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Ze, Tom "Americas (English Edition)"
Zealand, Karen "U.S. Catholic"
Zealand, Karen "National Catholic Reporter"
Zealey, Linda "African Business"
Zeayter, Samer "Southern Medical Journal"
Zeb, Adeel "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Zebdewos, Alemselam; Singh, P.; Birhanu, G.; Whiting, S.J.; Henry, C.J.; Kebebu. A. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Zebehazy, Kim T.; Smith, Thomas J. "Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness"
Zebehazy, Kim T.; Wilton, Adam P. "Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness"
Zebehazy, Kim T.; Zigmond, Naomi; Zimmerman, George J. "Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness"
Zebko, Nick "Behavioral Healthcare"
Zebley, Lisa "Childhood Education"
Zebrack, Brad J.; Chesler, Mark "Health and Social Work"
Zebrasky, Daryl "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Zebrowska, Aleksandra; Gasior, Zbigniew; Langfort, Jozef "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Zebrowski, George "World Literature Today"
Zebrun, Gary "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Zebunisso, Alimova "SIECUS Report"
Zec, Dejan "Serbian Studies"
Zecca Laterza, Agostina "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Zecchi, Barbara "College Literature"
Zech, Charles "National Catholic Reporter"
Zech, Charles E. "National Catholic Reporter"
Zech, Roland; Abramowski, Uwe; Glaser, Bruno; Kubik, Peter W.; Zech, Wolfgang "Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Geology"
ZECHER, CARLA "Renaissance Quarterly"
Zecher, Carla "Notes"
Zechman, Marlin "Risk & Insurance"
Zechman, Marlin "Risk Management"
Zechmeister, Gene "U.S. Catholic"
Zechnich, Dave; Lee, Chris "Financial Executive"
Zeckendorf, William L. "Real Estate Weekly"
Zecker, Robert "Journal of Social History"
Zeckhauser, Bryn "Directors & Boards"
Zeda, Eric "MBR Bookwatch"
Zedan, Danica "NATE Classroom"
Zedeck, Rachel "African Business"
Zeden, J.-P.; Fusch, G.; Holtfreter, B.; Schefold, J.C.; Reinke, P.; Domanska, G.; Haas, J.-P.; Grue "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Zeder, Fred M., II "Trial"
Zediker, Glen "Guns Magazine"
Zediker, Glen D. "Guns Magazine"
Zedler, Joy B.; Powell, Abby N. "Oceanus"
Zedlewski, Sheila R.; Chaudry, Ajay; Simms, Margaret "Policy & Practice"
Zee, Robert Y.L.; Mora, Samia; Cheng, Suzanne; Erlich, Henry A.; Lindpaintner, Klaus; Rifai, Nader; "Clinical Chemistry"
Zeeb, Lindsay M.; Green, Curtis E. "Applied Radiology"
Zeedani, Said "Reason Papers"
Zeegers, Bert "Corrections Today"
Zeegers, Margaret "Practically Primary"
Zeegers, Margaret; McDonough, Sharon; Beales, Brad "Practically Primary"
Zeegers, Margaret; McDonough, Sharon; Petersen, Tracey; Beales, Brad "Practically Primary"
Zeegers, Yvonne; Paige, Kathryn; Lloyd, David; Roetman, Philip "Australian Journal of Environmental Education"
Zeek, Andrea "Community College Week"
Zeeman, Nicolette "Medium Aevum"
Zeeman, Ron "Canadian Chemical News"
Zeese, Kevin "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Zeese, Kevin B. "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Zeeuw, Anne Marie de "Notes"
Zeevat, Henk "Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences"
Zeevi, Dror "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Zeff, Dan "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
Zefferino, Melanie "Ceramics Technical"
Zefiri, Arben "Albanian Press in Macedonia"
Zegarra, Luis Felipe "The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics"
Zegarski, Beverly "Sunset"
Zegart, Amy "Parameters"
Zegart, Amy B. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Zegart, Amy B. "Policy Review"
Zegenhagen, Evelyn "Air Power History"
