
  • New Middle East
    'CrossTalk' is RT's flagship program. This TV debate experience presents hot-topic discussions on...
    New Middle East
    Every once in a while, CrossTalk takes a look at the big picture of a story. In this case, it is the Middle East. What are the current defining trends, who are the winners and losers, and how is this volatile and very dangerous region changing? And...
  • Episode 1114
    Keiser Report
    Markets! Finance! Scandal! Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals...
    Episode 1114
    Max & Stacy discuss the narcissism of central banks holding $15 trillion in their own assets. They also discuss Morgan Stanley saying that some of their investors see Bitcoin as a better hedge to inflation than gold. Max continues his interview...
  • FavelaLive
    RT's documentaries give a varied and unique view on different aspects of life worldwide. They...
    The Favelas of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil are slums made up of self-built houses. These communities have expanded chaotically without government regulation. Life here is largely controlled by criminal gangs. The poorest members of society live in the...

RT asks

The most efficient way to counter terrorism in Europe is: