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Cocalis, Susan L. "World Literature Today"
Cocchiarale, Michael "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Cocchiarale, Michael "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Cocchiarella, Nino G. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cocchiarella, Nino G.; Winslow, Jay "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Coccia, C.B.I.; Palkowski, G.H.; Schweitzer, B.; Motsohi, T.; Ntusi, N.A.B. "South African Medical Journal"
Cocciolone, Kathy R. "School Arts"
Cocco, Anthony F.; Lin, Jerry W. "The National Public Accountant"
Cocco, Arturo; Hoy, Marjorie A. "Florida Entomologist"
Cocco, Arturo; Jeyaprakash, Ayyamperumal; Hoy, Marjorie A. "Florida Entomologist"
Cocco, James W. "The Tax Adviser"
Cocco, Joao F.; Lopes, Paula "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Cocco, Karen "Professional School Counseling"
Coceancig, Aron "Revista de Stiinte Politice"
Coceani, Michele "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Coch, Carla "Ceramics Technical"
Coch, Christine "Renaissance Quarterly"
Cochefski, Peter "Concrete Products"
Cochelin, Isabelle "Canadian Journal of History"
Cochet, Maeva; Brown, Malcolm; Kube, Peter; Fluckiger, Miriam; Elliott, Nicholas; Delahunty, Conor "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Cochin, Sylvie Betemps "International Trade Forum"
Cochin, Sylvie Betemps; Domeisen, Natalie "International Trade Forum"
Cochran, Alexander S. "Naval War College Review"
Cochran, Alice Collier "Association Management"
Cochran, Amanda A. "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Cochran, Ashley; Cochran, Heather "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Cochran, Barbara "American Journalism Review"
Cochran, Brian "Modern Casting"
Cochran, Brian P. "Modern Casting"
Cochran, Bruce "Wildfowl"
Cochran, Bruce "Gun Dog"
Cochran, Carol Mayo "The Tax Adviser"
Cochran, Carol Mayo "The Business Owner"
Cochran, Carol; Cochran, Patrick "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cochran, Carole "South Dakota Business Review"
Cochran, Carole; Dillon, Thale; Herling, Daphne "South Dakota Business Review"
Cochran, Carole; Sandberg, Kari A. "South Dakota Business Review"
Cochran, Carole; Stuefen, Randall M. "South Dakota Business Review"
Cochran, Christopher "Approach"
Cochran, Christopher Lee "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Cochran, Christopher; Henriques, Dominic; York, Nancy; Lee, Kiyoung "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Cochran, Clarke E. "Journal of Markets & Morality"
Cochran, Clarke E. "The Hastings Center Report"
Cochran, Dan "Approach"
Cochran, Dana B.; Wang, Eugene W.; Stevenson, Sarah J.; Johnson, Leah E.; Crews, Charles "Career Development Quarterly"
Cochran, Daniel S.; David, Fred R.; Gibson, C. Kendrick "Journal of Business Strategies"
Cochran, David "The Progressive"
Cochran, David C. "National Catholic Reporter"
Cochran, David; Stone, Kerry "Industrial Maintenance & Plant Operation"
COCHRAN, EDWIN S. "Parameters"
Cochran, Elizabeth Agnew "Theological Studies"
Cochran, Frank "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cochran, Frank S "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cochran, Gayle Hudgins "The Pulse"
Cochran, George R. "National Catholic Reporter"
Cochran, George R.; McCarthy, Brian "National Catholic Reporter"
Cochran, Gerald; Davis, King "Social Work"
Cochran, Gregory "The American Conservative"
Cochran, J. Dee "Confrontation"
Cochran, Jacy "Franchising World"
Cochran, Jay "Regulation"
Cochran, Jay III "Regulation"
Cochran, Jay, III "Regulation"
Cochran, Jill "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Cochran, Jill D.; Neal, William A.; Cottrell, Lesley A.; Ice, Christa L. "Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care"
Cochran, Jim "World Watch"
Cochran, John P. "Indian Journal of Economics and Business"
Cochran, John P. "Independent Review"
Cochran, John P. "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Cochran, John P.; Brown, R. Michael "Economic Inquiry"
Cochran, Jordon "CHIPS"
Cochran, Joseph A. "Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science"
Cochran, Joshua D. "Michigan Academician"
Cochran, Judith A. "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Cochran, Julianne "Army Sustainment"
Cochran, Julianne E. "Army Sustainment"
Cochran, Kate "College Literature"