Zegers, Frans J.L.; Helder, Den "Catholic Insight"
Zegers, Ingrid; Beetham, Robert; Keller, Thomas; Sheldon, Joanna; Bullock, David; Mackenzie, Finlay; "Clinical Chemistry"
Zegers, Ingrid; Keller, Thomas; Schreiber, Wiebke; Sheldon, Joanna; Albertini, Riccardo; Blirup-Jens "Clinical Chemistry"
Zegers, Ingrid; Schimmel, Heinz "Clinical Chemistry"
Zegler, Jenny "Nutraceuticals World"
Zeglin, John "Wildfowl"
Zeglin, Robert J. "The Journal of Men's Studies"
Zegnini, Boubakeur; Mahia, Djillali; Martinez-Vega, Juan "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research"
Zeguniene, Nijole "Coactivity"
Zegura, Elizabeth Chesney "Renaissance Quarterly"
Zehentner, Barbara K.; Dillon, Davin C.; Jiang, Yuqiu; Xu, Jiangchun; Bennington, Angela; Molesh, Da "Clinical Chemistry"
Zehentner, Barbara K.; Fritschle, Wayne; Stelzer, Tess; Ghirardelli, Keely M.; Hunter, Kimberly; Wen "Clinical Chemistry"
Zehentner, Barbara K.; Persing, David H.; Deme, Amadou; Toure, Papa; Hawes, Stephen E.; Brooks, Lisa "Clinical Chemistry"
Zehetbauer, Linda "International Peace Update"
Zehetner, Brian "Life Extension"
Zehir, Regayip; Karabay, Can Yucel; Aykan, Ahmet Cagri; Ozkan, Mehmet "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Zehler, Edward; Quinlan, Michael "State Magazine"
Zehms, Cathleen "National Catholic Reporter"
Zehnacher, Carol "Running & FitNews"
Zehnbauer, Barbara "Clinical Chemistry"
Zehnder, Ashley M.; Hawkins, Michelle G.; Koski, Marilyn A.; Lifland, Barry; Byrne, Barbara A.; Swan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zehnder, James; Van Atta, Reuel; Jones, Carol; Sussman, Howard; Wood, Michael "Clinical Chemistry"
Zehner, Andy "Indiana Business Review"
Zehner, Ozzie "The Humanist"
Zehner, Sharon J. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Zehr, Douglas "Americas (English Edition)"
Zehr, Howard "Corrections Today"
Zehr, Usha Barwale "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Zehrbach, Gareth D. "Catholic Education"
Zehring, Timothy L. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Zehsaz, Mohammad; Mehdipour, Hadi; Alimohammadi, Alireza "Mechanika"
Zeichner, Brian C. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Zeichner, Brian C.; Adams, Sheila Denice "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Zeichner, Naomi "The Fader"
Zeichner, Naomi; Kim, Joyce "The Fader"
Zeichner, Story Naomi "The Fader"
Zeicner, Naomi "The Fader"
Zeid, Hanan. Abou; Hassan, Ibrahim A. "Advances in Environmental Biology"
ZEIDBERG, DAVID S. "Library Trends"
Zeidberg, Louis D.; Hamner, William M.; Nezlin, Nikolay P.; Henry, Annette "Fishery Bulletin"
Zeidel, Robert F. "California History"
Zeidenberg, Matthew "Community College Week"
Zeidenberg, Matthew "Issues in Science and Technology"
Zeidler, Johannes; Kavsak, Peter A. "Clinical Chemistry"
Zeidler, Sue "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Zeidman, Daniel Curbelo "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Zeidman, Philip "Franchising World"
Zeidman, Philip F. "Franchising World"
Zeidman, Philip F.; Brennan, Michael G. "Franchising World"
Zeidman, Philip F.; Hood, Dave "Franchising World"
Zeidman, Steven "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Zeidman, Steven "Albany Law Review"
Zeidner, Nordin S. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zeien, Jennifer "American Journal of Health Studies"
Zeier, Joan T. "Highlights for Children"
Zeifman, Stephen "Literary Review of Canada"
Zeiger, Daniel "Real Estate Weekly"
ZEIGER, DINAH "ColoradoBiz"
Zeiger, Hans "The New American"
Zeiger, Lisa "Apollo"
Zeiger, Melissa "The Progressive"
Zeiger, Mimi "Sunset"
Zeiger, Shelley "The Chicago Reporter"
Zeigler, Bob "National Catholic Reporter"
Zeigler, Cyd "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Zeigler, David "The American Biology Teacher"
