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Simpao, Allan F. "Physician Executive"
Simpfendorfer, Colin A. "Endangered Species Update"
Simpfendorfer, Colin A. "Fishery Bulletin"
Simpfendorfer, Werner "The Ecumenical Review"
Simpkin, Andrew "Franchising World"
Simpkin, Rowan "Practically Primary"
Simpkins, Darin; Carnes, Catherine "Endangered Species Bulletin"
Simpkins, Jessica "Florida Sportsman"
Simpkins, Jim "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Simpkins, Mary Ann "Americas (English Edition)"
Simpkins, N. "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Simpkins, Robert "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Simpkins, Tiffany A. "Black Issues Book Review"
Simplicio, Joseph "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
Simplicio, Joseph "Reading Improvement"
Simplicio, Joseph S. C. "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
Simplicio, Joseph S.C. "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
Simplicio, Joseph S.C. "Reading Improvement"
Simpon, Layne "Gun Dog"
Simpser, Leo "Mortgage Banking"
Simpson Gary M. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Simpson, : Gordon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Aaron J.; Potter, Julia M.; Koerbin, Gus; Oakman, Carmen; Cullen, Louise; Wilkes, Garry J.; "Clinical Chemistry"
Simpson, Aaron P. "Financial Executive"
Simpson, Adelaide "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Simpson, Al "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
Simpson, Alan "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Alan "Washington University Global Studies Law Review"
Simpson, Alice; Clogg, Phil; Diaz-Andreu, Margarita; Larkman, Brian "Antiquity"
Simpson, Allan "Coach and Athletic Director"
Simpson, Alyson "Practically Primary"
Simpson, Alyson; White, Simone "Practically Primary"
Simpson, Amelia "College Literature"
Simpson, Andrea L. "Directors & Boards"
Simpson, Andrew "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Simpson, Anika Maaza "The Black Scholar"
Simpson, Anne. "Directors & Boards"
Simpson, Audra "Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue"
Simpson, B. Mitchell, III "Naval War College Review"
Simpson, Bailey "Bowhunter"
Simpson, Barbara "Singapore Management Review"
SIMPSON, BBC War JOHN "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
SIMPSON, BENNETT "Artforum International"
Simpson, Boxing Gordon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Brian "Grocer"
Simpson, Brian P. "Reason Papers"
Simpson, Brian P. "The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies"
Simpson, Brittany "Jack & Jill"
Simpson, Brooks D. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
SIMPSON, BROOKS D. "The Mississippi Quarterly"
Simpson, Bruce "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Simpson, C. Blake "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Simpson, Carly "Units"
SIMPSON, CATHY A.; VUCHINICH, RUDY E. "The Psychological Record"
Simpson, Chad; Skogsberg, Derrick "Franchising World"
Simpson, Charlie "Air Power History"
Simpson, Chris "The Middle East"
Simpson, Chris; Armstrong, Stephen A. "Camping Magazine"
Simpson, Christina R. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Simpson, Christopher "International Trade Forum"
Simpson, Christy "Health Law Review"
Simpson, Clive "Offshore Yachting"
Simpson, Colin "Bellingham Business Journal"
Simpson, Dan "The Masthead"
Simpson, Daniel "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, David "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Simpson, David "Paris Chronicle (Paris, Canada)"
Simpson, David "Issues in Science and Technology"
Simpson, David "Studies in Romanticism"
Simpson, David B. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Simpson, David B.; Newman, Jody L.; Fuqua, Dale R. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Simpson, David B.; Newman, Jody L.; Fuqua, Dale R. "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Simpson, David B.; Woike, Erin E.; Musick, Allison E.; Newman, Jody L.; Fuqua, Dale R. "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Simpson, David B; Cloud, Dinah S.; Newman, Jody L; Fuqua, Dale R. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Simpson, Dayna; Meredith, Jack; Boyer, Kenneth; Dilts, David; Ellram, Lisa M.; Leong, G. Keong "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Simpson, Deane "The Architectural Review"
Simpson, Dennis "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Dennis "Grocer"
Simpson, Donald "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Simpson, Donnie "Coach and Athletic Director"
Simpson, Doug "Community College Week"
Simpson, Douglas J. "Journal of Thought"
Simpson, Dustin "Chicago Review"
Simpson, Eileen "Georgetown Journal of International Law"
Simpson, Elizabeth "Air Power History"
Simpson, Erik "Studies in Romanticism"
