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Som, Mousumi; Stroup, Jeffrey S. "Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings"
Soma, John T.; Henderson, Charles P. "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal"
Soma, John T.; Nichols, Maury M.; Rynerson, Stephen D.; Maish, Lance A.; Rogers, Jon David "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal"
Soma, Lori; LiVolsi, Virginia A.; Baloch, Zubair W. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Soma, Lorinda; Allen, Michael; Tobin, Lynda; Ganster, Colleen; Bulley, Margaret; Hunt, Jennifer; Kri "Clinical Chemistry"
Soma, P.; Kara, S. "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Soma-Pillay, P.; Macdonald, A.P.; Mathivha, T.M.; Bakker, J.L.; Mackintosh, M.O. "South African Medical Journal"
Soma-Pillay, P.; Pattinson, R.C.; Langa-Mlambo, L.; Nkosi, B.S.S.; Macdonald, A.P. "South African Medical Journal"
Somach, Stuart L. "Environmental Law"
Somaiya, Ravi "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Soman, Michael P. "Physician Executive"
Somanath, Manju; Vanitha, N.; Gopalan, M.A. "Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics"
Somar, Wahid Beigi; Mirza, Behrooz "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Somasca, Davide "Real Estate Weekly"
Somashekar, Sam "Database and Network Journal"
Somasundaram, Kumaravel "Indian Journal of Medical Research"
Somavia, Juan "Americas (English Edition)"
Somavia, Juan "The Ecumenical Review"
Somavia, Juan "International Trade Forum"
Somayaji, Gangadhara; Rajeshwary, Aroor; Ramesh, Sullia; Dinesh, Sullia "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Sombach, Ray "Canadian Children's Book News"
Sombatsompop, N.; Sungsanit, K.; Thongpin, C. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Sombatsompop, N.; Tan, M.C.; Wood, A.K. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Sombatsompop, N.; Uawongsuwan, P.; Chaochanchaikul, K. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Sombatsompop, N.; Wood, A.K. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Somboonna, Naraporn; Mead, Sally; Liu, Jessica; Dean, Deborah "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Sombuling, Agnes "Fathering"
Somda, Begaleaon Helene "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Some, Pascal K. "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Someck, Ronny "The American Poetry Review"
SOMECK, RONNY; Goldberg, Barbara; Dor, Moshe "The American Poetry Review"
Somekh, S.; Stewart, F.H. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Somekh, Sasson "Midstream"
Somenzari, Luciano "Latin Trade"
Somer, Ayper "Journal of Pediatric Infection"
Somer, Elizabeth "Nutrition Health Review"
Somer, Murat; Liaras, Evangelos G. "Middle East Policy"
Somerfield, Mark "Momentum"
Somers, Cheryl L.; Canivez, Gary L. "Adolescence"
Somers, Cheryl L.; Tynan, Joshua J. "Adolescence"
Somers, Christopher M.; Kjoss, Victoria A.; Brigham, R. Mark "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Somers, Emily C.; Ganser, Martha A.; Warren, Jeffrey S.; Basu, Niladri; Wang, Lu; Zick, Suzanna M.; "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Somers, Erin "Video Age International"
Somers, J. "CANNT Journal"
Somers, James; Sanders, Ann; Skiffington, Barbara; Mogensen, Chip "Security Management"
Somers, Jennifer L. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Somers, Krishna "South African Medical Journal"
Somers, Laura W. "Highlights for Children"
Somers, Matt "Training Journal"
Somers, Melissa L.; Suskind, Dana L. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Somers, Meredith; Baldor, Lolita C. "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Somers, Nick; Scrimgeour, Alexander "Artforum International"
Somers, Por Erin "Video Age International"
Somers, Sharon Cuddy; Boldt, Christopher L. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Somers, Suzanne "Townsend Letter"
Somers, Tim "Detroiter"
Somers, Veerle A.M.C.; Leimbach, Darcy A.; Theunissen, Paul H.M.H.; Murtagh, James J., Jr.; Holloway "Clinical Chemistry"
Somers-Hall, Henry "Philosophy in Review"
Somers-Willett, Susan B.A. "West Branch"
Somerset, Alan "English Studies in Canada"
Somerset, Felicity "CMA Management"
Somerset, Fiona "Medium Aevum"
Somerset, Fiona "Church History"
Somerset, Hilary; Witt, J. Peter; Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, Bette K. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Somerset, Shawn "Nutrition & Dietetics: The Journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia"
Somershoe, Scott G. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Somershoe, Scott G.; Brown, Christine R.D.; Poole, Richard T. "The Wilson Journal of Ornithology"
Somerson, Ira S. "Security Management"
Somerton, David A.; Munro, Peter "Fishery Bulletin"