Zeigler, David "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Zeigler, Donald J. "International Social Science Review"
Zeigler, Elizabeth A. "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
ZEIGLER, From MARTIN "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Zeigler, Heath "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Zeigler, Jenifer "Franchising World"
Zeigler, Martyn "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Zeigler, Norm "Florida Sportsman"
Zeigler, Robert "Notes on Contemporary Literature"
Zeigler, Robert S. "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Zeigler, Sara L.; Gunderson, Gregory Gilbert "Ethics & International Affairs"
Zeikowitz, Richard E. "College Literature"
Zeil, S.; Schwanebeck, U.; Vogelberg, C. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Zeile, Mike "Computer Technology Review"
Zeile, William J. "Survey of Current Business"
Zeiler, Thomas W. "Canadian Journal of History"
Zeiler, W.; Boxem, G. "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, W.; Boxem, G.; Schuiling, D. "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, Wim "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, Wim; Boxem, Gert "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, Wim; Maaijen, Rik; Boxem, Gert "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, Wim; Maaijen, Rik; Maassen, Wim "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeiler, Wim; Vissers, Derek; Boxem, Gert "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zeilinger, Ron "National Catholic Reporter"
Zeilman, Timothy "Best's Review"
Zein, Amira El- "Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics"
Zein, Walid A.; Ibrahim, Nabil A.; Phillips, Adel H. "Progress in Physics"
Zein, Walid A.; Phillips, Adel H.; Omar, Omar A. "Progress in Physics"
Zeineddine, Ghassan "Witness"
Zeineh, Jack "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Zeinsteger, P.; Palacios, A.; Leaden, P.; Gurni, A. "Revista Veterinaria"
Zeipen, Jon; Lind, Christine "Behavioral Healthcare"
Zeiqiri, Arben "Albanian Press in Macedonia"
Zeira, Anat; Astor, Ron Avi; Benbenishty, Rami "Social Work"
Zeira, Anat; Rosen, Aaron "Social Work Research"
Zeira, Yoram; Newburry, William; Yeheskel, Orly "Management International Review"
Zeisberg, Mariah "Constitutional Commentary"
Zeise, Lauren; Bois, Frederic Y.; Chiu, Weihsueh A.; Hattis, Dale; Rusyn, Ivan; Guyton, Kathryn Z. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zeises, Lara M. "Kliatt"
Zeisler, Jerry "Computer Technology Review"
Zeisler, John "The Ecumenical Review"
Zeiss, Antonette M.; Batten, Sonja V. "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Zeiss, Bob; Finley, Steve "Pharmaceutical Processing"
Zeiss, Chris C. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Zeiss, Laurel E. "Notes"
Zeiss, Tony "Shooting Industry"
Zeist, Rachel Blackburn Camp "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Zeitler, Lynn "Risk & Insurance"
Zeitlin, Arn "Midstream"
Zeitlin, Marianne Langner "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Zeitlin, Michael "College Literature"
Zeitlin, Michael "The Faulkner Journal"
Zeitlin, Michael "The Mississippi Quarterly"
Zeitlin, Steve "Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore"
Zeitlin, Steve; Dargan, Amanda "Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore"
Zeitlin, Steve; Garfinkel, Molly "Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore"
Zeitoun, Eric "Household & Personal Products Industry"
Zeitouni, Anthony "Iran Times International (Washington, DC)"
Zeits, Joel "Thrasher"
ZEITZ, JOSHUA MICHAEL "American Jewish History"
Zeitz, Paul "Conscience"
Zeitz, Paul S. "Conscience"
Zeitz, Ron "Public Roads"
Zeitz, Ronald A. "Public Roads"