Cochran, Keith "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Cochran, Keith "Notes"
Cochran, Keith "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Cochran, Kory; Black, Joanne "Senior Market Advisor"
Cochran, Ky "Community College Week"
Cochran, Lori; Reese, Susan "Techniques"
Cochran, Malcolm; Rumbelow, Brad; Allen, Glenn "Clinical Chemistry"
Cochran, Marv "Bowhunter"
Cochran, Michael K. "Security Management"
Cochran, Mike "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Cochran, Molly "Highlights for Children"
Cochran, Nathan N. "Coach and Athletic Director"
Cochran, Patricia "Financial Management (UK)"
Cochran, Patricia "Constitutional Forum"
Cochran, Patricia "Review of Constitutional Studies"
Cochran, Philip "Michigan Academician"
COCHRAN, PHILIP A.; LYONS, JOHN "Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science"
Cochran, Robert "African American Review"
Cochran, Robert "Esprit de Corps"
Cochran, Robert J.; Coffman, Edward N.; Harless, David W. "Mortgage Banking"
Cochran, Robert L. "Life Insurance Selling"
Cochran, Susan M. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cochran, Terry "New Life Journal"
Cochran, Terry "Security Management"
Cochran, Terry V. "New Life Journal"
Cochran, Therese "Units"
Cochran, Thomas; Paine, Christopher; Koehler, Andrew; Doty, F. David "Issues in Science and Technology"
Cochran, Timothy B. "Notes"
Cochran, Wendell "American Journalism Review"
Cochran, William Gray "Stanford Law Review"
Cochran-Becchina, Ann "Tax Executive"
Cochran-Black, Diana L.; Cowan, Linda D.; Neas, Barbara R. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn; Ell, Fiona; Grudnoff, Lexie; Ludlow, Larry; Haigh, Mavis; Hill, Mary "Teacher Education Quarterly"
Cochrane, Andy; Barnes-Holmes, Dermot; Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne "The Psychological Record"
Cochrane, Darryl J. "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Cochrane, David "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Cochrane, Diana "The Architectural Review"
Cochrane, Donald L. "Saturday Evening Post"
Cochrane, Douglas "Esprit de Corps"
Cochrane, Emma M.; Beechey, Kenneth J. "New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science"
Cochrane, Ethan E. "Antiquity"
Cochrane, Glory "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Cochrane, Grace "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Cochrane, Grace "Ceramics Technical"
Cochrane, Grace; Jonsson, Love; Schwartz, Judith "Ceramics Technical"
Cochrane, Harriet "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cochrane, Jack "Optometry Today"
Cochrane, John H. "NBER Reporter"
Cochrane, John H. "Regulation"
Cochrane, John H. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Cochrane, John H. "Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review"
Cochrane, John H. "Economic Perspectives"
Cochrane, Kirsty "Practically Primary"
Cochrane, Megan "Gallup Poll News Service"
Cochrane, Megan; Witters, Dan "Gallup Poll News Service"
Cochrane, Michael F. "Defense AT & L"
Cochrane, Michael F. "National Defense"
Cochrane, Neil "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Cochrane, Paul "International News"
Cochrane, Paul; Miller, Karryn; Nuthall, Keith "International News"
Cochrane, Paul; Nuthall, Keith "International News"
Cochrane, Paul; Pathoni, Ahmad; Blair, Gavin; Verma, Raghavendra; Fangqing, Wang; Flusfelder, Helen; "International News"
Cochrane, Phil "Alaska Business Monthly"
Cochrane, Pual "International News"
Cochrane, Ray "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cochrane, Regina "Labour/Le Travail"
Cochrane, Sean; Sidoti, Larry; Tatem, Jim "JT" "Franchising World"
Cochrane, Steve "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Cochrane, Tom "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Cochrane, Victoria "Practically Primary"
Cochren, Lucas "North American Whitetail"
Cocimano, Frances, "Peg" "Maryland Nurse"
Cociu, Nicolae; Ignaton, Elemer; Taroata, Anghel "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cociu, Nicolae; Taroata, Anghel; Taucean, Ilie Mihai "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cocivera, Michael "Canadian Chemical News"
Cock, Alison "The People (London, England)"
Cock, Ian E.; Sirdaarta, Joseph "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Cock, Jacklyn "International Peace Update"
Cockal, Susann "Style"
Cockar, Zarek "African Business"
Cockayne, James; Malone, David M. "Global Governance"
Cockbum, Andrew "Japan Inc."
