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McNichol, Dustin J. "Labour/Le Travail"
McNichol, Kathleen S. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
McNichol, Theresa "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
McNichol, Tom "Washington Monthly"
McNicholas, Colleen "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
McNicholas, Eamon "Financial Management (UK)"
McNicholas, James F. "Real Estate Weekly"
McNickle, Chris "Urban History Review"
McNicol, Anne "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
McNicol, Euan "Offshore Yachting"
McNicol, Sally "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
McNicol, Sarah "Library Trends"
McNicol, Sarah "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
McNicol, Tony "Japan Inc."
McNicoll, Steven P. "Air Power History"
McNicoll, Sylvia "Canadian Children's Book News"
McNiece, Hugh "University Business"
McNiel, Samuel L. "Air & Space Power Journal"
McNinch, Hale "Units"
McNinch, James "The Journal of Men's Studies"
McNish, Ian "The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies"
McNish, Jill L. "Cross Currents"
McNiven, Ian J. "Antiquity"
McNiven, Ian J. "Oceania"
McNiven, Ian J.; David, Bruno; Brady, Liam "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
McNiven, Ian J.; Russell, Lynette "Antiquity"
McNown, Robert "Southern Economic Journal"
McNully, Ian "Cheers"
McNULTY, ANN "The People (London, England)"
Mcnulty, Ann; Maguire, Stephen "The People (London, England)"
McNULTY, ANNE "The People (London, England)"
McNulty, Carol P. "Childhood Education"
McNulty, Carol P.; Brown, Mark S. "Childhood Education"
McNulty, Carol P.; Fox, Kathy R. "Childhood Education"
McNulty, Connor M.; Arnas, Neyla; Campbell, Thomas A. "Joint Force Quarterly"
McNulty, Daniel J. "Real Estate Weekly"
McNulty, Dennis J. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
McNulty, Edward "Presbyterian Record"
McNulty, Ellen "The Mirror (London, England)"
McNulty, Eugene "Irish Literary Supplement"
McNulty, Eugene "Irish University Review: a journal of Irish Studies"
Mcnulty, J. "Thrasher"
McNulty, James E. "Business Economics"
McNulty, Janine H. "The Journal of High Technology Law"
McNulty, Jeanne "National Catholic Reporter"
McNulty, Justine Aimee "Confrontation"
McNulty, Karen "Science World"
McNulty, Kenneth E. "Defense AT & L"
McNulty, Kevin "American Journalism Review"
McNulty, Mary "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McNulty, Maura "Financial Executive"
Mcnulty, Michael "The Mirror (London, England)"
McNulty, Paul J. "Policy Review"
McNulty, Ray "Techniques"
McNulty, Shelly S. "Air Force Law Review"
McNulty, Stacy A.; Droege, Sam; Masters, Raymond D. "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
McNulty, T. Michael "Theological Studies"
McNulty, Tim "American Forests"
McNulty, Yvonne; De Cieri, Helen "Management International Review"
McNutt, Doug "New Hampshire Business Review"
McNutt, James E. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
McNutt, Jennifer Powell "Church History"
McNutt, John "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
McNutt, John G. "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
McNutt, John; Boland, Katherine "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
McNutt, Kathleen "Canadian Public Administration"
McNutt, Keith "Dance Magazine"
McNutt, Paula M. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
McNutt, Sarah "Ceramics Art & Perception"
McNutty, Dave "Grocer"
Mcnvian, Michael "Ceramics Art & Perception"
McOmish, David "Antiquity"
McOptom, Dipa Michalik "Optometry Today"
McOrmond, Steve "Queen's Quarterly"
McOscar, Gerald "National Catholic Reporter"
McOuat, Gordon "Canadian Journal of History"
McOuat, Gordon; Colwill, Elizabeth "Canadian Journal of History"
McParland, Edward "Apollo"
McParland, Marcella "Optometry Today"
McPARLAND, MIKE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McParland, Robert "Canadian Journal of History"
McPartlan, Michael J. "California CPA"
McPartlan, Michael J.; Yip, Catherine "California CPA"
McPartland, Jennifer; Dantzker, Heather C.; Portier, Christopher J. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
McPartland, Kevin "Highlights for Children"