Zeitzer, Jamie M.; Friedman, Leah; O'Hara, Ruth "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Zejma, J. "Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology"
Zekany, Kay "Strategic Finance"
Zekany, Kay; Elsass, Art "Strategic Finance"
Zekas, Vygantas; Martinaitis, Vytautas; Streckiene, Giedre "Science - Future of Lithuania"
Zekavat, Massih "CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture"
Zekavat, Omid R.; Samani, Soliman Mohammadi; Nasibi, Siros; Karimi, Mehran "Journal of Applied Research"
Zeke "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Zeki Ibrahimgil, Mehmet "Crossroads Foreign Policy Journal"
Zekiri, Arben "Albanian Press in Macedonia"
Zekoll, Joachim "Albany Law Review"
Zekovic, Lana "CEU Political Science Journal"
Zekpah, David "New African"
Zelalem, K.A.; Chandravanshi, B.S. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Zelaya, Elvin "Wenatchee Business Journal"
Zelaya, Pauline "New Mexico Nurse"
Zelaya, Siboney "Nevada RNformation"
Zelaya, Vivian "National Catholic Reporter"
Zelazny, Mary "Migrant Health Newsline"
Zelazo, Suzanne "English Studies in Canada"
Zelcer, Amy "American Criminal Law Review"
Zelcer, Amy M. "American Criminal Law Review"
Zelcer, Heshey "Midstream"
Zeldes, Kiki; Norsigian, Judy "Women's Health Activist"
Zeldes, Michael "Real Estate Weekly"
Zeldes, Stephen P. "NBER Reporter"
Zeldin, Darryl C. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zeldin, David E. "Security Management"
Zeldin, Michael "Security Management"
Zeldin, Todd "Journal of Property Management"
Zeldis, Chayym "Midstream"
Zeldis, Jennifer "All Hands"
Zeldow, Bill "ASRT Scanner"
Zelek, Matt "Grocery Headquarters"
Zeleke, Seleshi "Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics"
Zelena, Hana; Mrazek, Jakub; Kuhn, Tomas "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zelenak, Anthony; Goff, H. Buford, Jr. "Corrections Today"
Zelenak, Lawrence A. "Virginia Tax Review"
Zeleniakiene, D.; Griskevicius, P.; Leisis, V.; Milasiene, D. "Mechanika"
Zeleniakiene, Daiva; Leisis, Vitalis; Griskevicius, Paulius "Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences"
Zelenka, Donald J. "Corrections Today"
Zelenka, Michael "Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice"
Zelenka, Patricia B. "Association Management"
Zelenko, Michael "The Fader"
Zelenkoz, Michael; eichner, Naomi "The Fader"
Zelenski, James M. "ColoradoBiz"
Zelenski, Jim "ColoradoBiz"
Zelenski, S.G. "The Exceptional Parent"
Zelenski, Steven G. "The Exceptional Parent"
Zeleny, Jeff "New York Times Upfront"
Zelenyuk, Valentin "Southern Economic Journal"
Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe "The Black Scholar"
Zelezny, Jena "Traffic (Parkville)"
Zelezny, Lynnette "Sunset"
Zelhart, M.D.; Robertson, M.W. "Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science"
Zelibor, Thomas "Naval War College Review"
Zelich, Alexander "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Zeliff, Bill "New Hampshire Business Review"
Zeligman, Brooke "Outskirts: feminisms along the edge"
Zelikman, E.; Narkis, M.; Siegmann, A.; Valentini, L.; Kenny, J.M. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Zelikoff, Judith "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zelikow, Philip "Houston Journal of International Law"
ZELIKOW, PHILIP D.; MAY, ERNEST R. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Zelin, Robert C., II "Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal"
Zelin, Robert C., II; Baird, Jane E. "Academy of Educational Leadership Journal"
Zelinka, Samuel L. "ASHRAE Transactions"
Zelinka, Samuel L.; Ortiz-Candelaria, Lorraine; Stone, Donald S.; Rammer, Douglas R. "Forest Products Journal"
Zelinka, Samuel L.; Rammer, Douglas R. "Forest Products Journal"
