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The Stroke Advocacy Network (SAN) is the voice of the stroke community. Thousands of stroke survivors, caregivers, and other stroke partners who share their experiences, challenges, and needs with policy makes make SAN a powerful tool for change.

As a constituent (i.e., a resident of an elected official’s district), you have tremendous power to make a difference. Studies show that when an elected official hasn’t made a decision on an issue, their constituents have the most power to influence them. That same study states that in-person meetings from constituents are much more influential than visits from professional lobbyists.

SAN members impact public policy outcomes by influencing decision makers through writing letters, signing petitions, meeting with their legislators, and much more. 

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National Stroke Association’s Stroke Advocacy Network (SAN) is the voice of the stroke community.  SAN membership includes thousands of stroke survivors, caregivers, and other stroke partners who share their experiences, challenges, and needs with policy makers.

National Stroke Association’s Stroke Advocacy Network (SAN) is the voice of the stroke community.  SAN membership includes thousands of stroke survivors, caregivers, and other stroke partners who share their experiences, challenges, and needs with policy makers.

From how much money stroke survivors have to pay for outpatient therapy under Medicare, to financial support for vital brain research, decisions made in Washington D.C. affect the everyday lives of stroke survivors, caregivers, and the wider stroke community. 

From how much money stroke survivors have to pay for outpatient therapy under Medicare, to financial support for vital brain research, decisions made in Washington D.C. affect the everyday lives of stroke survivors, caregivers, and the wider stroke community. 

Most healthcare policy is created at the state level—by your state legislators. This includes policies that affect stroke diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. That’s why it’s important for state legislators to understand stroke and the daily challenges and needs of stroke survivors and their loved ones.

Most healthcare policy is created at the state level—by your state legislators. This includes policies that affect stroke diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. That’s why it’s important for state legislators to understand stroke and the daily challenges and needs of stroke survivors and their loved ones.

Communicating with you, their constituents, is a priority for every Congressional office, and social media has made that communication much faster and more direct.

Communicating with you, their constituents, is a priority for every Congressional office, and social media has made that communication much faster and more direct.

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For over 30 years we have been the trusted source for free resources and education to the stroke community. Together, we empower survivors and their circle of care to thrive after stroke. Make your tax-deductible donation today to support the growing needs of the stroke community.