McPartlin, Cary "Citizen Airman"
McPartlin, James H. "Air Power History"
McPeak, Julie "Risk & Insurance"
McPeak, Michael; Ellis, Sandra N. "Army Logistician"
McPeck, Michael "FOCUS: Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine"
McPeek, Sarah "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
McPeters, Jim "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McPhail, Beverly A. "Social Work"
McPhail, Beverly A. "Journal of Social Work Education"
McPhail, Bruce "The Middle East"
McPhail, Christine Johnson "Community College Week"
McPhail, Christine Johnson "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
McPhail, Deborah "Resources for Feminist Research"
McPhail, Deborah "Labour/Le Travail"
McPhail, Irving Pressley "Community College Week"
McPhail, Irving Pressley "Issues in Science and Technology"
McPhail, Jack "Tooling & Production"
McPhail, John D. "Running & FitNews"
McPhail, John D. "AMAA Journal"
McPHAIL, NEIL "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPHAIL, NEIL "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McPhail, S.; Nelson, A.D. "The Texas Journal of Science"
McPhail, Sue "Detroiter"
McPHAIL, TOM "The Mirror (London, England)"
Mcphail, Tom "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McPhail, Vivian "Catholic Insight"
McPhatter, Lee P.; Olsen, Cara H.; Debboun, Mustapha "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
McPhatter, Lee; Roachell, Walter; Mahmood, Farida; Hoffman, Lauren; Lockwood, Neal; Osuna, Angel; Lo "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
McPhaul, Dorothy "New Hampshire Business Review"
McPhaul, Kate "Maryland Nurse"
McPhaul, Kate; Vanhoy, Mary Alice; Perdue, Georgia; Moore, Denise; Handelman, Elise M. "Maryland Nurse"
McPhearson, Michael "Synthesis/Regeneration"
McPhedran, Marilou; Bazilli, Susan "Research Bulletin"
McPhee, Christopher S. "Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science"
McPhee, Gerald O. "Esprit de Corps"
McPhee, Glenn Anne "Catholic Education"
McPhee, Graham "College Literature"
McPhee, Jessica; Paunonen, Ari; Ramji, Taufiq; Bookbinder, James H. "Transportation Journal"
McPHEE, JIM "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPhee, John "Earth Island Journal"
McPhee, M. Elsbeth "Endangered Species Update"
McPhee, Megan V.; Turner, Thomas F. "Southwestern Naturalist"
MCPHEE, MICHELE "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McPhee, Paul "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
McPhee, Peter "Journal of Social History"
McPHEE, TOM "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPheeters, Melissa "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
McPheeters, Sam "The Fader"
McPHELIMY, NAIMH "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPHELIMY, NIAMH "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPheron, Bruce A. "Mushroom News"
McPherran, Mark L. "APEIRON: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science"
McPherren, Ann C. "University Business"
McPherron, Cecil "The Tax Adviser"
McPherson, Aaron; Gould, Dana "Latin Trade"
McPherson, Alan "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
McPherson, Alan "Canadian Journal of History"
McPherson, Alan D. "Canadian Journal of Regional Science"
McPherson, Alan M. "Presbyterian Record"
McPherson, Alex; Rogers,Amy L. "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
McPherson, Barbara "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
McPherson, Bill "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
McPherson, Bill "Franchising World"
McPherson, Bill "Academy of Marketing Studies Journal"
McPherson, Bill "Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict"
McPherson, Bill "Army Communicator"
McPherson, Bill; Mensch, Scott "Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal"
McPherson, Bill; O'Hara, Lisa "Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict"
McPherson, Bill; Szul, Linda F. "Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict"
McPherson, Bruce "Inquiry"
McPHERSON, C. W. "Cross Currents"
McPherson, Caroyln "The Exchange"
McPherson, Christian "Queen's Quarterly"
McPherson, Clair "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