Cockburn, Alexander "The Progressive"
Cockburn, Alexander "The American Conservative"
Cockburn, Andrew "Washington Monthly"
Cockburn, Brian "Notes"
Cockburn, Brian "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Cockburn, Chelsea; Amoroso, Matt; Carpenter, Marc; Johnson, Brittany; McNeive, Rachel; Milleri, Adam "Entomologica Americana"
Cockburn, Christina A. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Cockburn, Chuck "Credit Union Times"
Cockcroft, Alison "Grocer"
Cockcroft, Jennie "Grocer"
Cockcroft, Laurence "For A Change"
Cockell, John C. "Global Governance"
Cocker, Christine; Brown, Helen Cosis "Adoption & Fostering"
Cockeram, Paul "Confrontation"
Cockerell, Lynette "Rural Cooperatives"
Cockerham, Glenn C.; Goodrich, Gregory L.; Weichel, Eric D.; Orcutt, James C.; Rizzo, Joseph F.; Bow "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Cockerham, Sean "State Legislatures"
Cockerham, William C. "Harvard International Review"
Cockerill, Ian "African Business"
Cockerill, Matthew J.; Knols, Bart G.J. "Issues in Science and Technology"
Cockerill, Richard "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cockerill, Richard; Fullbrook, Danny "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Cockerill, Vivien "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cockerline, Roger "Canadian Chemical News"
Cockett, Lynn S. "Library Trends"
Cockett, Peter "Comparative Drama"
Cockey, Linda "American Music Teacher"
Cockey, Linda Essick "American Music Teacher"
Cockey, Linda; Kalmanson, Kathryn "American Music Teacher"
Cockfield, Arthur J. "C.D. Howe Institute Commentary"
Cockfield, Geoff; Chalmers, Linden; Apan, Armando; Thompson, David "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
Cockfield, Sandra; Buttigieg, Donna; Jerrard, Marjorie; Rainnie, Al "Economic and Labour Relations Review"
Cockfield, Shamika "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Cockfield, Wayne "National Right to Life News"
Cockle, Jenny "The Mirror (London, England)"
Cockle, Kristina L. "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Cockle, Kristina L.; Bodrati, A. Alejandro "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Cockle, Kristina L.; Bodrati, Alejandro "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Cockle, Peter "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Cockley, William Thomas; Roswal, Glenn M. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Cockram, Sarah "Annali d'Italianistica"
Cockran, Austin "Mech"
Cockran, Frank "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Cockreham, Debbie "Professional School Counseling"
Cockrell, Amanda "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Cockrell, Eddie "Americas (English Edition)"
Cockrell, Geoffrey; Walker, Bart "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Cockrell, Kim "The Exceptional Parent"
Cockrell, R. Cameron; Robinson, Shani N.; Stone, Dan N. "Management Accounting Quarterly"
Cockrell, Sandy; Stallings, David; Wood, Todd; Hempel, Gardiner "Financial Executive"
Cockriel, Irv "Journal of Research Administration"
Cockroft, B.; Olsson, K. A. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Cockroft, Jennie "Grocer"
Cockrum, Joseph; Richardson, Anthony "Mech"
Cockrum, Robert B.; Caban-Garcia, Maria T. "The Tax Adviser"
Cockrum, Robert B.; Quilliam, William C. "The Tax Adviser"
Cocks, Geoffrey "Post Script"
Cocks, Geoffrey "Film & History"
Cocks, Nancy "Presbyterian Record"
Cocks, Nancy L. "Presbyterian Record"
Cocks, Neil "Yearbook of English Studies"
Cockshut, A.O.J. "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Cocksworth, Christopher J. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Cockwell, Malcolm; Caspersen, John "Forest Products Journal"
Coclanis, Peter "Reason"
Coclanis, Peter A. "Business and Economic History On-line"
Coco, Adrienne Phelps "Journal of Social History"
Coco, Cedric T.; Jamison, Fiona; Black, Heather "People & Strategy"
Coco, E. Lane; Courtney, Linda J. "Adolescence"
Coco, Kirsi; Tossavainen, Kerttu; Jaaskelainen, Juha Erik; Turunen, Hannele "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Coco, Malcolm "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Coco, Malcolm P., Jr. "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Coco, Malcolm; Truong, Ashley; Kaupins, Gundars "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Coco, Paul "New York Times Upfront"
