Diversity & Inclusion


For L’Oréal, integrating Diversity and Inclusion into how we act and work together is a strategic lever towards achieving our objective of gaining over one billion new consumers via universalization, specifically globalization with a respect for differences.

By placing consumers at the heart of our strategy, L’Oréal must explore and reflect the infinite diversity of styles, habits and expressions of beauty across the world in order to effectively develop and market products most adapted to diversity.

This naturally spurs from the richness of diversity within teams and the ability to work together to innovate. L’Oréal gives special attention to its employees and the place of each person within their team.


For L’Oréal, Diversity focuses on welcoming and valuing people’s complementary strengths regardless of their gender, age, handicap, origin, religion, sexuality, etc. Inclusion aims at creating an environment which allows everyone to express their potential by being themselves within a collective respect for equal opportunity.


To transform these convictions into concretes actions, L’Oréal has for over 10 years been engaged in an innovative and ambitious policy promoting favoring Diversity and Inclusion worldwide.

To know more about Diversity & Inclusion click here