Simpson, Erik; Jeffrey, Toni; Sullum, Jacob "Reason"
Simpson, Erika "Behind the Headlines"
Simpson, Erin "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Erin; Waldon, George "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Ethel "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Ethel C. "National Catholic Reporter"
Simpson, Eva "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, Eva "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Eva; Hughes, Chris "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, F. Morgan "Journal of Instructional Psychology"
Simpson, Famela H. "Southeastern College Art Conference Review"
Simpson, Fred A. "Journal of Accountancy"
SIMPSON, From GORDON "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gary "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Simpson, Ged "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Simpson, George L., Jr. "Journal of Third World Studies"
Simpson, Gerry J. "Albany Law Review"
Simpson, Glenn R. "Washington Monthly"
Simpson, Gordon "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, Gordon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon L. "Canadian Manager"
Simpson, Gordon; Campbell, Iain "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Clark, Graham "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Frame, Lorna "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Gordon, Phil "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Grahame, Ewing "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Jackson, Keith "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Jordan, Thomas "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; McCARTHY, DAVID "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; McGREGOR, DEREK "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Price, Colin "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Gordon; Stephen, Kenneth "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Herbert "Dance Magazine"
Simpson, Herbert M. "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Simpson, Herbert M. "Dance Magazine"
Simpson, Herbert M. "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Simpson, Howard "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Hugh "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, Hyacinth M. "Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal"
Simpson, Ian "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Ian "The Birmingham Post (England)"
SIMPSON, IAN; HASLETT, TONY "Forest Products Journal"
SIMPSON, Interview GORDON "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
SIMPSON, Interview: GORDON "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, Jacqueline "Ethnologies"
Simpson, James "Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England"
Simpson, James "Medium Aevum"
Simpson, James A. "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, James M. "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, James; McMillen, Chad "Army Communicator"
Simpson, Jeanmarie "Peace and Freedom"
Simpson, Jeanne "Writing Lab Newsletter"
Simpson, Jeff "Walleye In-Sider"
Simpson, Jeffrey "Queen's Quarterly"
Simpson, Jennifer "College Literature"
Simpson, Jeremy A.; Labugger, Ralf; Collier, Christine; Brison, Robert J.; Iscoe, Steve; Van Eyk, Je "Clinical Chemistry"
Simpson, Jeremy A.; Labugger, Ralf; Hesketh, Geoffrey G.; D'Arsigny, Christine; O'Donnell, Denis; Ma "Clinical Chemistry"
Simpson, Jessica "HFN Home Furnishings News"
Simpson, Jessica Callan Eva "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, Jillian; Mapel, Tim "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Simpson, Jim "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Jim M.; Roosevelt, Jonann C. "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Joe "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, John "Recycling Today"
Simpson, John "Translog"
Simpson, John "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Simpson, John "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Simpson, John "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Simpson, John "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simpson, John "Appraisal Journal"
Simpson, John "Antiquity"
Simpson, John A. "Appraisal Journal"
Simpson, John M. "Translog"
Simpson, John; Grank, Don "American Fern Journal"
Simpson, John; Howell, Bill "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Simpson, John; Skidmore, Roger "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Simpson, June "Best's Review"
Simpson, K.W. "Guns Magazine"
Simpson, Kathleen; Redmond, Jan E.; Cohen, Bruce S.; Hendrickson, Nathan R.; Spiering, Barry A.; Ste "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Simpson, Keith "JCT CoatingsTech"
Simpson, Keith "JCT Research"
Simpson, Kevin "Washington University Law Review"
Simpson, Kirsten "The Tax Adviser"