McPherson, Dacia "Journal of International Affairs"
McPherson, Dale "Mortgage Banking"
McPherson, Danny D. "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
McPherson, Dave "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McPherson, David "Renaissance Quarterly"
McPherson, David "The Review of Metaphysics"
McPherson, David D. "AMAA Journal"
McPherson, Donna "Pharmaceutical Processing"
McPherson, Dorothy B. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McPherson, Doug "State Legislatures"
McPherson, Doug "Senior Market Advisor"
McPherson, Elizabeth "Dance Magazine"
McPherson, Gale "Bookmarks"
McPherson, Georgina "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
McPherson, Georgina; Horsburgh, Margaret; Tracy, Catherine "Nursing Praxis in New Zealand"
McPherson, Georgina; Lamb, Jill "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
McPherson, Gus "The Mirror (London, England)"
McPherson, Guy "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McPherson, Harry "Washington Monthly"
McPherson, Harry C. Jr. "Washington Monthly"
McPherson, Heather "Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue"
McPherson, Heather "Southeastern College Art Conference Review"
McPherson, Ian "Pharmaceutical Processing"
McPherson, Jake "Highlights for Children"
McPherson, James Alan "World Literature Today"
McPherson, James Lowell "The American Poetry Review"
McPherson, Jonathan "Caribbean Update"
McPherson, Kate "Renaissance Quarterly"
McPherson, Kathryn "New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy"
McPherson, Kim "Health Care Financing Review"
McPherson, Klim "Reproductive Health Matters"
Mcpherson, Leslee "Mech"
McPherson, Leslee "Approach"
McPherson, Lindsey "American Journalism Review"
McPHERSON, LYNN "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Mcpherson, Lynn; Findlay, Jane "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McPHERSON, LYNN; Reid, Melanie "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McPherson, M. L. "Guns Magazine"
MCPHERSON, M.L. "Guns Magazine"
McPherson, Maggie; Isaias, Pedro "Informatica"
McPherson, Merle; Weissman, Gloria; Strickland, Bonnie "The Exceptional Parent"
McPherson, Mervyl "Social Policy Journal of New Zealand"
McPherson, Naomi "Oceania"
McPherson, Naomi M. "Oceania"
McPherson, Peter; Shulenburger, David "Planning for Higher Education"
McPherson, Richard "National Defense"
McPherson, Robert S. "California History"
McPherson, Sandra "Northwest Review"
McPherson, Sandra "Harvard Review"
McPherson, Sandra "The American Poetry Review"
McPherson, Sara "Science World"
McPherson, Sara B. "Science World"
McPherson, Scott; Jow, Lauren "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McPherson, Shona "Grocer"
McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino "Jack & Jill"
McPherson, Stewart "Journal of the Bromeliad Society"
McPherson, Tristram "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
McPherson, Vera C. "Journal of Property Management"
McPherson, Victor A.; Ott, Michael; Tweedie, Edward J.; Izawa, Jonathan I. "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Mcpherson, William "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
McPherson, Winifred "Corrections Today"
McPheters, R. Douglas "Pharmaceutical Processing"
McPheters, Wally "Security Management"
McPhetrige, David "Medical Product Outsourcing"
McPhie, Doug "Journal of Accountancy"
McPhillips, Steven "National Library of Australia Gateways"
McQuade, Aaron "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McQuade, Jennifer; Cather, Jennifer Clay "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
McQuade, Karen L.; Foreman, Michael L. "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
McQuade, Kate "Harvard Review"
McQuade, Kevin J. "Plastics Engineering"
McQuade, Laura "Risk Management"
McQuade, Melanie; O'Donnell, Lorna "Antiquity"
McQuade, Molly "Dance Magazine"
McQuade, Molly "New Criterion"
McQuade, Molly "Harvard Review"
McQuade, Molly "Chicago Review"
McQuade, Paul F. "National Defense"
McQuade, Paul F.; Jack, William M. "National Defense"
Mcquade, Paul; Conner, Larry L. "Saturday Evening Post"
McQuade, Ralph J. "Journal of Accountancy"
