carlos Eduardo "Florida Entomologist"
Brizuela, Armel; Montero-Rojas, Eiliana "RELIEVE: Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa"
Brizzolara, Margaret "Trial"
Brlecic, Jeffrey C. "Army Sustainment"
Brncic, Jadranka "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Brncik, Mark "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Brnezel, Kathleen N.; Lorton, Steven R.; Cohoon, Sharon "Sunset"
Brnic, Josip "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Broach, David "Thrasher"
Broach, David; Malfa-Kowalski, Zach "Thrasher"
Broach, Jennifer L. "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Broach, Peter D. "Thrasher"
Broache, Michael "Journal of International Affairs"
Broad, Arcadian "Dance Magazine"
Broad, Ashley "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Broad, Chris "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Broad, Dave "Social Justice"
Broad, David B. "International Social Science Review"
Broad, Eli "Education Next"
Broad, Graham "Urban History Review"
Broad, Kenneth F. "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Broad, Robert L. "African American Review"
Broad, Robin; Cavanagh, John "Earth Island Journal"
Broad, William J. "New York Times Upfront"
Broad, William J. "Science World"
Broad, William J. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Broad, William J.; Mazzetti, Mark; Sanger, David E. "New York Times Upfront"
Broadaway, Bryanna J.; Hannigan, Robyn E. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Broadbear, James T. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Broadbent, Beverley "Habitat Australia"
Broadbent, Christopher "Anglican Journal"
Broadbent, Ed "Queen's Quarterly"
Broadbent, Emer "Southern Economic Journal"
Broadbent, Gail "Habitat Australia"
Broadbent, Hydeia "New York Times Upfront"
Broadbent, Jane; Gill, Jas; Laughlin, Richard "Financial Management (UK)"
Broadbent, Jillian "New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science"
Broadbent, Lucy "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broadbent, Lucy "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Broadbent, Lucy "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Broadbent, Robert A. "Army Lawyer"
Broadbent, Robyn; Cacciattolo, Marcelle; Carpenter, Cathryn "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Broadbent, Simon "National Institute Economic Review"
Broadbent, Simon; van de Ven, Justin; Weale, Martin "National Institute Economic Review"
Broadbent, Steve "Rubber World"
Broadbent, Steve "Plastics Technology"
Broadberry, Stephen; O'Mahony, Mary "National Institute Economic Review"
Broadbridge, Anne "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Broadcast, Chief Executive Of Bbc "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broadcaster, TREVOR PHILLIPS: Black "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broadcaster, Trevor Phillips; Politician "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broaddus Jr., J. Alfred "Economic Quarterly"
Broaddus, Bill "Best's Review"
Broaddus, J. Alfred Jr. "Economic Quarterly"
Broaddus, J. Alfred, Jr. "Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review"
Broaddus, J. Alfred, Jr. "Economic Quarterly"
Broaddus, J. Alfred, Jr.; Goodfriend, Marvin "Economic Quarterly"
Broaddus, Jr., J. Alfred; Goodfriend, Marvin "Economic Quarterly"
Broadfoot, Julie "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Broadfoot, Marla Vacek "Science News"
Broadhead, Dean "Agri Marketing"
Broadhead, Lesa "Dance Magazine"
Broadhead, Mike "Financial Management (UK)"
Broadhead, T.O.; Patterson, W.I.; Dealy, J.M. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Broadhurst, Austin, Jr.; Leon, Jeffrey J. "Health Management Technology"
Broadhurst, Christopher "Queen's Quarterly"
Broadhurst, G. "Community Practitioner"
Broadhurst, John V. "Public Roads"
BROADHURST, M. K. "Marine Fisheries Review"
Broadhurst, Matt K.; McShane, Paul E.; Larsen, Roger B. "Fishery Bulletin"
Broadhurst, Matt K.; Millar, Russell B.; Brand, Craig P.; Uhlmann, Sebastian S. "Fishery Bulletin"
Broadhurst, William "Coatings World"
Broadis, Mike "The People (London, England)"
Broadleigh, Ashley "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Broadley, Ashley "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broadley, Ashley "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Broadley, Ashley; Salmon, Lisa "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Broadley, Guy "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Broadley, Guy; Broadley, Kathy; Chapman, James; Jackson, Winifred; Ryan, Heather; Shepherd, Harold; "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Broadley, Ian "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broadley, Ian "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Broadley, Karen "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Broadley, Tania "Education in Rural Australia"
Broadley, Tania "Australian and International Journal of Rural Education"
Broadman, Harry "International Trade Forum"
Broadrick, Tobe "The Exceptional Parent"
Broadus, Brandon "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Broadus, Brandon S. "Army Sustainment"