Simpson, Kit N.; LaVallee, Rebecca; Halpern, Michael; Palmer, Cynthia "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Simpson, Lara "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Laura "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Simpson, Laura "Sunset"
Simpson, Layne "Guns & Ammo"
Simpson, Layne "Gun Dog"
Simpson, Lee "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, Leo; Bhella, Paul S.; Schussler, Jeffrey M.; Grayburn, Paul A.; Assar, Manish "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
Simpson, Les "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Simpson, Linda; Douglas, Sara; Schimmel, Julie "Adolescence"
Simpson, Lisa; Osborne, Jane; Eisenberg, John M. "Health Services Research"
Simpson, Lorenzo C. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Simpson, Louis "New Criterion"
Simpson, Louis Aston Marantz "New Criterion"
Simpson, Louis Aston Marantz "The American Poetry Review"
Simpson, Luke "Pharmaceutical Processing"
Simpson, Luke "Food Manufacturing"
Simpson, Lynn A. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Simpson, M Fern "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, M.G. "The New American"
Simpson, Maggie "Grocer"
Simpson, Margaret; Smith-Edwards, Kathy "Sunset"
Simpson, Marianna Shreve "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Simpson, Marilyn "Saturday Evening Post"
Simpson, Mark "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Simpson, Mark "Corrections Today"
Simpson, Mark "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Mark "English Studies in Canada"
Simpson, Mark "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Simpson, Mark T. "Corrections Today"
Simpson, Martha "Medical Update"
Simpson, Mary "Journal of Technology and Teacher Education"
Simpson, Megan Locke "Guns Magazine"
Simpson, Meghan "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Simpson, Melanie "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Simpson, Michael "Style"
Simpson, Michael "Comparative Drama"
Simpson, Michele "The Lamp"
Simpson, Mike "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Nicola "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, Nicole B. "Southern Economic Journal"
Simpson, Pamela H. "Southeastern College Art Conference Review"
Simpson, Paul "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Paul "Grocer"
Simpson, Paul; Guthrie, Jill; Butler, Tony "Journal of Australian Political Economy"
Simpson, Paula "Household & Personal Products Industry"
Simpson, Paula "Nutraceuticals World"
Simpson, Paula; Madhere, Shirley "Nutraceuticals World"
Simpson, Penny M.; Siguaw, Judy A.; White, Susan C. "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Simpson, Pete "Software World"
Simpson, Peter "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Simpson, Peter "The Review of Metaphysics"
Simpson, Peter "The People (London, England)"
Simpson, Peter "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Simpson, Philip "Best's Review"
Simpson, Philip "Grocer"
Simpson, Philip L. "Post Script"
Simpson, Philip L. "College Literature"
Simpson, Philip L. "English Studies in Canada"
Simpson, Philip; Russo, Jon "Communications News"
Simpson, Polly Graham/Jessica Callan/Eva "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, R. David "Issues in Science and Technology"
Simpson, R. David; Sedjo, Roger A. "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Simpson, Rachel "The Mirror (London, England)"
Simpson, Ray "For A Change"
Simpson, Rebecca "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, Richard C.; LoPresti, Edmund F.; Cooper, Rory A. "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Simpson, Richard L. "Exceptional Children"
Simpson, Robert I.; Ramsay, Michael A.E.; Millard, Mark W.; Capehart, John E. "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
Simpson, Robert L. "The New American"
Simpson, Robert; DiChiara, Richard, Jr. "Franchising World"
Simpson, Robert; Walzak, Rebecca "Mortgage Banking"
Simpson, Rod W. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Simpson, Roger T. "Esprit de Corps"
Simpson, Rosemary "Saturday Evening Post"
Simpson, Roy L. "Georgia Nursing"
Simpson, Roy; Curtin, Leah "Health Management Technology"
Simpson, S. "Science News"
Simpson, S. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Simpson, S. Bart "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Simpson, S.; Yung, M.; Slater, A. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Simpson, Sally S.; Elis, Lori "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Simpson, Sally S.; Gibbs, Carole; Rorie, Melissa; Slocum, Lee Ann; Cohen, Mark A.; Vandenbergh, Mich "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Simpson, Sandra K. "Southern Medical Journal"
Simpson, Sarah "Science News"
Simpson, Sarah "New African"
Simpson, Scott "Approach"
Simpson, Shawn "Science News"
