3/10 Difficulty 10 Playthroughs 10 Hours


Stage 1: Paris

Go to Paris and play through the main mission, The Showstopper, using whatever method you prefer. 

Trophies you should work towards in Stage 1

Stage 2: Paris Opportunities

Go back to Paris and replay through The Showstopper. It is recommended to concentrate first on completing the 8 different 'Opportunities' available, to work towards Silver So Many Ways to Stop the Show. Doing so will jump start your Rank Mastery and unlock gear which will come in handy later. The 'Opportunities' can be accessed through the Touchpad while in game.

Trophies you should work towards in Stage 2

Stage 3: Paris Escalation

Escalation Contracts are multi level missions set within the main mission location. To get the Bronze Paris Escalated trophy, you just need to complete one set within Paris. New Escalations are added to the game weekly so there will be no shortage of new opportunities to work on them. Follow the guide for more info.

Trophies you should work towards in Stage 3

Stage 4: Paris Challenges

Once you have all the Opportunities and an Escalation cleared, concentrate on completing challenges. Go for the 5,000 XP challenges first and work your way down. The aim is to get your Paris Level Mastery up to 20. Escalations set within Paris will also reward you with XP towards Level Mastery if you prefer playing those. 

While doing this, pick off any other trophies you have left when it suits, like Bronze Meeting the Rieper while you are up at the auction or Bronze Well Prepared during any play-through.

Trophies you should work towards in Stage 4

When No One Else Dares
Complete The Showstopper.
This trophy will unlock when you finish The Showstopper for the first time, regardless of how you complete the mission. Both targets (Viktor Novikov and Dalia Margolis) have to be dead, but how is up to you. It is recommended to use a couple of the 'Opportunities' to take them out, as they will have to be completed later on anyway. 

For more info, see Silver So Many Ways to Stop the Show
The Showstopper
Assassinate Viktor Novikov in a light rig accident.
This is the signature kill for this location, so here's how to do it:
  • Step 1: Go around to the rear of the palace. Use the terrace on the right side of the building to to bypass most of the security. You have to be a bit careful, but you should be able to take out one of the guards patrolling the area to the right of the helicopter. Take his suit and hide the body in the nearby crate.
  • Step 2: Go inside to the fashion show. Directly behind the catwalk you’ll find the stage plan. Read it. It basically says that if anything happens to Sato the fashion designer, Viktor Novikov will have to fill in for him on stage at the end of the show. 
  • Step 3: Next go into the large room where the models are getting ready to go on stage. There is a large glass case with a diorama inside off to one side of the room. Wait behind it for Sato to come near (he stands nearby with his back to the case) then put a coin in to activate it.
  • Step 4: Sato will get angry and walk over to the right for a drink. Follow him. After he finishes and begins to walk on, knock him out and hide him in the nearby crate.
  • Step 5: From here, make your way to the top floor and enter the attic space. Find a tool (there are plenty around up there) and climb out onto the light rig. Wait here for Viktor Novikov to go out on stage. Once he does, interact with the winch to drop the lights on him.
Meeting the Rieper
Become Tobias Rieper.
To get this trophy you have to attend the secret auction while wearing your suit. The auction is being hosted by your second target Dalia Margolis on the top floor at the rear of the building. The quickest way to get there is to head directly to the rear right corner of the building near to where the helicopter is parked. Use the terrace on the right side of the building to get around there and you will find a drainpipe that you can use to access the top floor via a balcony. 

Once up there, enter the auction room and look for the nearby empty seat that you can use to blend in by sitting down. Dalia will arrive soon after to start the auction. She will notice you and come over to find out who you are. Once you introduce yourself, the trophy will pop. 