Zelinksi, Tom "National Catholic Reporter"
Zelinschi, Gabriel Arthur "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zelinschi, Glabriel Arthur "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zelinski, Ernest J. "Canadian Manager"
Zelinski, Tom "National Catholic Reporter"
Zelinski, Tom; Crook, Gary "U.S. Catholic"
Zelinsky, Aaron S.J. "Yale Law Journal"
Zelinsky, Edward A. "Virginia Tax Review"
Zelinsky, Marilyn "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Zelinsky, Vladimir "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Zelio, Judy "State Legislatures"
Zelis, Lynette "American Music Teacher"
Zelisko, Judith P. "Tax Executive"
Zelizer, Gerald L. "Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought"
ZELIZER, JULIAN E. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Zelkowitz, Rachel "Science News"
Zell, Sam "Directors & Boards"
Zellars, Kelly L.; Hochwarter, Wayne A.; Perrewe, Pamela L.; Miles, Angela K.; Kiewitz, Christian "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Zellars, Kelly L.; Kacmar, K. Michelle "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Zellars, Kelly L.; Liu, Yongmei; Bratton, Virginia; Brymer, Robert; Perrewe, Pamela L. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Zelle, Lauren; Mandola-Duncan, Pamela "Access"
Zelle, Sarah "Highlights for Children"
Zellen, Barry S. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Zellen, Jody "ArtUS"
Zeller, Benjamin E. "Church History"
Zeller, Corey "New Orleans Review"
Zeller, Dirk "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zeller, Dirk; Booth, Shawn; Davis, Gerald; Pauly, Daniel "Fishery Bulletin"
Zeller, Faith "Jack & Jill"
Zeller, Frank "World Watch"
Zeller, Herve "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zeller, Herve G. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zeller, Lindsay R. "War, Literature & The Arts"
Zeller, Maya Jewell "West Branch"
Zeller, Micah "Washington University Law Review"
Zeller, Richard "Shooting Industry"
Zeller, Sebastian; Abel, Thomas; Smith, Paul M.; Strueder, Heiko K. "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development"
Zeller, Shawn "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Zeller, Suzanne "Environments"
Zeller, Tanja; Blankenberg, Stefan; Diemert, Patrick "Clinical Chemistry"
Zeller, Thomas L.; Stanko, Brian B. "Strategic Finance"
Zeller, Tom, Jr. "New York Times Upfront"
Zellers, John "DISAM Journal"
Zelli, Fariborz; Gupta, Aarti; Van Asselt, Harro "Global Governance"
Zellinsky, Marilyn "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Zelliot, Eleanor "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Zellmer, Greg; Box, John E. "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Zellmer, Johanna "Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue"
Zellmer, Linda "The Globe"
Zellmer, Sandra "Environmental Law"
Zellmer, Sandra "Notre Dame Law Review"
Zellmer, Sandra B. "Environmental Law"
Zellmer, Tina "Sunset"
Zellner, Adi "Rubber World"
Zellner, B. Bruce "Southern Economic Journal"
Zellner, Harriet "Risk Management"
Zellner, Margaret R.; Ranaldi, Robert "The Psychological Record"
Zellner, Mike "Latin Trade"
Zellner, Mike; Rapoza, Ken; Newbery, Charles; Garreton, Jorge "Latin Trade"
Zellner, Moira L.; Lyons, Leilah B.; Hoch, Charles J.; Weizeorick, Jennifer; Kunda, Carl; Milz, Dani "URISA Journal"
Zello, Nicholas C.; Labin, Daniel L. "Army Logistician"
Zellou, Abdel; Williamson, T.D. "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Zelman, Shawn Taylor "Association Management"
Zelman, Stacie "Southern Medical Journal"
Zelman, William M.; Elston, Jennifer M.; Weissert, William G. "Health Care Financing Review"
Zelmanovitz, Leonidas "Libertarian Papers"
