

Telma Retarder on board

Telma Testing


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ISO/TS 16949 ISO 14001 BS OHSAS 18001
Safety, Savings, Comfort, Environment
Products and applications
Scope of application

The Telma retarder offers unique passenger or transport vehicle performance in terms of comfort, safety, savings, and environment. This device ensures unparalleled performances in all vehicles, including the most recent. The unique characteristics of Telma retarders ensure outstanding results in numerous industrial applications.

This section includes a non-exhaustive list of Telma retarders’ major applications. For more details on their advantages, please refer to the section titled "Advantages of Telma retarders".

Test benches

Some Telma retarder models of the Axial series have been especially designed to best meet the specific requirements of test bench integration, such as engine torque measurements or braking capacity tests. In this area where every application has its own specificities, Telma guides clients in their projects so as to help them define the solutions best meeting their needs.


Two Telma retarders have been proudly achieving their mission above the top floor of the Eiffel Tower since 1983. These invisible workers continuously ensure safety for millions of people who, every day, enter lifts from the second floor to the top of this exceptional structure. Telma retarders were selected for their ability to ensure progressive braking of cabins to a safe stop on the lower level. Telma retarders are also used in numerous funicular trains and cable cars in mountain or urban areas.

Wind turbines

Telma retarders efficiently support friction systems used for wind turbines emergency brakes. They offer unique economical and environmental advantages.

For mid-size wind turbines, Telma retarders additionally offer an alternate solution to mechanical motor speed control systems. By controlling blade rotation speed, they widen the turbine operating range, which significantly increases productivity.

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