Coco, Rita "Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review"
Cocola, Jim "College Literature"
Cocolin, Alexandra "Highlights for Children"
Cocorada, Sorin; Szekely, Iuliu "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Cocores, James "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Cocores, James "Internal Medicine News"
Cocores, James A.; Gold, Mark S. "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Cocores, James A.; Gold, Mark S. "OB GYN News"
Cocowitch, Vic "Physician Executive"
Cocozella, Peter "World Literature Today"
Cocoziello, Peter "Real Estate Weekly"
Cocozza, Joseph J. "Corrections Today"
Cocozza, Thomas A. "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Cocozzella, Peter "World Literature Today"
Cocquyt, K.; Cos, P.; Herdewijn, P.; Maes, L.; Van den Steen, P.E.; Laekeman, G. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Cocroft, Wayne "Antiquity"
Cocteau, Jean "The American Poetry Review"
Cocteau, Jean; Prevallet, Kristin "Chicago Review"
Coculescu, C. "DAAAM International Scientific Book"
Coculescu, Cristina "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coculescu, Cristina; Coculescu, Cristian Catalin "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coculescu, Cristina; Despa, Radu; Folcut, Ovidiu "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coda, Roberto "Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios (Brazilian Journal of Business Management)"
Coda, Roberto; Cesar, Ana Maria Roux Valentini Coelho; Bido, Diogenes de Souza; Louffat, Enrique "Brazilian Administration Review - BAR"
Coday Dennis "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dan "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Denis "National Catholic Reporter"
CODAY, DENNIS "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dennis J. "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dennis, J. "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dennis; Heffern, Rich "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dennis; Patterson, Margot "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dennis; Roberts, Tom "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Deno "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Deui "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Deus "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Dous "National Catholic Reporter"
Coday, Timothy "National Catholic Reporter"
Codding, Penelope W. "Canadian Chemical News"
Codding, Robin S.; Hilt-Panahon, Alexandra; Panahon, Carlos J.; Benson, Jaime L. "Education & Treatment of Children"
Coddington, Dean C.; Pollard, John "Health Management Technology"
Coddington, Jonathan A.; Agnarsson, Ingi "Journal of Arachnology"
Code, Kimberly P. "Journal of Entrepreneurship Education"
Code, Young "Mech"
Codebo, Marco "Italica"
Codebo, Marco "Annali d'Italianistica"
Codelli, Lorenzo "Annali d'Italianistica"
Coderoni, Gary R. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Coderre, Dave "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Coderre, Denis "Esprit de Corps"
Coderre, Michael "National Defense"
Codevilla, Angelo M. "Modern Age"
Codevilla, Angelo M. "Reason Papers"
Codier, Estelle E.; Kofoed, Nancy A.; Peters, Judith M. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Codignola, Luca "Historical Studies"
Codina, Georgiana-Gabriela; Gutt, Sonia; Gutt, Gheorghe; Mironeasa, Silvia "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Codini, Ned "U.S. Catholic"
Codish, Ed "Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought"
CODISPOTI, JOSEPH M. "Air Force Journal of Logistics"
Codispoti, Lisa; Kaye, Julia "Women's Health Activist"
Codlin, Lee "Windspeaker"
Codling, Eton E. "Agricultural Research"
Codner, Paul Martin "Journal of Caribbean Literatures"
Codner, Shelene "Recycling Today"
Codognato, Mario "Artforum International"
Codognotto, Marta; Piccoli, Antonio; Zaninotto, Martina; Plebani, Mario; Mion, Monica; Vertolli, Ugo "Clinical Chemistry"
Codori, Carol "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Codrea, David "Guns Magazine"
Codrescu, Andrei "Washington Monthly"
Codrescu, Andrei "World Watch"
Codrescu, Andrei "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Codrescu, Andrei "Chicago Review"