Broadus, Will; Kotzian, Mike; Littrell, Phil; Mallicoat, Duane; Muldoon, Rick; Triplett, Jackie "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, Will; Mallicoat, Duane; Adm, Rear; Hardee, Michael D. "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, Will; Mallicoat, Duane; Payne, Tom; Davis, Charles R. "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, Will; Mallicoat, Duane; Schuyler, Pam; O'Dea, Pat Wills Jane; Gen, Maj.; Troy, William J. "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, Will; Metcalf, Iris; Littrell, Phil; Mallicoat, Duane "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, William "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, William A. "Defense AT & L"
Broadus, William A., Jr. "Journal of Accountancy"
Broadus-Garcia, Cassandra "School Arts"
Broadwater, Heather J. "Rural Telecommunications"
Broadwater, Jeff "Journal of Appellate Practice and Process"
Broadwater, Kay "School Arts"
Broadwater, Lisa "Arkansas Business"
Broadway, Beth "National Catholic Reporter"
Broadway, Michael J. "Canadian Journal of Urban Research"
Broadway, Shane "Arkansas Business"
Broadwell, Robert "Credit Union Times"
Broady, Rachel "The Mirror (London, England)"
Broady, Timothy "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Broady-Soya, Yasmain "Black Issues Book Review"
Broan, Andrew "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Brobeck, Stephen "Journal of Consumer Affairs"
Broberg, Karin; Concha, Gabriela; Engstrom, Karin; Lindvall, Magnus; Grander, Margareta; Vahter, Mar "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Broberts@mirrorcouk, Brian Roberts "The Mirror (London, England)"
Brobhy, Karl "The Mirror (London, England)"
Brocato, Claire "Vermont Nurse Connection"
Brocato, Jo; Wagner, Eric F. "Health and Social Work"
Brocato, Joe "Southern Economic Journal"
Brocato, Kay "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Brocato, Linde M. "Hispanofila"
Brocato, Lori "Health Management Technology"
Brocato, Vanessa "SIECUS Report"
Broccolino, Beth "Girls' Life"
Brochard, Patrick "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Brochbank, Linda "Journal of Property Management"
Brochey, Robert "Corrections Today"
Brochmann, Jaret; Edwardson, Chris; Shmulsky, Rubin "Forest Products Journal"
Brochu, Christopher A. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Brochu, Francois "McGill Law Journal"
Brochu, Johanne "Urban History Review"
Brock, A. Paige; Grunkemeyer, Vanessa L.; Fry, Michael M.; Hall, James S.; Bartges, Joseph W. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Brock, Amanda "BBJToday"
Brock, Barbara L.; Chatlain, Greg "Catholic Education"
Brock, Charles "USA Today (Magazine)"
Brock, Claire "Studies in Romanticism"
Brock, Cynthia H.; Boyd, Fenice B.; Caldwell, David "Practically Primary"
Brock, Cynthia H.; Case, Rod; Taylor, Shanon S. "Teacher Education Quarterly"
Brock, Dan "The Hastings Center Report"
Brock, Dan W. "The Hastings Center Report"
Brock, Daniel J.; Ward, Timothy M. "Fishery Bulletin"
Brock, Darryl E. "Americas (English Edition)"
Brock, David "Washington Monthly"
Brock, David A. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Brock, David M. "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Brock, David M.; Cash, Alan "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Brock, Debi "Resources for Feminist Research"
Brock, Deborah; Teixeira, Robert "Labour/Le Travail"
Brock, Elizabeth A. "The Tax Adviser"
Brock, Emily Swenson "Government Finance Review"
Brock, Frank "Florida Sportsman"
Brock, Geoffrey "New Criterion"
Brock, Gerald "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Brock, Gerald W. "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Brock, Gerry "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Brock, Gillian "Philosophy in Review"
Brock, Gregory "Comparative Economic Studies"
Brock, Hannibel; Schmidt, Bryan "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Brock, Harold "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Brock, Horace W. "Financial Executive"
Brock, Horace W. "New Criterion"
Brock, Jackie; Weza, Sizani "State Magazine"
Brock, James "Multinational Monitor"
Brock, Jerome P. "Army Logistician"
Brock, John R. "American Economist"
Brock, John R. "Economic Inquiry"
Brock, John R.; Lopus, Jane S. "Journal of Private Enterprise"
Brock, John R.; Lopus, Jane S. "American Economist"
Brock, John W. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Brock, Kathy "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Brock, Kathy L. "Review of Constitutional Studies"
Brock, Kenneth J. "Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science"
Brock, L.T. "National Catholic Reporter"
Brock, Lacie "Childhood Education"
Brock, M. Kelly; Beauprez, Grant M. "Endangered Species Update"
Brock, M. Kelly; Beauprez, Grant M. "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Brock, M.E.; Martin, L.E.; Buckley, Ronald, M. "People & Strategy"
Brock, Martin "Reason"
Brock, Mary M. "Saturday Evening Post"
Brock, Matthew "War, Literature & The Arts"
Brock, Noel P. "Journal of Accountancy"
Brock, Noel P. "The Tax Adviser"
Brock, Paul "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Brock, Paula "California CPA"