Somerton, David A.; Munro, Peter T.; Weinberg, Kenneth L. "Fishery Bulletin"
Somerton, Gerry "The Mirror (London, England)"
Somerton, James "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Somervell, Katherine S. "Environmental Law"
Somerville, Alice Te Punga "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Somerville, Alice Te Punga; Allen, Chadwick "JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature"
Somerville, Bebe Kern "Southern Medical Journal"
Somerville, C. Tsuriel; Mayer, Christopher J. "Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review"
Somerville, Carole "The People (London, England)"
Somerville, Drew "Highlights for Children"
Somerville, Father Stephen "Catholic Insight"
Somerville, Fr. Stephen "Catholic Insight"
Somerville, Iain "Physician Executive"
Somerville, Janet "Ploughshares Monitor"
Somerville, Jeremy; Balasubramaniam, V.M. "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Somerville, Keith "African Business"
Somerville, Keith; Ross, Priscilla "African Business"
Somerville, Margaret "National Right to Life News"
Somerville, Margaret "LawNow"
Somerville, Margaret "Presbyterian Record"
Somerville, Margaret "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
SOMERVILLE, MARGARET "Queen's Quarterly"
Somerville, Margaret; Green, Monica "Australian Journal of Environmental Education"
Somerville, Mike "CMA Management"
Somerville, Robert "Renaissance Quarterly"
Somerville, Robert "Church History"
Somerville, Stephen "Catholic Insight"
Somerville, Sylvia R. "Association Management"
Somerville, Thane D. "Environmental Law"
Somerville, Will "Renewal"
Someya, Yoshihiro; Shibata, Mitsuhiro "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Somfai, Laszlo "Notes"
Somigli, Luca "Italica"
Somigli, Luca "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Somigli, Luca "Annali d'Italianistica"
Somigli, Luca; Storchi, Simona "Annali d'Italianistica"
Somin, Ilya "Reason"
Somin, Ilya "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Somin, Ilya "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Somin, Ilya "Regulation"
Somin, Ilya "USA Today (Magazine)"
Somin, Ilya "Independent Review"
Somin, Ilya "The Cato Journal"
Somin, Ilya "Policy Review"
Somin, Ilya "Constitutional Commentary"
Somlai, Anton M.; Kelly, Jeffrey A.; Wagstaff, David A.; Whitson, Donna P. "Social Work"
Somm, Emmanuel; Schwitzgebel, Valerie M.; Toulotte, Audrey; Cederroth, Christopher R.; Combescure, C "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Somma, C. Thomas "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Somma, Frank "Bowhunter"
Somma, Ryan "The Humanist"
Sommanee, Worachead "Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics"
Sommaripa, Amory M. "Physician Executive"
Sommariva, A.; Vianello, M. "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"
Sommars, Jack "ColoradoBiz"
Sommaruga, Cornelio "For A Change"
Sommer Mark "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Sommer, A.A., Jr. "Financial Executive"
Sommer, A.A., Jr. "Journal of Accountancy"
Sommer, Al A., Jr. "Directors & Boards"
Sommer, Anita Friis; Hedegaard, Christian; Dukovska-Popovska, Iskra; Steger-Jensen, Kenn "Research-Technology Management"
SOMMER, BENJAMIN D. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Sommer, Bjorn; Berschin, Gereon; Sommer, Hans-Martin "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Sommer, Brian R. "Financial Executive"
Sommer, Carl "Tooling & Production"
Sommer, Constance "InsideCounsel"
Sommer, David W. "Journal of Risk and Insurance"
Sommer, Deborah "East-West Connections"
Sommer, Edward A. "Black Enterprise"
Sommer, Ervin "The National Public Accountant"
Sommer, Hans "Offshore Yachting"
Sommer, J.G. "Rubber World"
Sommer, Jason "Witness"
Sommer, Jean "School Arts"
Sommer, John "Rubber World"
Sommer, John G. "Rubber World"
Sommer, Joseph H. "Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review"
Sommer, Kenneth P. "Association Management"
Sommer, Kristen S.; Whitman, Thomas L.; Borkowski, John G.; Gondoli, Dawn M.; Burke, Jennifer; Maxwe "Adolescence"
Sommer, Marius; Ronnqvist, Louise "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Sommer, Mark "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Sommer, Michael "Plastics Engineering"
Sommer, Paula "South African Medical Journal"
SOMMER, PIOTR "Chicago Review"
Sommer, Rich "Units"
Sommer, Robert "Journal of Consumer Affairs"
SOMMER, SALLY "Dance Magazine"
Sommer, Shari "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Sommer, Stacy A.; Byrom, Joseph R.; Fischer, Hanna D.; Bodkhe, Rajan B.; Stafslinen, Shane J.; Danie "JCT Research"
Sommer, Stefan "Modern Casting"
Sommer, Steven M. "Management Quarterly"
Sommer, Steven M.; Marsnik, Paul "Management Quarterly"
Sommer, Susan "Alaska Business Monthly"
Sommer, Susan T. "Notes"
