Improving and Measuring Osteoporosis Management | Joint Commission
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Thursday 11:44 CST, February 9, 2017

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Improving and Measuring Osteoporosis Management

March 21, 2016

OsteoMono REVFinal

For postmenopausal females living in North America, the chances of hip fracture due to osteoporosis are greater than the chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer, combined. Often, there are precedent fractures of the wrist or spine, yet only about 20% of these fragility fracture patients are ever diagnosed with or treated for osteoporosis before a hip fracture occurs. The economic and personal tolls of this disease are immense, with an estimated national direct expenditure on osteoporotic fractures at over $18 billion per year.


Recognizing the significant impact of this under-treated disease, The Joint Commission embarked on a multi-year project, under the guidance of a Technical Advisory Panel to develop evidence-based performance measures for this patient population. "Improving and Measuring Osteoporosis Management" is a monograph first published in 2008; it contains an osteoporosis overview, discussion of quality management techniques, and draft performance measures for both inpatient and outpatient populations.

Pilot testing

Six draft quality performance measures underwent alpha and pilot testing from 2008-2011, resulting in finalization of three hospital performance measures (Osteoporosis-Associated Fracture Measures Implementation Guide) for patients with osteoporosis-associated fracture.

For additional questions or information, please contact Kathleen Domzalski, RN, MHA.