Here is a video showing how to do it:

Meeting the Rieper Trophy Guide

So Many Ways to Stop the Show
Complete all Opportunities in The Showstopper.
There are 8 opportunities available in the The Showstopper:
  1. 15 Seconds of Fame - Model Meeting - Dalia
  2. A Drink to Die For - Poisoned Cocktail - Viktor
  3. A Private Meeting - Viktor
  4. A Quick Break - Laptop - Dalia
  5. A Rare Scoop - TV Crew - Viktor
  6. Guest of Honor - Sheik - Dalia
  7. Lights Out - Drop the Light Rig - Viktor
  8. Playing with Fire - Fireworks - Dalia or/and Viktor

You can easily work your way through them by tracking them as you start the level. Press the Touchpad to bring up the menu and go to the Opportunities tab. Select one and it will be highlighted within the mission. Follow the prompts to create an opportunity. Most of them will complete before the actual kill (Guest of Honor for instance unlocks once you get into the auction room). It is recommended that you finish the mission to make sure they save properly. 

It is possible to do all 8 in just 5 playthroughs once they are paired up correctly. For example:
  1. 'A Drink to Die For' followed by '15 Seconds of Fame'.
  2. 'A Private Meeting' followed by 'A Quick Break'.
  3. 'Guest of Honor' followed by 'A Rare Scoop'.
  4. 'Lights Out' on its own.
  5. 'Playing with Fire' on its own.

Once you stay away from the second Opportunity start point and don't take too long, you can can easily do many of them in pairs. After all 8 have been unlocked, the trophy will be yours.
Paris Escalated
Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in Paris.
Escalation Contracts are sets of levels where conditions are gradually ramped up in complexity over the course of 5 levels e.g. Level 1 will require you to do one thing, Level 2 will require two etc. The first available Escalation Contracts in Paris are called 'The Mandelbulb Requiem' and 'The Holmwood Disturbance', but new one's will cycle through regularly.

Here is a set of videos playing through 'The Mandelbulb Requiem':

The Mandelbulb Requiem - Level 1

The Mandelbulb Requiem - Level 2

The Mandelbulb Requiem - Level 3

The Mandelbulb Requiem - Level 4

The Mandelbulb Requiem - Level 5

For full solutions to all the currently available Escalations, follow this link: Escalation Contracts Playlist.
Well Prepared
Select a Starting Location and use an Agency Pickup to smuggle an item into Paris.
As the challenges or feats listed for each level are completed, XP is earned towards the rank mastery of that location. As you rank up, you will unlock new gear and get access to more varied options for your starting conditions: start location, dead drops etc. 

To get this trophy you will first have to had unlocked at least one extra start location, one agency pickup point and a spare piece of gear or weaponry. Once you have one of each (it won't take long, play through the mission a few different ways) go into the planning tab of the briefing before next replaying the level. Change the start location and smuggle an item into whatever Agency Pickup is now available. Make sure to do both or it won't count. They are the first two tabs in the planning section so you can't miss them. Then simply select to play the level. The trophy will pop before you start, so you don't actually have to play through it if you don't want to.
City of Light
Reach Paris Mastery Level 20.
This will probably be the last trophy unlocked in this DLC, as it requires the most time. Don't worry about it too much until you have the rest of the trophies out of the way. You can earn earn XP towards the mastery of a level by completing the challenges listed for it. There are enough challenges available in the Paris location to reach Rank 20 a few times over, so pick and choose as you like. 

Each challenge is worth a different amount of XP, varying from 1,000 to 5,000. By following the Roadmap for this guide, you will work through the opportunities first. Doing this will get you started ranking up fairly quickly, as they basically walk you through some of the challenges. And when first starting out, it is likely that you will finish the mission having completed several challenges in one run without really trying. Challenges can only be completed and counted once each, so a varied playstyle is recommended. Try approaching things using different routes or disguises, and keep an eye out for anything you can interact with. When all you have left to do is to finish this trophy, try to cherry pick the high 5,000 point challenges to shorten the time it will take.

Completing Escalation Contracts in a location also add 5000 XP each towards the mastery level and provide a nice method to level up without having to worry about challenges too much. There are currently several available. For full solutions to all the currently available Escalations, follow this link: Escalation Contracts Playlist.