Simpson, Sherri "Catalyst (Dublin, Ohio)"
Simpson, Sidney B., Jr. "National Catholic Reporter"
Simpson, Sidney B., Jr.; Delich, David; Bombard, Patricia M. "National Catholic Reporter"
Simpson, Sonja "Parish Nurse Perspectives"
Simpson, St J. "Antiquity"
Simpson, St. John "Antiquity"
Simpson, Stephen W. "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Simpson, Sue; Simpson, Howie "Presbyterian Record"
Simpson, Sylvia "Texas Business Review"
Simpson, Tamra "H&HN; Hospitals & Health Networks"
Simpson, Taynar "Wind Speaker"
Simpson, Ted "The National Public Accountant"
Simpson, Thomas "Italica"
Simpson, Thomas H. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Simpson, Thomas R.; Rose, Francis L. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Simpson, Thomas W. "Church History"
Simpson, Timothy L. "Journal of Thought"
Simpson, Todd W. "Army Lawyer"
Simpson, Trudy "Contemporary Review"
Simpson, Tyrone, II "African American Review"
Simpson, Vicki L. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Simpson, Warren "Arkansas Business"
Simpson, Wayne K. "Government Finance Review"
Simpson, Wendy "Grocer"
Simpson, William A. "Cross Currents"
Simpson, William R. "Monthly Labor Review"
Simpson, William T. "Forest Products Journal"
Simpson, William T.; Hart, C. Arthur "Forest Products Journal"
Simpson, William T.; Illman, Barbara L. "Forest Products Journal"
SIMPSON, WILLIAM T.; WANG, XIPING "Forest Products Journal"
Simpson-Akin, Julia "Arts & Activities"
Simpson-Cutts, Nancy "Anglican Journal"
Simpson-Jones, Michael "Grocer"
Simpson-Woods, Stephanie "Reviewer's Bookwatch"
Simpton, Jake "Shooting Industry"
Simrany, Joe "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Simrany, Joseph "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Simrany, Joseph P. "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Simrany, Joseph; Dexter, Pearl "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Sims, Adrian "Financial Management (UK)"
Sims, Alan "Arkansas Business"
Sims, Amy R. "Canadian Journal of History"
Sims, Bill "Health Management Technology"
Sims, Bill, Jr. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Sims, Bob "Grocer"
Sims, Brad L. "Security Management"
Sims, Brian "Arkansas Business"
Sims, C. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Sims, Caitlin "Dance Magazine"
Sims, Calvin "New York Times Upfront"
Sims, Cary; Moran, Bryan; Ollagnier, Marie "Household & Personal Products Industry"
Sims, Catherine; Farley, John; Lewis, Jeanie; Nelson, Patricia; Reder, Barbara; Irwin, Robert; DeWit "U.S. Catholic"
Sims, Cecil C. "Baptist History and Heritage"
Sims, Chris "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Sims, Chris "Highlights for Children"
Sims, Chris Sorensen "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Sims, Chris; Sims, Reed "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Sims, Christopher A. "Brookings Papers on Economic Activity"
Sims, Cynthia "Techniques"
Sims, David "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Sims, David "Security Management"
Sims, Davis "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Sims, Deborah; Cook, Deborah "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Sims, Doris M. "Mortgage Banking"
Sims, Dorothy Clay "Trial"
Sims, Eugene "National Parks"
Sims, G.L.A.; Angus, M.W. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Sims, G.L.A.; Bennett, J.A. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Sims, George "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Sims, Graham "Grocer"
Sims, Guy A. "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Sims, Harley J. "Mythlore"
Sims, Harrison "Anglican Journal"
Sims, Hugh M., Jr. "Modern Casting"
Sims, James S.; George, William L.; Griffin, Terence J.; Hagedorn, John G.; Hung, Howard K.; Kelso, "Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology"
Sims, Janice "Black Issues Book Review"
Sims, Jim "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Sims, Kathy L. "The Black Collegian"
Sims, Kevin "Australian Journal of Physiotherapy"
Sims, Kimberly "National Parks"
Sims, Laura "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Sims, Lisa Renee; Ellis, Jane "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Sims, Marc "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Sims, Margaret; Ellis, Elizabeth M. "Babel"
Sims, Marilyn "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Sims, Martin "Database and Network Journal"
Sims, Martin "Communications & Strategies"
Sims, Maureen "The Lamp"
Sims, Melanie J. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Sims, Michael "Bookmarks"
Sims, Michelle; Mindell, Jennifer S.; Jarvis, Martin J.; Feyerabend, Colin; Wardle, Heather; Gilmore "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Sims, Mickey "Rural Telecommunications"