Zelmenis, Martins "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Zelner, Mike "Latin Trade"
Zelnick, Jennifer R.; Slayter, Elspeth; Flanzbaum, Beth; Butler, Nanci Ginty; Domingo, Beryl; Perlst "Health and Social Work"
Zelnick, Marc Wm. "Army Lawyer"
Zelnick, Robert "Policy Review"
Zelnik, Cory "Real Estate Weekly"
Zelnik, Melvin; Kantner, John F. "Readings on Induced Abortion, Volume 1: Politics and Policies"
Zelon, Helon "City Limits Magazine"
Zelsacher, Rudolf "Progress in Physics"
Zeltakalns, Michael "All Hands"
Zeltikalns, Michael B. "State Magazine"
Zeltman, Steven M. "Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal"
Zeltmann, Steven M. "Business Perspectives"
Zeltmann, Steven M. "Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal"
Zeltser, Maria "Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences"
Zeltweg, MICHAEL DERin "The Mirror (London, England)"
Zema, Carla L.; Rogers, Lisa "Health Care Financing Review"
Zemach, Dorothy E. "Verbatim"
Zeman, Catherine "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zeman, Catherine; Beltz, Lisa; Linda, Mark; Maddux, Jean; Depken, Diane; Orr, Jeff; Theran, Patricia "Journal of Environmental Health"
Zeman, Christopher J.; Willison, J.H. Martin "Endangered Species Update"
Zeman, Ed "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Zeman, Elizabeth "Renaissance Quarterly"
Zemanek, Steven L. "Survey of Current Business"
Zemanek, Steven L.; Rzeznik, Stanislaw J. "Survey of Current Business"
Zemann, Richard; Bleicher, Friedrich; Puschitz, Falko; Zisser-Pfeifer, Reinhard; Habersohn, Christop "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zembal-Saul, Carla "Journal of Technology and Teacher Education"
Zembouai, Idris; Bruzaud, Stephane; Kaci, Mustapha; Benhamida, Aida; Corre, Yves-Marie; Grohens, Yve "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Zembower, Teresa R. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zembowicz, Artur; Ahmad, Adeel; Lyle, Stephen R. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Artur; Mandal, Rajni V.; Choopong, Pitipol "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Artur; Phadke, Pushkar A. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Artur; Prieto, Victor G. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Artur; Scolyer, Richard A. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Artur; Yang, Sung-Eun; Kafanas, Antonios; Lyle, Stephen R. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Zembowicz, Filip "Harvard International Review"
Zembrzycki, Stacey "Labour/Le Travail"
Zemcik, Petr "Southern Economic Journal"
ZEMEK, DAVID C. "Alaska Business Monthly"
Zemek, Matt "National Catholic Reporter"
Zemek, Roger; Szyszkowicz, Mieczyslaw; Rowe, Brian H. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zemek, Ruth "National Catholic Reporter"
Zemel, Felix I. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Zemer, Lior "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Zemetis, Barbara "Arts & Activities"
Zemgulys, Andrea "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Zemil, Nick "Virginia Tax Review"
Zemiler-Cizewski, Wanda "Theological Studies"
Zemke, Ron "Association Management"
Zemler-Cizewski, Wanda "Theological Studies"
Zemlickiene, Vaida; Maditinos, Dimitrios Ioannis "Business: Theory and Practice"
Zemlickova, Helena; Urbaskova, Pavla; Jakubu, Vladislav; Motlova, Jitka; Musilek, Martin; Prochazka, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Zemlin, A.E. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Zemlin, Annalise E.; Nutt, Louise; Burgess, Lesley J.; Eiman, Fredeline; Erasmus, Rajiv T. "South African Medical Journal"
Zemmels, David R. "Communication Research Trends"
Zemmour, Corinne "Mythlore"
Zemo, Michael "Rubber World"
Zemon, Candy "Library Trends"
