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Community Presentations

Hosting a community presentation is a great way to get involved with National Stroke Association.  Whether the community you choose is your work, school, church, neighborhood, or some other group we have the tools you need to get the word out about stroke. 

There are many ways to get the word out about stroke awareness, including your friends and people you see often or someone you have never met.  In this section you can find ideas to get started.

Planning your Community Presentation includes setting all of the details of your event and gathering the information you want to share with your audience.

National Stroke Association has many resources and tools to help you plan a successful Community Presentation. Look here for more information on receiving your FREE Community Presentation In-a-box.

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For over 30 years we have been the trusted source for free resources and education to the stroke community. Together, we empower survivors and their circle of care to thrive after stroke. Make your tax-deductible donation today to support the growing needs of the stroke community.