Sommer, Thomas; Subramanian, Ramesh "Journal of International Technology and Information Management"
Sommer, Travis P. "Army Lawyer"
SOMMER, VICKI L. "The Journal of Men's Studies"
Sommerburg, Olaf "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Sommerfeld, B. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Sommerfeld, David "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Sommerfeld, Ryan "Guns Magazine"
Sommerfeldt, John R. "Church History"
Sommerfield, David "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Sommerfield, Donald "The Humanist"
Sommerfield, William A. "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Sommerlad, Nick "The Mirror (London, England)"
Sommerlad, Nick "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Sommerlad, Nick "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Sommerlad, Nick "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Sommers, Alexis N. "Industrial Management"
Sommers, Amy L.; Phillips, Kara L. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Sommers, Anna S.; Abraham, Jean Marie; Spicer, Laura; Mikow, Asher; Spaulding-Bynon, Mari "Health Services Research"
Sommers, Benjamin D. "Health Services Research"
Sommers, Christina Hoff "Reason"
Sommers, Christina Hoff "USA Today (Magazine)"
Sommers, Christina Hoff "Policy Review"
Sommers, Christy "Government Finance Review"
Sommers, Claudia "Catholic Insight"
Sommers, Denise "Techniques"
Sommers, Dixie "Monthly Labor Review"
Sommers, Dixie "Occupational Outlook Quarterly"
Sommers, Dixie; Franklin, James C. "Monthly Labor Review"
Sommers, Dixie; Morisi, Teresa L. "Monthly Labor Review"
Sommers, Faith "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Sommers, Faith "Children's Playmate"
Sommers, Jeanette "Utah Business"
Sommers, Jeff "Social Justice"
Sommers, Jeff "International Social Science Review"
Sommers, Joseph Michael "College Literature"
Sommers, Mary C. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Sommers, Richard J. "Parameters"
Sommers, Robert D. "Techniques"
Sommers, Roseanna "Yale Law Journal"
Sommers, Sheila "Government Finance Review"
Sommers, Tamler; Sinclair, Neil; Justice, John; Archard, David; Stoltz, Jonathan; Wall, Steven "The Review of Metaphysics"
Sommers, William "American Diplomacy"
Sommers-Flanagan, John "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
SOMMERVILLE, C. JOHN "Church History"
Sommerville, Johann "Renaissance Quarterly"
Sommerville, Joseph C.; Lauer, Susan F.; Benser, Cliff "Corrections Today"
Sommerville, Keith "African Business"
Sommerville, R. Brian; Baloh, Robert H. "Clinical Chemistry"
Sommerville, Rilla "Anglican Journal"
Sommerville, Robert "Risk Management"
Sommerville-Jones, Christine "The Lamp"
Sommese, Donald E. "New Hampshire Business Review"
Sommo, Lucy "CEU Political Science Journal"
Somniso, M.M. "Literator"
Somniso, M.M. "Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies"
Somodevilla, Alexis Sebastian Garcia "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Somodi, Paul J.; Eby, R.K.; Scavuzzo, Rudolph J., Jr.; Wilson, Guy R. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Somodi, Tom "Canadian Manager"
Somody, Catherine; Henderson, Patricia; Cook, Katrina; Zambrano, Elias "Professional School Counseling"
Somogyvari, Ferenc; Szolnoki, Zoltan; Marki-Zay, Janos; Fodor, Lajos "Clinical Chemistry"
Somolowitz, Ira "Business Forum"
Somoskovi, Akos "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Somov, D.; Bazaras, Z.; Pupleviciute, A. "Mechanika"
Somov, Dmitrij; Bazaras, Zilvinas "Transport"
Somova, L.I.; Shode, F.O.; Mipando, M. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Somova, L.O.; Nadar, A.; Rammanan, P.; Shode, F.O. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Somoye, R.O.C. "Indian Journal of Economics and Business"
Somoza, Anastasia "The Exceptional Parent"
Somoza, Lela "Partners in Community and Economic Development"
Somoza, Mary "The Exceptional Parent"
Sompayrac, Joan "Journal of Accountancy"
SOMPLE, ANDREW "Real Estate Weekly"
Sompolski, Robert "Community College Week"
Sompuram, Seshi R.; Kodela, Vani; Ramanathan, Halasya; Wescott, Charles; Radcliffe, Gail; Bogen, Ste "Clinical Chemistry"
Somrak, Maja; Lustrek, Mitja; Susteric, Jakob; Krivc, Tomo; Mlinar, Ana; Travnik, Tilen; Stepan, Luk "Informatica"
Somsel, Patricia A. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Somsen, Steve "Risk & Insurance"
Somses, Lucy "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Somun, Lejla "Kadin/Woman 2000"
Somuncu, Makbule Nihan; Yildirim, Mahmut Selman; Zamani, Aysegul; Peru, Harun "Turkish Journal of Rheumatology"
Somvanshi, Divya; Yadava, R.D.S. "International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research"
Somvichian-Clausen, Austa "American Forests"

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