
Attila4MC™ Software

Attila4MC improves analysis productivity by providing MCNP® users with CAD integration, automated variance reductions, and a user-friendly interface. Through the intuitive Attila4MC GUI, analysts can now import geometry directly from CAD and leverage MCNP’s new unstructured mesh functionality. Attila4MC’s state-of-the-art deterministic solver automatically generates weight windows with a minimal amount of user interaction, bypassing inefficient time-intensive manual variance reduction. Through Attila4MC’s GUI, most MCNP calculations can be set up entirely without editing an input deck, simplifying analysis and verification. Attila Software
SpaceClaim® is offered as an integrated option with Attila4MC, providing users with the full power of direct CAD modeling at their fingertips. With SpaceClaim, analysts can create, import, manipulate and repair geometry in ways previously only possible by full-time dedicated CAD experts. For more information, download the Attila4MC presentation.

Attila Software

Attila is a state-of-the-art software system providing fast and accurate solutions to demanding radiation transport applications. Attila leverages an advanced deterministic Boltzmann transport equation solver with an intuitive GUI and CAD integration, enabling users to rapidly and reliably perform complex calculations. Attila is ideally suited for applications dominated by large attenuations, such as radiation shielding. Attila calculates the solution everywhere, not just at pre-defined tally locations. Through both visual and quantitative output options, Attila provides analysts with insightful data needed for informed design decisions. 

Industrial Attila Software
For design verification, Attila includes the full functionality of Attila4MC. With Attila, users can easily obtain solutions from two independent first principles solvers, Attila and MCNP®, with the effort of only one. Attila is ideal for design, providing the full solution space for users to identify the critical areas and hot spots. MCNP® is ideal for verification, providing an independent stochastic check of the deterministic Attila calculation. For more information, download the Attila brief.

Attila Upgrades

Distributed Memory Parallelization (DMP) Upgrade
Provides near linear scaling on large clusters up to several hundred processors.

Activation/Depletion Module
GUI-driven activation and depletion calculations, fully integrated with Attila. Activation/depletion is performed on the same computational elements as the transport calculation, providing an unrivaled spatial precision and eliminating the need for a separate user-defined grid.

Customer Support

For matters concerning Varex Imaging Corporation and our products, feel free to call us with questions, comments, or inquiries. Our number is 1 801 972 5000
(toll free: 1 800 432 4422).