McQuade, Vivienne "Australian Mathematics Teacher"
McQuade, William "Army Lawyer"
McQuaid, Cate "Ceramics Art & Perception"
McQuaid, Jean "National Catholic Reporter"
McQuaid, John "World Watch"
McQuaid, John R.; Marx, Brian P.; Rosen, Marc I.; Bufka, Lynn F.; Tenhula, Wendy; Cook, Helene; Kean "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
McQuaid, Kristina "Houston Journal of International Law"
McQuaid, Marcia "Saturday Evening Post"
McQuaid, Michael "Canadian Manager"
McQuaid, Peter "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McQuaide, Sharon "Social Work"
McQuaide, Shiling "Labour/Le Travail"
McQuaig, John "Wenatchee Business Journal"
McQuaig, Linda "Queen's Quarterly"
McQuail, Bill; Fegre, Scott; Koltsov, Vladimir "Armed Forces Comptroller"
McQuarrie, Donald G. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
McQuarrie, Jonathan "Urban History Review"
McQuarrie, Jonathan "Labour/Le Travail"
McQuarrie, Sarah H. "Research and Issues in Music Education (RIME)"
McQuarter, Glenn "Modern Casting"
McQuary, Bev "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McQuary, Jeff "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
McQuate, Craig "Security Management"
McQuattie, Carolyn J.; McCament, Corinne; McCarthy, Brian "The Ohio Journal of Science"
McQuay, Larry Don "Washington Monthly"
McQueary, Charles E. "Defense AT & L"
McQUEEN, ALASTAIR "The Mirror (London, England)"
Mcqueen, Alastair "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McQUEEN, ALASTAIR "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McQUEEN, ALASTAIR "The People (London, England)"
McQueen, Alison "Apollo"
McQUEEN, ALISTAIR "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McQueen, Arthur "Soldiers Magazine"
McQueen, Arthur "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
McQueen, Audrey "Liberty Press"
McQueen, Charlene A. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
McQueen, Dale "Pharma"
McQueen, Don; McQueen, Miecke "Gerson Healing Newsletter"
McQueen, Gregg "Industrial Maintenance & Plant Operation"
McQueen, Humphrey "Arena Magazine"
McQueen, Humphrey "Journal of Australian Political Economy"
McQueen, Iris "Security Management"
McQueen, Jeremy "Dance Magazine"
McQueen, Kim "The Dental Assistant"
McQueen, Latanya "New Orleans Review"
McQueen, LaTanya "War, Literature & The Arts"
McQueen, Lyn "Nursing Homes"
McQueen, Mary; MacCollin, Mia; Gusella, James; Plotkin, Scott R. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
McQueen, Matthew J. "Clinical Chemistry"
McQueen, Matthew J.; Yusuf, Salim "Clinical Chemistry"
MCQUEEN, MIKE "American Journalism Review"
McQueen, Trina "Literary Review of Canada"
Mcqueen, Wilma "The New American"
McQueeney, David F. "Research-Technology Management"
Mcquen, Audrey "Liberty Press"
McQuere, Gordon D. "Notes"
MCQUERRY, ELIZABETH "Economic Review (Atlanta, Ga.)"
McQuerry, Elizabeth; Grier, Jennifer "Partners in Community and Economic Development"
McQuibban, Samantha "Sister Namibia"
McQuiddy, Megan "Policy & Practice"
McQuie, Hilary "Behavioral Healthcare"
McQuiggan, Michael "Mortgage Banking"
McQuilkin, Michael; Lund, Alexander; Palmer, Wyatt "Clinical Laboratory Science"
McQuilkin, Robert "Saturday Evening Post"
McQuillan, Colin "Philosophy in Review"
McQuillan, Gene "College Literature"
McQuillan, Kimberley; Northcote, Maria; Beamish, Peter "Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom"
Mcquillan, Laurence "The Birmingham Post (England)"
McQUILLAN, LAURENCE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McQuillan, Lawrence J. "Risk & Insurance"
MCQUILLAN, SAM "Arena Magazine"
McQuillan, Sharon "Townsend Letter"
McQuillan, William "Contemporary Review"
McQuillen, Harry "Endangered Species Update"
McQuillen, Harry "Endangered Species Bulletin"
McQuillen, Molly "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
McQuillen, Thomas; Rock, Lizard "Long-Term Living"
McQuilton, John "Journal of the Australian War Memorial"
McQuilton, John "Labour History - A Journal of Labour and Social History"
McQuilton, John "Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society"
McQuilton, John "Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History"
McQuinn, Julie "Film & History"