Brock, Peter "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Brock, Rich; Sorensen, Dough "Plastics Engineering"
Brock, Richard "Agri Marketing"
Brock, Richard "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Brock, Richard; Kusilek, Jeff; Kusilek, Annie; Davis, Debra; O'Brien, Katherine; Kalmer, Douglas A. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Brock, Rita Nakashima "Cross Currents"
Brock, Rita Nakashima "Campaigns & Elections"
Brock, Sean "Art Culinaire"
Brock, Sebastian "Ancient Narrative"
Brock, Sebastian P. "Church History"
Brock, Sherry "Camping Magazine"
Brock, Stephen L. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Brock, Stuart "Units"
Brock, Virginia "Science News"
Brock, W.R.; van Dijk, J.J.; van Koesveld, E.B.K.; Wagenaar, S. "Pakistan Development Review"
Brock, William A. "Modern Casting"
Brock, William A. "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
Brock, William A.; Durlauf, Steven N.; West, Kenneth D. "Brookings Papers on Economic Activity"
Brock, William E. "Monthly Labor Review"
BROCK-BROIDO, LUCIE "The American Poetry Review"
Brocka, Allan "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Brocka, Q. Allan "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Brocka, Q. Allen "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Brockavon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Brockbank, W. Reed "The Humanist"
Brocke, Rita "National Catholic Reporter"
Brockell, Johnna "AACN News"
Brockelman, Thomas "Humanitas"
Brockenbrough, J. Gill "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Brockenbrough, Karen K.; Cornell, Dewey G.; Loper, Ann B. "Education & Treatment of Children"
Brockett, Clyde W. "Comparative Drama"
Brockett, Patrick "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Chang, Ray E.; Rousseau, John J.; Semple, John H.; Yang, Chuanhou "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Chuang, Shuo-li; Deng, Yinglu; MacMinn, Richard D. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Cooper, William W.; Golden, Linda L.; Pitaktong, Utai "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Cooper, William W.; Golden, Linda L.; Rousseau, John J.; Wang, Yuying "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Derrig, Richard A.; Golden, Linda L.; Levine, Arnold; Alpert, Mark "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Golden, Linda L. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Golden, Linda L.; Guillen, Montserrat; Nielsen, Jens Perch; Parner, Jan; Perez "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Golden, Linda L.; Jang, Jaeho; Yang, Chuanhou "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Laurence, Antoine "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; McClellan, Christopher A. "Texas Business Review"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Witt, Robert C. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Witt, Robert C.; Aird, Paul R. "Risk Management"
Brockett, Patrick L.; Xia, Xiaohua; Derrig, Richard A. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Brockett, Royce C. "Pharmaceutical Processing"
Brockey, Liam "Portuguese Studies"
Brockey, Liam Matthew "Renaissance Quarterly"
Brockey, Mike "Gerson Healing Newsletter"
Brockhall, Ferdinand J.; Liu, Shuang "China Media Research"
Brockhaus, Stephan; Lindner, Hubert; Steinvoorte, Tom; Hennerkes, Holger; Djapic-Oosterkamp, Ljiljan "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Brockhoff, Justin "Defense Transportation Journal"
Brockhoff, Justin "Citizen Airman"
Brockhoff, Klaus K.; Pearson, Alan W. "Management International Review"
Brockhouse, Bill "Rural Cooperatives"
Brockhouse, Bill; Pleasant, Bruce "Rural Cooperatives"
Brockington, Daniel "Human Ecology"
Brockington, J.L. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Brockington, John "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Brockington, William S., Jr "International Social Science Review"
Brocklebank, Richard "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Brockman, Alan "For A Change"
Brockman, Beverly K.; Becherer, Richard C.; Finch, J. Howard "Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal"
BROCKMAN, C. SCOTT; SZABO, JOHN P. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Brockman, Chris "The Humanist"
Brockman, Chris "Nutraceutical Business & Technology"
Brockman, Chris "Grocer"
Brockman, Cory "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Brockman, Dan "Bowhunter"
Brockman, James "Thrasher"
Brockman, Joan "Resources for Feminist Research"
Brockman, Joan "Labour/Le Travail"
Brockman, John "Library Trends"
Brockman, Julie; Colbert, Joel A.; Hass, Michael "Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict"
Brockman, Kristina "All Hands"
Brockman, Marik; Rao, Anand S.; Yoder, Jamie "Risk & Insurance"
Brockman, Nathan "Anglican Journal"
Brockman, William T. "Air Power History"
Brockman-Hawe, Benjamin E. "Washington University Global Studies Law Review"
Brockmann, Carolee "Highlights for Children"
Brockmann, Erich N.; Anthony, William P. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Brockmann, Erich N.; Hoffman, James J.; Dawley, David D. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
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