Codru, Neculai; Schymura, Maria J.; Negoita, Serban; Rej, Robert; Carpenter, David O. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Coduti, Wendy "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Coduti, Wendy A.; Schoen, Barbara "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Cody, Barbara "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cody, Brettjet L. "Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science"
Cody, Brian E. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Cody, Caroline "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Cody, Chris "British Journal of Community Justice"
Cody, Dennis "National Catholic Reporter"
Cody, Edward "DISAM Journal"
Cody, Eric P. "Management Quarterly"
Cody, Howard "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Cody, Howard "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Cody, James A. "Citizen Airman"
Cody, Jean; Petry, Judith; Finkel, Robert; Volski, Courtney "Vermont Nurse Connection"
Cody, Jonathon H. "Army Lawyer"
Cody, Lisa Forman "Journal of Social History"
Cody, Mathew R. "Financial Executive"
Cody, Michael "ABA Bank Marketing"
Cody, Mike "HFN Home Furnishings News"
Cody, Reade "The Tax Adviser"
Cody, Shameka L.; Fazeli, Pariya L.; Vance, David E. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Cody, Shyann "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Cody, Susan "Literary Review of Canada"
Cody, Thomas "National Catholic Reporter"
Cody-Rydzewski, Susan "International Social Science Review"
Coe, Allen B. "Air Force Law Review"
Coe, Andrew "Naval Aviation News"
Coe, Anna-Britt "Women's Health Journal"
Coe, Anna-Britt "Reproductive Health Matters"
Coe, Brooke "Global Governance"
Coe, Chris; Barlow, Jane "Community Practitioner"
COE, DON "The Masthead"
Coe, Ellen "The Exceptional Parent"
Coe, Jack J., Jr. "Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law"
Coe, James "Translog"
Coe, Jeff; Hansen, Jan "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Coe, Jim "Translog"
COE, JO ANN R.; ELLIOTT, DOREEN "Journal of Social Work Education"
Coe, John H. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Coe, Jude G.B. "Army Sustainment"
Coe, Kent H. "World Watch"
Coe, Kevin "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Coe, Kevin; Neumann, Rico "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Coe, Kevin; Reitzes, Michael "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Coe, Mandy "NATE Classroom"
Coe, Martin J. "Journal of Accountancy"
Coe, Martin; Delaney, John "Strategic Finance"
Coe, Melanie "Maryland Nurse"
Coe, Michael D. "Antiquity"
Coe, Peter "Yearbook of English Studies"
Coe, Rick "Air Force Comptroller"
Coe, Sue "Earth Island Journal"
Coebergh, Bastiaan K. "Utah Business"
Coelho, A.; Marques, P.; Canta , J.P. "European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry"
Coelho, Alison; Kemsey, Jamie "Earth Island Journal"
Coelho, Amy "The Exceptional Parent"
Coelho, Ana M. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Coelho, Anderson Alan da Cruz; Barros, Mario Ubirajara Goncalves; Bezerra, Joao Henrique Cavalcante; "Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences (UEM)"
Coelho, Antonio Carlos; de Aguiar, Andson Braga; Lopes, Alexsandro Broedel "Brazilian Administration Review - BAR"
Coelho, C.O.A.; Laouina, A.; Regaya, K.; Ferreira, A.J.D.; Carvalho, T.M.M.; Chaker, M.; Naafa, R.; "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Coelho, Daniel H. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Coelho, Daniel H.; Vasan, Nilesh "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Coelho, Donna; Tesch, Fred; Drozdenko, Ronald "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Coelho, Dulce; Antunes, Carlos Henggeler; Martins, Antonio Gomes "Technological and Economic Development of Economy"
Coelho, Edy Celia; de Souza, Eduardo Godoy; Uribe-Opazo, Miguel Angel; Neto, Raimundo Pinheiro "Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy (UEM)"
Coelho, Jeff "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Coelho, Joseph "International Social Science Review"
Coelho, Ken Russell "International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health (IJCRIMPH)"
Coelho, Livia A.; Ferreira, Paulo Sergio F.; Costa, Luiz A.A. "Entomologica Americana"
