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The Danish Connection.

Summary: The concept of electronic integration gets a whole new dimension with Bang & Olufsen's revolutionary Beolink Gateway system.


tangible form is the preserve of creators dabbling in the anatomy of shape. These artists aren't connoisseurs of clay or wax. They sculpt aluminium and titanium polished to a liquid fluency as melody echoes through metal. On the occasion of its 90th anniversary, Bang & Olufsen ripens into a brand name of global reckoning.


An organic functionality permeates B&O's ethos. There are traces of pebbles and ripples sculpted into a streamlined silhouette lending weight to its claims of intuitive craft. Run a finger along the temptingly ridged facade to appreciate the brand's obsession with ergonomic detailing-a gentle stroke of the edge of the enlarged disc lowers and increases volume.



The Beolink Gateway allows for real-time configuration and immediate editing letting you integrate a plethora of diverse devices spread across rooms.


Linking a stream of actions creates macros or scenes that operate in symphony. This simplifies a series of complex tasks.

Planned Drivers

The platform does not include coding within the workflow. This allows it to focus on resourceoriented programming between installations. Welcome to home automation accessible at the click of a button.

The manufacturing process is done in Factory 5 at Bang & Olufsen's headquarters in Copenhagen, whose sparkling glass edifice belie the timber ramparts that lie within. Speaking to the senses with the eloquence of a poem, these devices are symbols of brilliance sheathed in edgy frames that resonate with expressive motifs. For B&O, expression is a whisper, a fleeting touch or a slight gesture. Branding is perfunctory, the symbol a mere dot on the harmonious woodscape of the Beolab 18. Outwardly, each contour is an expression of sharpened intricacy while the mechanics fitted with HD features create unique imagery.


Stretched taut over Denmark's spectrum of style, the 90-year-old company's aesthetic sits pat between that of the Royal Copenhagen Company and Lego. The brand is said to have a fair number of employees who joined from the building bricks giant. Staying true to the vision of Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen, it continues to be committed to the pursuit of pure design.

"A lot of tweaking is needed to make a substance as dense as wood become an element of audio streaming," clarifies Tonmeister Geoff Martin. You wouldn't think so if you saw the discs, cylinders and spheres in the trademark shade of matte silver and ink black.


It's not all monochrome; most products come with coloured sheaths for that pop of customised style. A riveting composition fitted with elements of superior mechanics lay the ground for a visceral reaction. The feeling only deepens with further exploration. Having identified the route to perfection-unobtrusive innovations that transform the experience of interacting with a device-B&O introduced the first tuck-away panels of knobs on a TV. A simple idea elevated to the level of genius, it set a norm of timeless relevance.


Coddling is part and parcel of the superfluous times we live in. It is when imagination transcends the realm of vanity that great ideas are born. In step with this culture of expectation, B&O wows with the Beolink Gateway.

Premised on the concept of multiroom entertainment, this service acquires the characteristics of a magical device. B&O's home automation system seeks to establish a level of living brimming with vitality.

The way Bang & Olufsen does it, the act of easing into the mood of the moment when you step into an integrated space of the brand, is assisted elegance. Having built an empire on delivering excellence, Bang & Olufsen's sound systems are graceful manipulators fooling the uninitiated into thinking they are glamorous decor elements. Imagine a home that starts crooning the moment you step inside. Lights are dimmed and the blinds part oh-so-slightly just the way you like it. There is no bulky player big enough to emit gravelly bass tones but a sleekly tapering apparition in gleaming titanium that holds sway.


Whittling the process down to a few basic steps through programming, the Beolink Gateway unifies control of your gadgets, linking their functionality. This streamlining occurs across manufacturers. Effectively, you can send commands through the Beolink app on your iPhone or iPad when you're turning into the driveway. The standout feature of the Beolink Gateway's Advances set-up is that all household appliances, from coffee machines to blinds, can be linked to it. Single trigger actions so far demonstrated in sci-fi movies are at your fingertips. With the custom installation industry witnessing a growth of 19 per cent, this could well be the next level in integrated living.

Install the Home Control menu in your BeoVision Avant. It allows for control of all home automation equipment down to light and climate control. It's perfect for the days you practice inertness and aspire to a higher level of sloth. The third option of control is the BeoRemote One, a snazzy yet unobtrusive device with which you can hide behind the curtains to play ghost and scare unsuspecting visitors. It's not advised except on Halloween. And, that's how you bask in the glory of smart engineering.

Available at BeoWorld, DLF Emporio, Vasant Kunj. Price on request.

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Publication:Business Today More (New Delhi, India)
Date:Dec 1, 2015
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