Sims, Mike "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Sims, Molly "USA Today (Magazine)"
Sims, Mrs C. "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Sims, Muriel L. "The Black Collegian"
Sims, Norman Howard "World Literature Today"
Sims, Patrick "DAV Magazine"
Sims, Paul "The Mirror (London, England)"
Sims, Paul "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Sims, Paul; Willey, Jo "The Mirror (London, England)"
Sims, Phillip L. "Agricultural Research"
Sims, R I "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Sims, Richard "Computer Technology Review"
Sims, Rick "Journal of Appellate Practice and Process"
SIMS, ROD "Journal of Interactive Learning Research"
Sims, Ronald "Detroiter"
Sims, Sally; Dent, Peter; Oskrochi, G. Reza "International Journal of Strategic Property Management"
Sims, Sara "The Advocate (American Mental Health Counselors Association)"
Sims, Sara K. "The Advocate (American Mental Health Counselors Association)"
Sims, Shane "Infantry Magazine"
Sims, Sue "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Sims, Tammy H.; Meurer, John R.; Sims, Mario; Layde, Peter M. "Health Services Research"
Sims, Tony "War, Literature & The Arts"
Sims, Val "The Lamp"
Sims, W "The Mirror (London, England)"
Sims, William F. "Soldiers Magazine"
Sims, Williams J. "District Administration"
Sims-Giddens, Susan; Helton, Caroline; Hope, Kathryn L. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Sims-Gould, Joanie "Canadian Journal of Public Health"
Sims-Williams, Patrick "Antiquity"
Simsek, Abdullah; Turkkan, Ozlem; Melek, Kevser; Eyuboglu, Fusun Oner "Turkish Thoracic Journal"
Simsek, Eda; Simsek, Ziya; Tas, M. Hakan; Kucur, Cuneyt; Gunay, Ersin; Ucuncu, Harun "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Simsek, Gokce; Saka, Cem; Sonbay, Didem N.; Akin, Istemihan; Koybasioglu, Fulya "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Simsek, Hasan Onur; Tilziim, Mustafa Senol; Baykul, Timucin; Gurer, inanc Elif; Basorgun Cumhur Ibra "Turkish Journal of Hematology"
Simsek, Hatice Giray; Gunay, Turkan; Ucku, Reyhan "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Simsek, Ismail "Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases"
Simsek, Masum "Southern Medical Journal"
Simsek, Mehmet; Tanira, Musbah O.M.; Al-Baloushi, Khalid A.; Al-Barwani, Hameeda S.; Lawatia, Khuloo "Clinical Chemistry"
Simsek, Murat; Rzayev, Zakir M.O.; Acar, Selim; Salamov, Bahtiyar; Bunyatova, Ulviya "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Simsek, Ramazan; Polat, Yusuf; Pampal, Esra Serife; Agma, Onur; Kilic, Ali "Journal of Coatings Technology and Research"
Simsek, Tulay Tarsuslu; Turkucuoglu, Bahriye; Ustunbas, Gonca; Cokal, Nilay "Turkish Pediatrics Archive"
Simsek, Tulay Tarsuslu; Yumin, Eylem Tutun; Ozturk, Asuman; Sertel, Meral; Yumin, Murat "Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation"
Simsek, Yavuz; Gezer, Altay; Senturk, Levent; Uludag, Seyfettin "Experimental Medicine"
Simsek, Ziya; Gunay, Ersin; Aksakal, Enbiya; Kutucularoglu, M. Gurkan; Guneren, Gokhan "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Simsek, Ziya; Karakelleoglu, Sule; Gundogdu, Fuat; Aksakal, Enbiya; Sevimli, Serdar; Arslan, Sakir; "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Simsek, Ziya; Koza, Yavuzer; Tas, Muhammet Hakan; Kaya, Ugur; Ates, Azman; Kantarci, Mecit "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Simshaw, Drew "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Simsir, Adnan; Senol, Ender; Kalemci, Serdar; Turna, Burak; Cikili, Necmettin "Turkish Journal of Urology"
Simsir, Ilgin Yildirim; Ozgen, Ahmet Gokhan "Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism"
SIMSON, DAVID "Real Estate Weekly"
Simson, Gary J. "Albany Law Review"
Simson, Jay "Real Estate Weekly"
Simspon, Gordon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Simspon, John "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Simujide, Huasai; Aorigele, Chen; Wang, Chun-Jie; Manda, Bai; Lina, Ma; Wu, Mei-Yun; Li, Yu; Bai, To "Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management"
Simujide, Huasai; Aorigele, Chen; Wang, Chun-Jie; Mandaa, Jun-E Yu. Bai; Lina, Ma "Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management"
Simundic, Ana-Maria; Kackov, Sanja; Miler, Marijana; Fraser, Callum G.; Petersen, Per Hyltoft "Clinical Chemistry"
Simunic, J.; Zubrinic-Kostovic, K. "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Simunic, Miroslav "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Simunkova, Iva "Grocer"
Simunovic, G.; Simunovic, K.; Saric, T. "International Journal of Simulation Modelling"
Simunovic, Vedran; Katic, Marko; Mudronja, Vedran "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Simurda, Stephen "The Masthead"
Simutin, Mikhail "Financial Management"
Simutowe, Amon "African Business"

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