Coelho, Luiz O.M.; Ono, Sergio E.; Neto, Arnolfo de Carvalho; Kawasaki, Christiane S.; Saboia, Lucia "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Coelho, Marcelo Iran Souza; Mendes, Emiko Shinozaki; Cruz, Maria Claudia Soares; Bezerra, Sueli Sant "Acta Scientiarum Health Sciences (UEM)"
Coelho, Paulo "Northern Ontario Business"
Coelho, Philip R.P. "Independent Review"
Coelho, Philip R.P.; McClure, James E. "Economic Inquiry"
Coelho, Richard J. "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Coelho, Sydney "Defense A R Journal"
Coelho, V.R.; Gianesini, J.; Martins, L. Mazzardo; Martins, D.F.; Picada, J.N.; Santos, A.R.S.; Brum "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Coelho, Victor "Renaissance Quarterly"
Coelho, Victor "Notes"
Coelho-Adam, Y. Daphne "Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law"
Coemish, Esvie "West Branch"
Coen, Carlo "Italica"
Coen, Dan "Grocer"
Coen, Harry "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Coen, Loren D. "Journal of Shellfish Research"
Coenen, Andre; Uhlmann, Eckart "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Coenen, Dries; Verschueren, Patrick; Westhovens, Rene; Bossuyt, Xavier "Clinical Chemistry"
Coenen, John; van der Steen, Jeroen; Fransen, Cees; Scharf, Uwe "Journal of the Bromeliad Society"
Coenen, Joseph R.; Bryant, Alvin L. "Approach"
Coenen, Michael "Yale Law Journal"
Coenen, Peter "The International Sports Law Journal"
Coenen, Peter T.M. "The International Sports Law Journal"
Coenen, Ronald D., Jr.; Greenberg, Jonathan H.; Reisinger, Patrick K. "American Criminal Law Review"
Coenyea, Tom; Brackman, Gilles; Rigole, Petra; Witte, Evy De; Honraet, Kris; Rossel, Bart; Nelis, Ha "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Coequty, John; von Goerne, Gabriela "Issues in Science and Technology"
Coertze, Stephen V. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Coervers, Mary-Ann "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Coes, Ben "Tooling & Production"
Coester, Brian "Mortgage Banking"
Coetsee, J.L.; Kruger, T.F.; Vine, D. "South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology"
Coetser, J.L. "Literator"
Coetser, J.L. "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Coetser, J.L. "South African Theatre Journal"
Coetser, Johan "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Coetser, Johan "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Coetsier, Meins G.S. "Modern Age"
Coetz-Richter, Stephan "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Coetzee, Allie "Defense AT & L"
Coetzee, Ampie "Literator"
Coetzee, Ampie "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Coetzee, C.; Levendal, R.-A.; van de Venter, M.; Frost, C.L. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Coetzee, Deur Estelle "Sister Namibia"
Coetzee, E. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Coetzee, E.J.; Stewart, C.J. M. "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, Edward "South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology"
Coetzee, Edward J. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Coetzee, Estelle "Sister Namibia"
Coetzee, J.M. "World Literature Today"
Coetzee, J.M. "Queen's Quarterly"
Coetzee, K.; Lippi, G. "South African Journal of Psychiatry"
Coetzee, L.M.; Cassim, N.; Glencross, D.K. "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, M.; Kruger, P.; Hunt, R.H.; Durrheim, D.N.; Urbach, J.; Hansford, C.F. "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, M.J. "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, Marie-Heleen "South African Theatre Journal"
Coetzee, Marie-Heleen; Munro, Marth "South African Theatre Journal"
Coetzee, Mariska "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Coetzee, Marius "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, Marius J.; Louw, Vernon J.; Gartrell, Kevin; Viljoen, Chris D. "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, Marius; Joubert, Jaco "South African Medical Journal"
Coetzee, Tim "Momentum"
Coetzee, Timothy "Momentum"
Coetzer, Alan John "Research and Practice in Human Resource Management"
Coetzer, J.L. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Coetzer, Phillip J. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Coeuret, Francois "Canadian Chemical News"
Coewen, Royden "Urban History Review"
Coeyman, Barbara "Notes"
Coeyman, Barbarra "Notes"

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