McQuinn, William "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McQuistan, Jill "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
McQuistion, Heather "Tennessee Nurse"
McQuistion, Linda "American Rehabilitation"
McQuiston, Chris "Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health"
McQuiston, Jennifer "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
McQuiston, Marjorie "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McQuiston, Tim "New Hampshire Business Review"
McQuitty, Alison "Antiquity"
McQuitty, Elizabeth; Ro, Jae Y.; Truong, Luan D.; Shen, Steven S.; Zhai, Qihui; Ayala, Alberto G. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
McQuitty, LaNette "Special Delivery"
McQuoid, Claire "Journal of Social History"
McQuoid-Mason, D.J. "South African Medical Journal"
McQuoid-Mason, David "South African Medical Journal"
mcQussn, Audrsy "Liberty Press"
Mcquullan, Laurence "The Birmingham Post (England)"
McRae, Bill "Bowhunter"
McRae, David "Practically Primary"
McRae, Donald "Behind the Headlines"
McRae, Emily "Journal of Buddhist Ethics"
Mcrae, Graeme "Science News"
McRae, John F. "Anglican Journal"
McRae, Kenneth "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
McRae, Larry T. "Southern Economic Journal"
McRae, Matthew "Labour/Le Travail"
McRae, Sarah "Endangered Species Bulletin"
McRae, Sheiresa "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheiresa; Benton, Jermine; Burns, Renita; Royal, Leslie E.; Smith, LaToya M.; Wallace, Shenel "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheiresa; Hutson, Brittany "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheiresa; Hutson, Brittany; Jefferson, Deshundra; Spruell, Sakina P. "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheiresa; Nance-Nash, Sheryl "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheiresa; Wallace, Shenelle "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Sheirese "Black Enterprise"
McRae, Steven "Dance Magazine"
McRandle, P.W. "E"
McRandle, P.W. "World Watch"
McRandle, Paul "World Watch"
McRandle, Paul W. "World Watch"
McRaney, Stace "Coach and Athletic Director"
McRann, Debbi "Maryland Nurse"
McRaven, William H. "CHIPS"
McRay, James "Underground Construction"
McRea, Derek D. "Infantry Magazine"
Mcrea, Neil "The People (London, England)"
McRee, Allen "Community College Week"
McRee, Chad B. "Military Police"
McReynolds, C. Neal "Journal of Arachnology"
McReynolds, David "The Progressive"
McReynolds, David "Synthesis/Regeneration"
McReynolds, David "National Catholic Reporter"
McReynolds, Judy "Arkansas Business"
McReynolds, Linda "Highlights for Children"
McReynolds, Louise "Journal of Social History"
McReynolds, Malachy "Grocer"
McReynolds, Martin "American Journalism Review"
McRobbie, Kenneth "Canadian Journal of History"
McRoberts, Ally "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McRoy, Ruth; Griffin, Amy "Adoption & Fostering"
McRUAIRI, TOMAS "The Mirror (London, England)"
McSally, Martha "Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy"
McShane, Clay "Journal of Social History"
McShane, Clay "Urban History Review"
McShane, Donald "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
McShane, Frank "Confrontation"
McShane, John "The Mirror (London, England)"
McSHANE, JOHN "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McShane, Jolie "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
McShane, Larry "The Birmingham Post (England)"
McShane, Marilyn D. "Corrections Today"
McShane, Michael K.; Cox, Larry A. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
McShane, Michael K.; Cox, Larry A.; Ge, Yanling "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Mcshane, Michael Q. "Education Next"
McShane, Thomas "Parameters"
McShane, Thomas W. "Parameters"
McSHANE, TOM "The Mirror (London, England)"
McShea, Chris "Best's Review"
McShea, Chris; Toney, Keith "Best's Review"
McShea, Chris; Zaccanti, Bruce "Risk Management"
McShea, Denise "Defense Transportation Journal"
McShea, William P. "Theological Studies"
McShea, William P. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
McShee, Sean "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
McSheffrey, Shannon "Canadian Journal of History"