Zemore, Sarah E. "Southern Medical Journal"
Zempel, Alan "Statistics of Income. SOI Bulletin"
Zempel, Alan; Wheeler, Tim "Statistics of Income. SOI Bulletin"
Zemsky, Robert "University Business"
Zemsky, Robert "Issues in Science and Technology"
Zen, Aurora Carneiro; Fensterseifer, Jaime Evaldo; Prevot, Frederic "Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios (Brazilian Journal of Business Management)"
Zenawi, Meles "African Business"
Zencali "Kabul Press (Kabul, Afghanistan)"
Zendeh, Alireza Bafandeh; Zandi, Rahil; Norouzi, Davoud "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Zendel, Oliver; Sulzbachner, Christoph; Kubinger, Wilfried "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zendeli, Fadil Memed "Revista de Stiinte Politice"
Zender, Anne "Association Management"
Zender, Karl F. "The Mississippi Quarterly"
Zendle, Keith Allan "Detroiter"
Zener, Rebecca; Jacquet, Yves; Wong, John W.; Enepekides, Danny; Higgins, Kevin M. "Journal of Surgical Case Reports"
Zeng, Benxiang "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Zeng, Fue; Li, Ji; Zhu, Hong; Cai, Zhenyao; Li, Pengcheng "Management International Review"
Zeng, Hong "CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture"
Zeng, Howard Z.; Leung, Raymond W.; Liu, Wenhao; Bian, Wei "Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association"
Zeng, Jinli "Southern Economic Journal"
Zeng, Junnan; Dou, Yannong; Guo, Jiaomei; Wu, Xin; Dai, Yue "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Zeng, Junxia; Pang, Xiaopeng; Zhang, linxiu; Medina, Alexis; Rozelle, Scott "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Zeng, Ka "Journal of East Asian Studies"
Zeng, Ke-Wu; Wang, Shu; Dong, Xin; Jiang, Yong; Tu, Peng-Fei "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Zeng, Ke-Wu; Zhang, Tai; Fu, Hong; Liu, Geng-Xin; Wang, Xue-Mei "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Zeng, Kui "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Zeng, Li-jiang "Advances in Natural Science"
Zeng, Oingcheng; Maloni, Michael J.; Paul, Jomon Aliyas; Yang, Zhongzhen "Transportation Journal"
Zeng, P.L.; Yan, H.C.; Wang, X.Q.; Zhang, C.M.; Zhu, C.; Shu, G.; Jiang, Q.Y. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Zeng, Qifeng "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Zeng, Qingcheng; Yang, Zhongzhen; Hu, Xiangpei "Transport"
Zeng, Ruochen; Zeng, Saixing; Xie, Xuemei; Tam, Chiming; Wan, Tianwei "Technological and Economic Development of Economy"
Zeng, S.X.; Xie, X.M.; Tam, C.M.; Sun, P.M. "Journal of Business Economics and Management"
Zeng, Saixing; Shen, Qi; Tam, Chiming; Wan, Tianwei "Journal of Business Economics and Management"
Zeng, Saixing; Xie, Xuemei; Tam, Chiming "Technological and Economic Development of Economy"
Zeng, X.C.; Chen, H.Y.; Hui, W.Q.; Jia, B.; Du, Y.C.; Tian, Y.Z. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Zeng, Xiaobin; Tian, Jun; Cai, Kangyong; Wu, Xin; Wang, Yang; Zheng, Yayuan; Su, Yanjie; Cui, Liao "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Zeng, Yongping; Ju, Shengui; Xing, Weihong; Chen, Changlin "Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering"
Zeng, Yuhong; Fu, Xiugen; Zeng, Shengqiang; Du, Gu; Chen, Jiang; Zhang, Qian; Zhang, Yirong; Yao, Ya "Oil Shale"
Zeng, Yuping; Shenkar, Oded; Song, Sangcheol; Lee, Seung-Hyun "Management International Review"
Zeng, Z.K.; Piao, X.S.; Wang, D.; Li, P.F.; Xue, L.F.; Salmon, Lorraine; Zhang, H.Y.; Han, X.; Liu, "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Zeng, Z.K.; Wang, D.; Piao, X.S.; Li, P.F.; Zhang, H.Y.; Shi, C.X.; Yu, S.K. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Zenga, Ron "Approach"
Zenger, Jack; Folkman, Joseph "Financial Executive"
Zenger, John H.; Edinger, Scott "Financial Executive"
