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Stroke facts

Although stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in America and a leading cause of adult disability, many myths surround this disease. Test how much you know about stroke today



MYTH: Stroke cannot be prevented. FACT: Up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable.
MYTH: There is no treatment for stroke. FACT: At any sign of stroke call 9-1-1- immediately. Treatment may be available.
MYTH: Stroke only affects the elderly. FACT: Stroke can happen to anyone at any time.
MYTH: Stroke happens in the heart. FACT: Stroke is a "brain attack".
MYTH: Stroke recovery only happens for the first few months after a stroke. FACT: Stroke recovery is a lifelong process.
MYTH: Strokes are rare. FACT: There are nearly 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.
MYTH: Strokes are not hereditary. FACT: Family history of stroke increases your chance for stroke. 
MYTH: If stroke symptoms go away, you don’t have to see a doctor. FACT: Temporary stroke symptoms are called transient ischemic attacks (TIA). They are warning signs prior to actual stroke and need to be taken seriously.




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