McSheffrey, Shannon "Urban History Review"
McSherry, Ali "Units"
McSherry, Bernard; Wilson, Berry K. "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
McSherry, Dominic; Weatherall, Kerrylee; Larkin, Emma; Malet, Montse Fargas; Kelly, Greg "Adoption & Fostering"
McSherry, J. Patrice "Social Justice"
McSherry, J. Patrice "Journal of Third World Studies"
McSherry, J. Patrice; Mejia, Raul Molina "Social Justice"
McSherry, Ned "New Hampshire Business Review"
McSloy, Nancy "Anglican Journal"
McSmith, Deborah "WORLD"
McSorley, Jean "Multinational Monitor"
McSorley, Joseph F. "Florida Bar Journal"
McSorley, Richard T. "National Catholic Reporter"
McSorley, Thomas "American Criminal Law Review"
McSorley, Tom "Take One"
McSpadden, Holly "English Studies in Canada"
McSpadden, Russ "Synthesis/Regeneration"
McSparran, Joseph "Childhood Education"
McSparran, Joseph E. "Childhood Education"
McSqueeb, Joey "Thrasher"
McSteen, Mark "Franchising World"
McSwaim, Frances "Missy" "Arkansas Business"
McSwain, Bernice "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
McSwain, Bernie "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
McSwain, Frances "Arkansas Business"
McSwain, James B. "Canadian Journal of History"
McSwain, Norman E., Jr. "Southern Medical Journal"
McSwan, David "Australian Journal of Education"
McSwane, David "Journal of Environmental Health"
McSween, Dachell "Black Enterprise"
McSween, Harold "The Mississippi Quarterly"
McSWEENEY, BRIAN "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McSweeney, Dan "Journal of International Affairs"
McSweeney, Deborah "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
McSweeney, Denis M.; Marshall, Walter J. "Monthly Labor Review"
McSweeney, Frances K.; Coleman, John K.M.; Melville, Cam L. "The Psychological Record"
McSweeney, Frances K.; Murphy, Eric S.; Kowal, Benjamin P. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
McSweeney, Joyelle "The American Poetry Review"
McSweeney, Joyelle "Chicago Review"
McSweeney, Kerry "African American Review"
McSweeney, Kerry "Style"
McSweeney, Kerry "Victorian Poetry"
McSweeney, Mac "Petersen's Bowhunting"
McSweeney, Patricia M. "National Catholic Reporter"
McSWEENEY, Report: MAEVE QUIGLEY Pictures: MIKE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
McSweeny, Mary Ann "Highlights for Children"
McSweyn, Al "Mississippi Magazine"
McSwite, O.C. "Public Administration Quarterly"
McTaggart, Anna "American Journalism Review"
McTaggart, Craig "McGill Law Journal"
McTaggart, Ian "Ecos"
McTaggart, Joe "National Catholic Reporter"
McTAGUE, ARTHUR "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McTague, Becky; Abrams, Barbara "Reading Improvement"
McTague, Mark; Houck, Roger "Army Logistician"
McTague, Mickey "St. Louis Journalism Review"
McTavish, Chris Henry "Philosophy in Review"
McTavish, Jan R. "Medical Update"
McTavish, John "Presbyterian Record"
McTavish, Lianne "Renaissance Quarterly"
McTavish, Lianne "Canadian Journal of History"
McTEAGUE, ARTHUR "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
McTeer, Robert D. Jr. "The International Economy"
McTeer, Robert D., Jr. "Southern Economic Journal"
McTeer, William; White, Phillip G.; Persad, Sheldon "Journal of Sport Behavior"
McTernan, C.N.; Rapeport, D.A.; Ledowski, T. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
McTevia, James V. "Detroiter"
McTevia, James V. "Mortgage Banking"
McTighe, Kathryn "Health Management Technology"
McTighe, Laura "AIDS Treatment News"
McTighe, Neal "Romance Notes"
McTighe, Neal "Annali d'Italianistica"
McTighe, Sheila "Apollo"
McTighe, Tom "Community College Week"
MCTIGUE, MAURICE P. "The Public Manager"
McTurk, Carolyn "Australian Journal of Career Development"
McTurk, Carolyn; Shakespeare-Finch, Jane "Australian Journal of Career Development"
McTurk, R.W. "Medium Aevum"
McTwigan, Michael "Ceramics Art & Perception"
McTyre, Ruthann B. "Notes"
McTyre, Ruthann B. "Fontes Artis Musicae"
McTyre, Ruthann B.; McKnight, Mark "Notes"
Mctyre, Ruthann Boles "Notes"
Mcullen, Writer Marion "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
McUSKER, JOHN "The People (London, England)"

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