Zenger, Ruth "Anglican Journal"
ZENGERLE, JASON "New York Times Upfront"
Zengerle, Jason "Washington Monthly"
Zengin, Aysel; Kilic, Sara Sebnem "The Journal of Current Pediatrics"
Zengin, Halit; Yuksel, Serkan; Soylu, Korhan; Meric, Murat "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Zengin, Huseyin; Zengin, Gulay; Zhou, Wensheng; Topping, Chris M.; Smith, Dennis W., Jr.; Foulger, S "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Zengshang, Ding "Scientia Magna"
Zeni, Jaquelini Oliveira; Santos, Ana Claudia; Carvalho, Fernando Rogerio "Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences (UEM)"
Zenick, Harold "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Zenilman, Avi "Washington Monthly"
Zenitani, Hiromu; Yamada, Sakutaro "Fishery Bulletin"
Zenk, Andrew "Rural Cooperatives"
Zenk, Peg "Agri Marketing"
Zenkel, Dan "Camping Magazine"
Zenkel, Daniel "Camping Magazine"
Zenkin, Alexander Sergeyevich; Leytkin, Alexander Iliych; Chinyaeva, Alexandra Yurievna; Pavlovich, "Advances in Environmental Biology"
Zenko, Bernard "Informatica"
Zenkov, Kristien Marquez "Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly"
Zenku, Driton "Albanian Press in Macedonia"
Zenner, Hans P. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Zenner, Hans Peter "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Zennor, John "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Zeno, Tia L.; Kaplan, Robert M. "Fathering"
Zenofsky, Steve "Best's Review"
Zenor, John "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Zenov, Darin I.; Ruiz-Gonzalez, Ruiz "Florida Bar Journal"
Zenreich, Michael "Real Estate Weekly"
Zens, Nancy L. "Film & History"
Zent, Brenda "The Tax Adviser"
Zentall, Sydney S. "Exceptional Children"
Zentall, Sydney S.; Kruczek, Theresa "Exceptional Children"
Zentall, Thomas R. "The Psychological Record"
Zentall, Thomas R. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Zentall, Thomas R.; Laude, Jennifer R.; Stagner, Jessica P.; Smith, Aaron P. "The Psychological Record"
Zentall, Thomas R.; Urcuioli, Peter J. "The Psychological Record"
Zentay, Diana D. "Saturday Evening Post"
Zentek, Kris "Database and Network Journal"
Zentella, Yoly "Journal of Third World Studies"
Zentner, Alexi "Queen's Quarterly"
Zentner, Jeremy "Thrasher"
Zentner, Joe "Mississippi Magazine"
Zentner, Scot J. "The Review of Metaphysics"
Zentner, Todd "Approach"
Zentner-Raasch, Caroline "Library Philosophy and Practice"
Zents, Jeffrey "The Review of Metaphysics"
Zenzerovic, Paolo; Car, Zlatan "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zenzerovic, Paolo; Macuka, Daniel; Kriskovic, Domagoj "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Zepeda, Curt "Best's Review"
Zepernick, Mary "Peace and Freedom"
Zepernick, Mary "International Peace Update"
Zepernick, Mary; Urner, Carol Reilly "Peace and Freedom"
Zepernik, Mary; Allison, Jim; Allison, Tomi "Peace and Freedom"
Zepezauer, Mark; Naiman, Arthur "Earth Island Journal"
Zephy; Haley "Girls' Life"
Zepinic, Vito "International Journal of Health Science"
Zepp, Jim "Corrections Today"
Zepp, William "Association Management"
Zeppa, Jamie "Literary Review of Canada"
Zeppel, Heather "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
Zeppel, Heather "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Zeppelin, Tonya K.; Tollit, Dominic J.; Call, Katherine A.; Orchard, Trevor J.; Gudmundson, Carolyn "Fishery Bulletin"
Zeppelini, Douglas; Brito, Roniere A. "Florida Entomologist"
Zeppelini, Douglas; Palacios-Vargas, Jose G. "Florida Entomologist"
Zeppos, Litsa; Patman, Shane; Berney, Susan; Adsett, Julie A.; Bridson, Julie M.; Paratz, Jennifer D "Australian Journal of Physiotherapy"

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